blob: 954cf453e9020a87073d513bf134010286d50a7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library trace;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'chain.dart';
import 'frame.dart';
import 'lazy_trace.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'vm_trace.dart';
final _terseRegExp = new RegExp(r"(-patch)?(/.*)?$");
/// A RegExp to match V8's stack traces.
/// V8's traces start with a line that's either just "Error" or else is a
/// description of the exception that occurred. That description can be multiple
/// lines, so we just look for any line other than the first that begins with
/// three or four spaces and "at".
final _v8Trace = new RegExp(r"\n ?at ");
/// A RegExp to match indidual lines of V8's stack traces.
/// This is intended to filter out the leading exception details of the trace
/// though it is possible for the message to match this as well.
final _v8TraceLine = new RegExp(r" ?at ");
/// A RegExp to match Firefox and Safari's stack traces.
/// Firefox and Safari have very similar stack trace formats, so we use the same
/// logic for parsing them.
/// Firefox's trace frames start with the name of the function in which the
/// error occurred, possibly including its parameters inside `()`. For example,
/// `$0("arg")@`.
/// Safari traces occasionally don't include the initial method name followed by
/// "@", and they always have both the line and column number (or just a
/// trailing colon if no column number is available). They can also contain
/// empty lines or lines consisting only of `[native code]`.
final _firefoxSafariTrace = new RegExp(
r"(" // Member description. Not present in some Safari frames.
r"([.0-9A-Za-z_$/<]|\(.*\))*" // Member name and arguments.
r"[^\s]*" // Frame URL.
r":\d*" // Line or column number. Some older frames only have a line number.
r"$", multiLine: true);
/// A RegExp to match this package's stack traces.
final _friendlyTrace = new RegExp(r"^[^\s]+( \d+(:\d+)?)?[ \t]+[^\s]+$",
multiLine: true);
/// A stack trace, comprised of a list of stack frames.
class Trace implements StackTrace {
/// The stack frames that comprise this stack trace.
final List<Frame> frames;
/// Returns a human-readable representation of [stackTrace]. If [terse] is
/// set, this folds together multiple stack frames from the Dart core
/// libraries, so that only the core library method directly called from user
/// code is visible (see [Trace.terse]).
static String format(StackTrace stackTrace, {bool terse: true}) {
var trace = new Trace.from(stackTrace);
if (terse) trace = trace.terse;
return trace.toString();
/// Returns the current stack trace.
/// By default, the first frame of this trace will be the line where
/// [Trace.current] is called. If [level] is passed, the trace will start that
/// many frames up instead.
factory Trace.current([int level=0]) {
if (level < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("Argument [level] must be greater than or equal "
"to 0.");
try {
throw '';
} catch (_, nativeTrace) {
var trace = new Trace.from(nativeTrace);
return new LazyTrace(() => new Trace(trace.frames.skip(level + 1)));
/// Returns a new stack trace containing the same data as [trace].
/// If [trace] is a native [StackTrace], its data will be parsed out; if it's
/// a [Trace], it will be returned as-is.
factory Trace.from(StackTrace trace) {
// Normally explicitly validating null arguments is bad Dart style, but here
// the natural failure will only occur when the LazyTrace is materialized,
// and we want to provide an error that's more local to the actual problem.
if (trace == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("Cannot create a Trace from null.");
if (trace is Trace) return trace;
if (trace is Chain) return trace.toTrace();
return new LazyTrace(() => new Trace.parse(trace.toString()));
/// Parses a string representation of a stack trace.
/// [trace] should be formatted in the same way as a Dart VM or browser stack
/// trace.
factory Trace.parse(String trace) {
try {
if (trace.isEmpty) return new Trace(<Frame>[]);
if (trace.contains(_v8Trace)) return new Trace.parseV8(trace);
if (trace.contains(_firefoxSafariTrace)) {
return new Trace.parseFirefox(trace);
if (trace.contains(_friendlyTrace)) {
return new Trace.parseFriendly(trace);
// Default to parsing the stack trace as a VM trace. This is also hit on
// IE and Safari, where the stack trace is just an empty string (issue
// 11257).
return new Trace.parseVM(trace);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
throw new FormatException('${error.message}\nStack trace:\n$trace');
/// Parses a string representation of a Dart VM stack trace.
Trace.parseVM(String trace)
: this(trace.trim().split("\n").
// TODO(nweiz): remove this when issue 15920 is fixed.
where((line) => line.isNotEmpty).
map((line) => new Frame.parseVM(line)));
/// Parses a string representation of a Chrome/V8 stack trace.
