blob: ed5f6a8371226ed65065789a6ec8ee043701426f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library source_span.file;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'colors.dart' as colors;
import 'location.dart';
import 'span.dart';
import 'span_mixin.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
// Constants to determine end-of-lines.
const int _LF = 10;
const int _CR = 13;
/// A class representing a source file.
/// This doesn't necessarily have to correspond to a file on disk, just a chunk
/// of text usually with a URL associated with it.
class SourceFile {
/// The URL where the source file is located.
/// This may be null, indicating that the URL is unknown or unavailable.
final Uri url;
/// An array of offsets for each line beginning in the file.
/// Each offset refers to the first character *after* the newline. If the
/// source file has a trailing newline, the final offset won't actually be in
/// the file.
final _lineStarts = <int>[0];
/// The code points of the characters in the file.
final Uint32List _decodedChars;
/// The length of the file in characters.
int get length => _decodedChars.length;
/// The number of lines in the file.
int get lines => _lineStarts.length;
/// Creates a new source file from [text].
/// [url] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`.
SourceFile(String text, {url})
: this.decoded(text.runes, url: url);
/// Creates a new source file from a list of decoded characters.
/// [url] may be either a [String], a [Uri], or `null`.
SourceFile.decoded(Iterable<int> decodedChars, {url})
: url = url is String ? Uri.parse(url) : url,
_decodedChars = new Uint32List.fromList(decodedChars.toList()) {
for (var i = 0; i < _decodedChars.length; i++) {
var c = _decodedChars[i];
if (c == _CR) {
// Return not followed by newline is treated as a newline
var j = i + 1;
if (j >= _decodedChars.length || _decodedChars[j] != _LF) c = _LF;
if (c == _LF) _lineStarts.add(i + 1);
/// Returns a span in [this] from [start] to [end] (exclusive).
/// If [end] isn't passed, it defaults to the end of the file.
FileSpan span(int start, [int end]) {
if (end == null) end = length - 1;
return new FileSpan._(this, start, end);
/// Returns a location in [this] at [offset].
FileLocation location(int offset) => new FileLocation._(this, offset);
/// Gets the 0-based line corresponding to [offset].
int getLine(int offset) {
if (offset < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Offset may not be negative, was $offset.");
} else if (offset > length) {
throw new RangeError("Offset $offset must not be greater than the number "
"of characters in the file, $length.");
return binarySearch(_lineStarts, (o) => o > offset) - 1;
/// Gets the 0-based column corresponding to [offset].
/// If [line] is passed, it's assumed to be the line containing [offset] and
/// is used to more efficiently compute the column.
int getColumn(int offset, {int line}) {
if (offset < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Offset may not be negative, was $offset.");
} else if (offset > length) {
throw new RangeError("Offset $offset must be not be greater than the "
"number of characters in the file, $length.");
if (line == null) {
line = getLine(offset);
} else if (line < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Line may not be negative, was $line.");
} else if (line >= lines) {
throw new RangeError("Line $line must be less than the number of "
"lines in the file, $lines.");
var lineStart = _lineStarts[line];
if (lineStart > offset) {
throw new RangeError("Line $line comes after offset $offset.");
return offset - lineStart;
/// Gets the offset for a [line] and [column].
/// [column] defaults to 0.
int getOffset(int line, [int column]) {
if (column == null) column = 0;
if (line < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Line may not be negative, was $line.");
} else if (line >= lines) {
throw new RangeError("Line $line must be less than the number of "
"lines in the file, $lines.");
} else if (column < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Column may not be negative, was $column.");
var result = _lineStarts[line] + column;
if (result > length ||
(line + 1 < lines && result >= _lineStarts[line + 1])) {
throw new RangeError("Line $line doesn't have $column columns.");
return result;
/// Returns the text of the file from [start] to [end] (exclusive).
/// If [end] isn't passed, it defaults to the end of the file.
String getText(int start, [int end]) =>
new String.fromCharCodes(_decodedChars.sublist(start, end));
/// A [SourceLocation] within a [SourceFile].
/// Unlike the base [SourceLocation], [FileLocation] lazily computes its line
/// and column values based on its offset and the contents of [file].
