blob: 581f03f30dcf4300fd9b798363e9eba124632a62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
void main() {
late SourceFile file;
setUp(() {
file = SourceFile.fromString('''
foo bar baz
whiz bang boom
zip zap zop''', url: 'foo.dart');
group('errors', () {
group('for span()', () {
test('end must come after start', () {
expect(() => file.span(10, 5), throwsArgumentError);
test('start may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.span(-1, 5), throwsRangeError);
test('end may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.span(10, 100), throwsRangeError);
group('for location()', () {
test('offset may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.location(-1), throwsRangeError);
test('offset may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.location(100), throwsRangeError);
group('for getLine()', () {
test('offset may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.getLine(-1), throwsRangeError);
test('offset may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.getLine(100), throwsRangeError);
group('for getColumn()', () {
test('offset may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.getColumn(-1), throwsRangeError);
test('offset may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.getColumn(100), throwsRangeError);
test('line may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.getColumn(1, line: -1), throwsRangeError);
test('line may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.getColumn(1, line: 100), throwsRangeError);
test('line must be accurate', () {
expect(() => file.getColumn(1, line: 1), throwsRangeError);
group('getOffset()', () {
test('line may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.getOffset(-1), throwsRangeError);
test('column may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.getOffset(1, -1), throwsRangeError);
test('line may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.getOffset(100), throwsRangeError);
test('column may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.getOffset(2, 100), throwsRangeError);
test('column may not be outside the line', () {
expect(() => file.getOffset(1, 20), throwsRangeError);
group('for getText()', () {
test('end must come after start', () {
expect(() => file.getText(10, 5), throwsArgumentError);
test('start may not be negative', () {
expect(() => file.getText(-1, 5), throwsRangeError);
test('end may not be outside the file', () {
expect(() => file.getText(10, 100), throwsRangeError);
group('for span().union()', () {
test('source URLs must match', () {
final other = SourceSpan(SourceLocation(10), SourceLocation(11), '_');
expect(() => file.span(9, 10).union(other), throwsArgumentError);
test('spans may not be disjoint', () {
expect(() => file.span(9, 10).union(file.span(11, 12)),
test('for span().expand() source URLs must match', () {
final other = SourceFile.fromString('''
foo bar baz
whiz bang boom
zip zap zop''', url: 'bar.dart').span(10, 11);
expect(() => file.span(9, 10).expand(other), throwsArgumentError);
test('fields work correctly', () {
expect(file.url, equals(Uri.parse('foo.dart')));
expect(file.lines, equals(3));
expect(file.length, equals(38));
group('new SourceFile()', () {
test('handles CRLF correctly', () {
expect(SourceFile.fromString('foo\r\nbar').getLine(6), equals(1));
test('handles a lone CR correctly', () {
expect(SourceFile.fromString('foo\rbar').getLine(5), equals(1));
group('span()', () {
test('returns a span between the given offsets', () {
final span = file.span(5, 10);
expect(span.start, equals(file.location(5)));
expect(span.end, equals(file.location(10)));
test('end defaults to the end of the file', () {
final span = file.span(5);
expect(span.start, equals(file.location(5)));
expect(span.end, equals(file.location(file.length)));
group('getLine()', () {
test('works for a middle character on the line', () {
expect(file.getLine(15), equals(1));
test('works for the first character of a line', () {
expect(file.getLine(12), equals(1));
test('works for a newline character', () {
expect(file.getLine(11), equals(0));
test('works for the last offset', () {
expect(file.getLine(file.length), equals(2));
group('getColumn()', () {
test('works for a middle character on the line', () {
expect(file.getColumn(15), equals(3));
test('works for the first character of a line', () {
expect(file.getColumn(12), equals(0));
test('works for a newline character', () {
expect(file.getColumn(11), equals(11));
test('works when line is passed as well', () {
