blob: f97989f2b7ff417772159b66a65e0829ac76f116 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.vlq_test;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/src/vlq.dart';
main() {
test('encode and decode - simple values', () {
expect(encodeVlq(1).join(''), 'C');
expect(encodeVlq(2).join(''), 'E');
expect(encodeVlq(3).join(''), 'G');
expect(encodeVlq(100).join(''), 'oG');
expect(decodeVlq('C'.split('').iterator), 1);
expect(decodeVlq('E'.split('').iterator), 2);
expect(decodeVlq('G'.split('').iterator), 3);
expect(decodeVlq('oG'.split('').iterator), 100);
test('encode and decode', () {
for (int i = -10000; i < 10000; i++) {
test('only 32-bit ints allowed', () {
var max_int = pow(2, 31) - 1;
var min_int = -pow(2, 31);
_checkEncodeDecode(max_int - 1);
_checkEncodeDecode(min_int + 1);
expect(encodeVlq(min_int).join(''), 'hgggggE');
expect(decodeVlq('hgggggE'.split('').iterator), min_int);
expect(() => encodeVlq(max_int + 1), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => encodeVlq(max_int + 2), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => encodeVlq(min_int - 1), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => encodeVlq(min_int - 2), throwsA(anything));
// if we allowed more than 32 bits, these would be the expected encodings
// for the large numbers above.
expect(() => decodeVlq('ggggggE'.split('').iterator), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => decodeVlq('igggggE'.split('').iterator), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => decodeVlq('jgggggE'.split('').iterator), throwsA(anything));
expect(() => decodeVlq('lgggggE'.split('').iterator), throwsA(anything));
// This test uses integers so large they overflow in JS.
testOn: "dart-vm");
_checkEncodeDecode(int value) {
var encoded = encodeVlq(value);
expect(decodeVlq(encoded.iterator), value);
expect(decodeVlq(encoded.join('').split('').iterator), value);