/// A [FileLocation] can be created using [SourceFile.location].
class FileLocation extends SourceLocation {
/// The [file] that [this] belongs to.
final SourceFile file;
Uri get sourceUrl => file.url;
int get line => file.getLine(offset);
int get column => file.getColumn(offset);
FileLocation._(this.file, int offset)
: super(offset) {
if (offset > file.length) {
throw new RangeError("Offset $offset must not be greater than the number "
"of characters in the file, ${file.length}.");
FileSpan pointSpan() => new FileSpan._(file, offset, offset);
/// A [SourceSpan] within a [SourceFile].
/// Unlike the base [SourceSpan], [FileSpan] lazily computes its line and column
/// values based on its offset and the contents of [file]. [FileSpan.message] is
/// also able to provide more context then [SourceSpan.message], and
/// [FileSpan.union] will return a [FileSpan] if possible.
/// A [FileSpan] can be created using [SourceFile.span].
class FileSpan extends SourceSpanMixin {
/// The [file] that [this] belongs to.
final SourceFile file;
/// The offset of the beginning of the span.
/// [start] is lazily generated from this to avoid allocating unnecessary
/// objects.
final int _start;
/// The offset of the end of the span.
/// [end] is lazily generated from this to avoid allocating unnecessary
/// objects.
final int _end;
Uri get sourceUrl => file.url;
int get length => _end - _start;
FileLocation get start => new FileLocation._(file, _start);
FileLocation get end => new FileLocation._(file, _end);
String get text => file.getText(_start, _end);
FileSpan._(this.file, this._start, this._end) {
if (_end < _start) {
throw new ArgumentError('End $_end must come after start $_start.');
} else if (_end > file.length) {
throw new RangeError("End $_end must not be greater than the number "
"of characters in the file, ${file.length}.");
} else if (_start < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Start may not be negative, was $_start.");
int compareTo(SourceSpan other) {
if (other is! FileSpan) return super.compareTo(other);
FileSpan otherFile = other;
var result = _start.compareTo(otherFile._start);
return result == 0 ? _end.compareTo(otherFile._end) : result;
SourceSpan union(SourceSpan other) {
if (other is! FileSpan) return super.union(other);
var span = expand(other);
var beginSpan = span._start == _start ? this : other;
var endSpan = span._end == _end ? this : other;
if (beginSpan._end < endSpan._start) {
throw new ArgumentError("Spans $this and $other are disjoint.");
return span;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! FileSpan) return super == other;
return _start == other._start && _end == other._end &&
sourceUrl == other.sourceUrl;
int get hashCode => _start.hashCode + 5 * _end.hashCode +
7 * sourceUrl.hashCode;
/// Returns a new span that covers both [this] and [other].
/// Unlike [union], [other] may be disjoint from [this]. If it is, the text
/// between the two will be covered by the returned span.
FileSpan expand(FileSpan other) {
if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) {
throw new ArgumentError("Source URLs \"${sourceUrl}\" and "
" \"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match.");
var start = math.min(this._start, other._start);
var end = math.max(this._end, other._end);
return new FileSpan._(file, start, end);
String message(String message, {color}) {
if (color == true) color = colors.RED;
if (color == false) color = null;
var line = start.line;
var column = start.column;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write('line ${start.line + 1}, column ${start.column + 1}');
if (sourceUrl != null) buffer.write(' of ${p.prettyUri(sourceUrl)}');
buffer.write(': $message\n');
var textLine = file.getText(file.getOffset(line),
line == file.lines - 1 ? null : file.getOffset(line + 1));
column = math.min(column, textLine.length - 1);
var toColumn =
math.min(column + end.offset - start.offset, textLine.length);
if (color != null) {
buffer.write(textLine.substring(0, column));
buffer.write(textLine.substring(column, toColumn));
} else {
if (!textLine.endsWith('\n')) buffer.write('\n');
buffer.write(' ' * column);
if (color != null) buffer.write(color);
buffer.write('^' * math.max(toColumn - column, 1));
if (color != null) buffer.write(colors.NONE);
return buffer.toString();