expect(file.getColumn(12, line: 1), equals(0));
test('works for the last offset', () {
expect(file.getColumn(file.length), equals(11));
group('getOffset()', () {
test('works for a middle character on the line', () {
expect(file.getOffset(1, 3), equals(15));
test('works for the first character of a line', () {
expect(file.getOffset(1), equals(12));
test('works for a newline character', () {
expect(file.getOffset(0, 11), equals(11));
test('works for the last offset', () {
expect(file.getOffset(2, 11), equals(file.length));
group('getText()', () {
test('returns a substring of the source', () {
expect(file.getText(8, 15), equals('baz\nwhi'));
test('end defaults to the end of the file', () {
expect(file.getText(20), equals('g boom\nzip zap zop'));
group('FileLocation', () {
test('reports the correct line number', () {
expect(file.location(15).line, equals(1));
test('reports the correct column number', () {
expect(file.location(15).column, equals(3));
test('pointSpan() returns a FileSpan', () {
final location = file.location(15);
final span = location.pointSpan();
expect(span, isA<FileSpan>());
expect(span.start, equals(location));
expect(span.end, equals(location));
expect(span.text, isEmpty);
group('FileSpan', () {
test('text returns a substring of the source', () {
expect(file.span(8, 15).text, equals('baz\nwhi'));
test('text includes the last char when end is defaulted to EOF', () {
expect(file.span(29).text, equals('p zap zop'));
group('context', () {
test("contains the span's text", () {
final span = file.span(8, 15);
expect(span.context.contains(span.text), isTrue);
expect(span.context, equals('foo bar baz\nwhiz bang boom\n'));
test('contains the previous line for a point span at the end of a line',
() {
final span = file.span(25, 25);
expect(span.context, equals('whiz bang boom\n'));
test('contains the next line for a point span at the beginning of a line',
() {
final span = file.span(12, 12);
expect(span.context, equals('whiz bang boom\n'));
group('for a point span at the end of a file', () {
test('without a newline, contains the last line', () {
final span = file.span(file.length, file.length);
expect(span.context, equals('zip zap zop'));
test('with a newline, contains an empty line', () {
file = SourceFile.fromString('''
foo bar baz
whiz bang boom
zip zap zop
''', url: 'foo.dart');
final span = file.span(file.length, file.length);
expect(span.context, isEmpty);
group('union()', () {
late FileSpan span;
setUp(() {
span = file.span(5, 12);
test('works with a preceding adjacent span', () {
final other = file.span(0, 5);
final result = span.union(other);
expect(result.start, equals(other.start));
expect(result.end, equals(span.end));
expect(result.text, equals('foo bar baz\n'));
test('works with a preceding overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(0, 8);
final result = span.union(other);
expect(result.start, equals(other.start));
expect(result.end, equals(span.end));
expect(result.text, equals('foo bar baz\n'));
test('works with a following adjacent span', () {
final other = file.span(12, 16);
final result = span.union(other);
expect(result.start, equals(span.start));
expect(result.end, equals(other.end));
expect(result.text, equals('ar baz\nwhiz'));
test('works with a following overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(9, 16);
final result = span.union(other);
expect(result.start, equals(span.start));
expect(result.end, equals(other.end));
expect(result.text, equals('ar baz\nwhiz'));
test('works with an internal overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(7, 10);
expect(span.union(other), equals(span));
test('works with an external overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(0, 16);
expect(span.union(other), equals(other));
test('returns a FileSpan for a FileSpan input', () {
expect(span.union(file.span(0, 5)), isA<FileSpan>());
test('returns a base SourceSpan for a SourceSpan input', () {
final other = SourceSpan(SourceLocation(0, sourceUrl: 'foo.dart'),
SourceLocation(5, sourceUrl: 'foo.dart'), 'hey, ');
final result = span.union(other);
expect(result, isNot(isA<FileSpan>()));
expect(result.start, equals(other.start));
expect(result.end, equals(span.end));
expect(result.text, equals('hey, ar baz\n'));
group('expand()', () {
late FileSpan span;
setUp(() {
span = file.span(5, 12);
test('works with a preceding nonadjacent span', () {
final other = file.span(0, 3);
final result = span.expand(other);
