blob: 05fd340a26dbaddf22b4d76d59a30c0fec5cb9f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
import 'file.dart';
import 'highlighter.dart';
import 'location.dart';
import 'span_mixin.dart';
import 'span_with_context.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A class that describes a segment of source text.
abstract class SourceSpan implements Comparable<SourceSpan> {
/// The start location of this span.
SourceLocation get start;
/// The end location of this span, exclusive.
SourceLocation get end;
/// The source text for this span.
String get text;
/// The URL of the source (typically a file) of this span.
/// This may be null, indicating that the source URL is unknown or
/// unavailable.
Uri? get sourceUrl;
/// The length of this span, in characters.
int get length;
/// Creates a new span from [start] to [end] (exclusive) containing [text].
/// [start] and [end] must have the same source URL and [start] must come
/// before [end]. [text] must have a number of characters equal to the
/// distance between [start] and [end].
factory SourceSpan(SourceLocation start, SourceLocation end, String text) =>
SourceSpanBase(start, end, text);
/// Creates a new span that's the union of `this` and [other].
/// The two spans must have the same source URL and may not be disjoint.
/// [text] is computed by combining `this.text` and `other.text`.
SourceSpan union(SourceSpan other);
/// Compares two spans.
/// [other] must have the same source URL as `this`. This orders spans by
/// [start] then [length].
int compareTo(SourceSpan other);
/// Formats [message] in a human-friendly way associated with this span.
/// [color] may either be a [String], a [bool], or `null`. If it's a string,
/// it indicates an [ANSI terminal color escape][] that should
/// be used to highlight the span's text (for example, `"\u001b[31m"` will
/// color red). If it's `true`, it indicates that the text should be
/// highlighted using the default color. If it's `false` or `null`, it
/// indicates that the text shouldn't be highlighted.
/// This uses the full range of Unicode characters to highlight the source
/// span if [glyph.ascii] is `false` (the default), but only uses ASCII
/// characters if it's `true`.
/// [ANSI terminal color escape]:
String message(String message, {color});
/// Prints the text associated with this span in a user-friendly way.
/// This is identical to [message], except that it doesn't print the file
/// name, line number, column number, or message. If [length] is 0 and this
/// isn't a [SourceSpanWithContext], returns an empty string.
/// [color] may either be a [String], a [bool], or `null`. If it's a string,
/// it indicates an [ANSI terminal color escape][] that should
/// be used to highlight the span's text (for example, `"\u001b[31m"` will
/// color red). If it's `true`, it indicates that the text should be
/// highlighted using the default color. If it's `false` or `null`, it
/// indicates that the text shouldn't be highlighted.
/// This uses the full range of Unicode characters to highlight the source
/// span if [glyph.ascii] is `false` (the default), but only uses ASCII
/// characters if it's `true`.
/// [ANSI terminal color escape]:
String highlight({color});
/// A base class for source spans with [start], [end], and [text] known at
/// construction time.
class SourceSpanBase extends SourceSpanMixin {
final SourceLocation start;
final SourceLocation end;
final String text;
SourceSpanBase(this.start, this.end, this.text) {
if (end.sourceUrl != start.sourceUrl) {
throw ArgumentError('Source URLs "${start.sourceUrl}" and '
" \"${end.sourceUrl}\" don't match.");
} else if (end.offset < start.offset) {
throw ArgumentError('End $end must come after start $start.');
} else if (text.length != start.distance(end)) {
throw ArgumentError('Text "$text" must be ${start.distance(end)} '
'characters long.');
// TODO(#52): Move these to instance methods in the next breaking release.
/// Extension methods on the base [SourceSpan] API.
extension SourceSpanExtension on SourceSpan {
/// Like [SourceSpan.message], but also highlights [secondarySpans] to provide
/// the user with additional context.
/// Each span takes a label ([label] for this span, and the values of the
/// [secondarySpans] map for the secondary spans) that's used to indicate to
/// the user what that particular span represents.
/// If [color] is `true`, [ANSI terminal color escapes][] are used to color
/// the resulting string. By default this span is colored red and the
/// secondary spans are colored blue, but that can be customized by passing
/// ANSI escape strings to [primaryColor] or [secondaryColor].
/// [ANSI terminal color escapes]:
/// Each span in [secondarySpans] must refer to the same document as this
/// span. Throws an [ArgumentError] if any secondary span has a different
/// source URL than this span.
/// Note that while this will work with plain [SourceSpan]s, it will produce
/// much more useful output with [SourceSpanWithContext]s (including
/// [FileSpan]s).
String messageMultiple(
String message, String label, Map<SourceSpan, String> secondarySpans,
{bool color = false, String? primaryColor, String? secondaryColor}) {
final buffer = StringBuffer()
..write('line ${start.line + 1}, column ${start.column + 1}');
if (sourceUrl != null) buffer.write(' of ${p.prettyUri(sourceUrl)}');
..writeln(': $message')
..write(highlightMultiple(label, secondarySpans,
color: color,
primaryColor: primaryColor,
secondaryColor: secondaryColor));
return buffer.toString();
/// Like [SourceSpan.highlight], but also highlights [secondarySpans] to
/// provide the user with additional context.
/// Each span takes a label ([label] for this span, and the values of the
/// [secondarySpans] map for the secondary spans) that's used to indicate to
/// the user what that particular span represents.
/// If [color] is `true`, [ANSI terminal color escapes][] are used to color
/// the resulting string. By default this span is colored red and the
/// secondary spans are colored blue, but that can be customized by passing
/// ANSI escape strings to [primaryColor] or [secondaryColor].
/// [ANSI terminal color escapes]:
/// Each span in [secondarySpans] must refer to the same document as this
/// span. Throws an [ArgumentError] if any secondary span has a different
/// source URL than this span.
/// Note that while this will work with plain [SourceSpan]s, it will produce
/// much more useful output with [SourceSpanWithContext]s (including
/// [FileSpan]s).
String highlightMultiple(String label, Map<SourceSpan, String> secondarySpans,
{bool color = false, String? primaryColor, String? secondaryColor}) =>
Highlighter.multiple(this, label, secondarySpans,
color: color,
primaryColor: primaryColor,
secondaryColor: secondaryColor)
/// Returns a span from [start] code units (inclusive) to [end] code units
/// (exclusive) after the beginning of this span.
SourceSpan subspan(int start, [int? end]) {
RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, length);
if (start == 0 && (end == null || end == length)) return this;
final locations = subspanLocations(this, start, end);
return SourceSpan(locations[0], locations[1], text.substring(start, end));