Trace.parseV8(String trace)
: this(trace.split("\n").skip(1)
// It's possible that an Exception's description contains a line that
// looks like a V8 trace line, which will screw this up.
// Unfortunately, that's impossible to detect.
.skipWhile((line) => !line.startsWith(_v8TraceLine))
.map((line) => new Frame.parseV8(line)));
/// Parses a string representation of an Internet Explorer stack trace.
/// IE10+ traces look just like V8 traces. Prior to IE10, stack traces can't
/// be retrieved.
Trace.parseIE(String trace)
: this.parseV8(trace);
/// Parses a string representation of a Firefox stack trace.
Trace.parseFirefox(String trace)
: this(trace.trim().split("\n")
.where((line) => line.isNotEmpty && line != '[native code]')
.map((line) => new Frame.parseFirefox(line)));
/// Parses a string representation of a Safari stack trace.
Trace.parseSafari(String trace)
: this.parseFirefox(trace);
/// Parses a string representation of a Safari 6.1+ stack trace.
@Deprecated("Use Trace.parseSafari instead.")
Trace.parseSafari6_1(String trace)
: this.parseSafari(trace);
/// Parses a string representation of a Safari 6.0 stack trace.
@Deprecated("Use Trace.parseSafari instead.")
Trace.parseSafari6_0(String trace)
: this(trace.trim().split("\n")
.where((line) => line != '[native code]')
.map((line) => new Frame.parseFirefox(line)));
/// Parses this package's string representation of a stack trace.
/// This also parses string representations of [Chain]s. They parse to the
/// same trace that [Chain.toTrace] would return.
Trace.parseFriendly(String trace)
: this(trace.trim().split("\n")
// Filter out asynchronous gaps from [Chain]s.
.where((line) => !line.startsWith('====='))
.map((line) => new Frame.parseFriendly(line)));
/// Returns a new [Trace] comprised of [frames].
Trace(Iterable<Frame> frames)
: frames = new UnmodifiableListView<Frame>(frames.toList());
/// Returns a VM-style [StackTrace] object.
/// The return value's [toString] method will always return a string
/// representation in the Dart VM's stack trace format, regardless of what
/// platform is being used.
StackTrace get vmTrace => new VMTrace(frames);
/// Returns a terser version of [this].
/// This is accomplished by folding together multiple stack frames from the
/// core library or from this package, as in [foldFrames]. Remaining core
/// library frames have their libraries, "-patch" suffixes, and line numbers
/// removed. If the outermost frame of the stack trace is a core library
/// frame, it's removed entirely.
/// For custom folding, see [foldFrames].
Trace get terse => foldFrames((_) => false, terse: true);
/// Returns a new [Trace] based on [this] where multiple stack frames matching
/// [predicate] are folded together.
/// This means that whenever there are multiple frames in a row that match
/// [predicate], only the last one is kept. This is useful for limiting the
/// amount of library code that appears in a stack trace by only showing user
/// code and code that's called by user code.
/// If [terse] is true, this will also fold together frames from the core
/// library or from this package, simplify core library frames, and
/// potentially remove the outermost frame as in [Trace.terse].
Trace foldFrames(bool predicate(Frame frame), {bool terse: false}) {
if (terse) {
var oldPredicate = predicate;
predicate = (frame) {
if (oldPredicate(frame)) return true;
if (frame.isCore) return true;
if (frame.package == 'stack_trace') return true;
// Ignore async stack frames without any line or column information.
// These come from the VM's async/await implementation and represent
// internal frames. They only ever show up in stack chains and are
// always surrounded by other traces that are actually useful, so we can
// just get rid of them.
// TODO(nweiz): Get rid of this logic some time after issue 22009 is
// fixed.
if (!frame.member.contains('<async>')) return false;
return frame.line == null;
var newFrames = [];
for (var frame in frames.reversed) {
if (!predicate(frame)) {
} else if (newFrames.isEmpty || !predicate(newFrames.last)) {
newFrames.add(new Frame(
frame.uri, frame.line, frame.column, frame.member));
if (terse) {
newFrames = {
if (!predicate(frame)) return frame;
var library = frame.library.replaceAll(_terseRegExp, '');
return new Frame(Uri.parse(library), null, null, frame.member);
if (newFrames.first.isCore && newFrames.length > 1) newFrames.removeAt(0);
return new Trace(newFrames.reversed);
/// Returns a human-readable string representation of [this].
String toString() {
// Figure out the longest path so we know how much to pad.
var longest = => frame.location.length)
.fold(0, math.max);
// Print out the stack trace nicely formatted.
return {
return '${padRight(frame.location, longest)} ${frame.member}\n';