blob: 60137c8fe1628d1ce9200dd9b2a8d34053a6c18a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
typedef void ChainErrorCallback(stack, Chain chain);
void main() {
group('Chain.parse()', () {
test('parses a real Chain', () {
return captureFuture(() => inMicrotask(() => throw 'error'))
.then((chain) {
expect(new Chain.parse(chain.toString()).toString(),
test('parses an empty string', () {
var chain = new Chain.parse('');
expect(chain.traces, isEmpty);
test('parses a chain containing empty traces', () {
var chain = new Chain.parse(
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n');
expect(chain.traces, hasLength(3));
expect(chain.traces[0].frames, isEmpty);
expect(chain.traces[1].frames, isEmpty);
expect(chain.traces[2].frames, isEmpty);
group("Chain.capture() with when: false", () {
test("with no onError doesn't block errors", () {
expect(Chain.capture(() => new Future.error("oh no"), when: false),
throwsA("oh no"));
test("with onError blocks errors", () {
Chain.capture(() {
return new Future.error("oh no");
}, onError: expectAsync((error, chain) {
expect(error, equals("oh no"));
expect(chain, new isInstanceOf<Chain>());
}) as ChainErrorCallback, when: false);
// TODO(rnystrom): Remove this cast if expectAsync() gets a better type.
test("doesn't enable chain-tracking", () {
return Chain.disable(() {
return Chain.capture(() {
var completer = new Completer();
inMicrotask(() {
completer.complete(new Chain.current());
return completer.future.then((chain) {
expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
}, when: false);
group("Chain.disable()", () {
test("disables chain-tracking", () {
return Chain.disable(() {
var completer = new Completer();
inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
return completer.future.then((chain) {
expect(chain.traces, hasLength(1));
test("Chain.capture() re-enables chain-tracking", () {
return Chain.disable(() {
return Chain.capture(() {
var completer = new Completer();
inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
return completer.future.then((chain) {
expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
test("preserves parent zones of the capture zone", () {
// The outer disable call turns off the test package's chain-tracking.
return Chain.disable(() {
return runZoned(() {
return Chain.capture(() {
expect(Chain.disable(() => Zone.current[#enabled]), isTrue);
}, zoneValues: {#enabled: true});
test("preserves child zones of the capture zone", () {
// The outer disable call turns off the test package's chain-tracking.
return Chain.disable(() {
return Chain.capture(() {
return runZoned(() {
expect(Chain.disable(() => Zone.current[#enabled]), isTrue);
}, zoneValues: {#enabled: true});
test("with when: false doesn't disable", () {
return Chain.capture(() {
return Chain.disable(() {
var completer = new Completer();
inMicrotask(() => completer.complete(new Chain.current()));
return completer.future.then((chain) {
expect(chain.traces, hasLength(2));
}, when: false);
test("toString() ensures that all traces are aligned", () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse('short 10:11\n'),
new Trace.parse('loooooooooooong 10:11 Zop.zoop')
expect(chain.toString(), equals(
'short 10:11\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'loooooooooooong 10:11 Zop.zoop\n'));
var userSlashCode = p.join('user', 'code.dart');
group('Chain.terse', () {
test('makes each trace terse', () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'dart:core 10:11\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'user/code.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Zop.zoop'),
new Trace.parse(
'user/code.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'dart:core 10:11\n'
'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'user/code.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop')
expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals(
'dart:core Bar.baz\n'
'$userSlashCode 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'$userSlashCode 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'dart:core Zip.zap\n'
'$userSlashCode 10:11 Zop.zoop\n'));
test('eliminates internal-only traces', () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz'),
new Trace.parse(
'dart:core 10:11\n'
'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Zip.zap'),
new Trace.parse(
'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz')
expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals(
'$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'$userSlashCode 10:11\n'));
test("doesn't return an empty chain", () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'dart:core 10:11\n'
'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Zip.zap'),
new Trace.parse(
'dart:core 10:11 A.b\n'
'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart 10:11 C.d\n'
'dart:core 10:11 E.f')
expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals('dart:core E.f\n'));
// Regression test for #9
test("doesn't crash on empty traces", () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse('user/code.dart 10:11 Bang.qux'),
new Trace([]),
new Trace.parse('user/code.dart 10:11 Bang.qux')
expect(chain.terse.toString(), equals(
'$userSlashCode 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'$userSlashCode 10:11 Bang.qux\n'));
group('Chain.foldFrames', () {
test('folds each trace', () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop'),
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop')
var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
expect(folded.toString(), equals(
'a.dart 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop\n'));
test('with terse: true, folds core frames as well', () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'dart:async-patch/future.dart 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop'),
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop')
var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart',
terse: true);
expect(folded.toString(), equals(
'dart:async Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'a.dart Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop\n'));
test('eliminates completely-folded traces', () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Bang.qux'),
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Bang.qux'),
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop')
var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
expect(folded.toString(), equals(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'
'===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Zip.zap\n'
'b.dart 10:11 Zop.zoop\n'));
test("doesn't return an empty trace", () {
var chain = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'a.dart 10:11\n'
'a.dart 10:11 Bang.qux')
var folded = chain.foldFrames((frame) => frame.library == 'a.dart');
expect(folded.toString(), equals('a.dart 10:11 Bang.qux\n'));
test('Chain.toTrace eliminates asynchronous gaps', () {
var trace = new Chain([
new Trace.parse(
'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz'),
new Trace.parse(
'user/code.dart 10:11\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz')
expect(trace.toString(), equals(
'$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz\n'
'$userSlashCode 10:11\n'
'dart:core 10:11 Bar.baz\n'));