expect(result.start, equals(other.start));
expect(result.end, equals(span.end));
expect(result.text, equals('foo bar baz\n'));
test('works with a preceding overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(0, 8);
final result = span.expand(other);
expect(result.start, equals(other.start));
expect(result.end, equals(span.end));
expect(result.text, equals('foo bar baz\n'));
test('works with a following nonadjacent span', () {
final other = file.span(14, 16);
final result = span.expand(other);
expect(result.start, equals(span.start));
expect(result.end, equals(other.end));
expect(result.text, equals('ar baz\nwhiz'));
test('works with a following overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(9, 16);
final result = span.expand(other);
expect(result.start, equals(span.start));
expect(result.end, equals(other.end));
expect(result.text, equals('ar baz\nwhiz'));
test('works with an internal overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(7, 10);
expect(span.expand(other), equals(span));
test('works with an external overlapping span', () {
final other = file.span(0, 16);
expect(span.expand(other), equals(other));
group('subspan()', () {
late FileSpan span;
setUp(() {
span = file.span(5, 11); // "ar baz"
group('errors', () {
test('start must be greater than zero', () {
expect(() => span.subspan(-1), throwsRangeError);
test('start must be less than or equal to length', () {
expect(() => span.subspan(span.length + 1), throwsRangeError);
test('end must be greater than start', () {
expect(() => span.subspan(2, 1), throwsRangeError);
test('end must be less than or equal to length', () {
expect(() => span.subspan(0, span.length + 1), throwsRangeError);
test('preserves the source URL', () {
final result = span.subspan(1, 2);
expect(result.start.sourceUrl, equals(span.sourceUrl));
expect(result.end.sourceUrl, equals(span.sourceUrl));
group('returns the original span', () {
test('with an implicit end',
() => expect(span.subspan(0), equals(span)));
test('with an explicit end',
() => expect(span.subspan(0, span.length), equals(span)));
group('within a single line', () {
test('returns a strict substring of the original span', () {
final result = span.subspan(1, 5);
expect(result.text, equals('r ba'));
expect(result.start.offset, equals(6));
expect(result.start.line, equals(0));
expect(result.start.column, equals(6));
expect(result.end.offset, equals(10));
expect(result.end.line, equals(0));
expect(result.end.column, equals(10));
test('an implicit end goes to the end of the original span', () {
final result = span.subspan(1);
expect(result.text, equals('r baz'));
expect(result.start.offset, equals(6));
expect(result.start.line, equals(0));
expect(result.start.column, equals(6));
expect(result.end.offset, equals(11));
expect(result.end.line, equals(0));
expect(result.end.column, equals(11));
test('can return an empty span', () {
final result = span.subspan(3, 3);
expect(result.text, isEmpty);
expect(result.start.offset, equals(8));
expect(result.start.line, equals(0));
expect(result.start.column, equals(8));
expect(result.end, equals(result.start));
group('across multiple lines', () {
setUp(() {
span = file.span(22, 30); // "boom\nzip"
test('with start and end in the middle of a line', () {
final result = span.subspan(3, 6);
expect(result.text, equals('m\nz'));
expect(result.start.offset, equals(25));
expect(result.start.line, equals(1));
expect(result.start.column, equals(13));
expect(result.end.offset, equals(28));
expect(result.end.line, equals(2));
expect(result.end.column, equals(1));
test('with start at the end of a line', () {
final result = span.subspan(4, 6);
expect(result.text, equals('\nz'));
expect(result.start.offset, equals(26));
expect(result.start.line, equals(1));
expect(result.start.column, equals(14));
test('with start at the beginning of a line', () {
final result = span.subspan(5, 6);
expect(result.text, equals('z'));
expect(result.start.offset, equals(27));
expect(result.start.line, equals(2));
expect(result.start.column, equals(0));
test('with end at the end of a line', () {
final result = span.subspan(3, 4);
expect(result.text, equals('m'));
expect(result.end.offset, equals(26));
expect(result.end.line, equals(1));
expect(result.end.column, equals(14));
test('with end at the beginning of a line', () {
final result = span.subspan(3, 5);
expect(result.text, equals('m\n'));
expect(result.end.offset, equals(27));
expect(result.end.line, equals(2));
expect(result.end.column, equals(0));