blob: 2b7da567866a4208e4164c4bb3e8c3be9a3eacde [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:source_map_stack_trace/source_map_stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// A simple [Mapping] for tests that don't need anything special.
final _simpleMapping = parseJson((SourceMapBuilder()
SourceLocation(1, line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "foo.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(18, line: 15, column: 0), "\n" * 10)))
void main() {
test("maps a JS line and column to a Dart line and span", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10:11 foo");
var frame = _mapTrace(_simpleMapping, trace).frames.first;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("foo.dart")));
// These are +1 because stack_trace is 1-based whereas source_span is
// 0-basd.
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
test("ignores JS frames without line info", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("""
foo.dart.js 10:11 foo
foo.dart.js bar
foo.dart.js 10:11 baz
var frames = _mapTrace(_simpleMapping, trace).frames;
expect(frames.length, equals(2));
expect(frames.first.member, equals("foo"));
expect(frames.last.member, equals("baz"));
test("ignores JS frames without corresponding spans", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("""
foo.dart.js 10:11 foo
foo.dart.js 1:1 bar
foo.dart.js 10:11 baz
var frames = _mapTrace(_simpleMapping, trace).frames;
expect(frames.length, equals(2));
expect(frames.first.member, equals("foo"));
expect(frames.last.member, equals("baz"));
test("include frames from JS files not covered by the source map bundle", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("""
foo.dart.js 10:11 foo
jquery.js 10:1 foo
bar.dart.js 10:11 foo
var builder = SourceMapBuilder()
line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "packages/foo/foo.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(12, line: 9, column: 1), "\n" * 4));
var sourceMapJson1 ="");
sourceMapJson1['file'] = "foo.dart.js";
builder = SourceMapBuilder()
line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "packages/bar/bar.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(12, line: 9, column: 1), "\n" * 4));
var sourceMapJson2 ="");
sourceMapJson2['file'] = "bar.dart.js";
var bundle = [sourceMapJson1, sourceMapJson2];
var mapping = parseJsonExtended(bundle);
var frames = _mapTrace(mapping, trace,
packageResolver: SyncPackageResolver.root("packages/"))
expect(frames.length, equals(3));
var frame = frames[0];
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("package:foo/foo.dart")));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
frame = frames[1];
expect(p.basename(frame.uri.toString()), equals("jquery.js"));
expect(frame.line, equals(10));
frame = frames[2];
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("package:bar/bar.dart")));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
test("falls back to column 0 for unlisted column", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10 foo");
var builder = SourceMapBuilder()
SourceLocation(1, line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "foo.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(12, line: 9, column: 1), "\n" * 4));
var mapping = parseJson(""));
var frame = _mapTrace(mapping, trace).frames.first;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("foo.dart")));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
test("uses package: URIs for frames within packageRoot", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10 foo");
var builder = SourceMapBuilder()
line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "packages/foo/foo.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(12, line: 9, column: 1), "\n" * 4));
var mapping = parseJson(""));
var frame =
_mapTrace(mapping, trace, packageRoot: "packages/").frames.first;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("package:foo/foo.dart")));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
test("uses package: URIs for frames within packageResolver.packageRoot", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10 foo");
var builder = SourceMapBuilder()
line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "packages/foo/foo.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(12, line: 9, column: 1), "\n" * 4));
var mapping = parseJson(""));
var mappedTrace = _mapTrace(mapping, trace,
packageResolver: SyncPackageResolver.root("packages/"));
var frame = mappedTrace.frames.first;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("package:foo/foo.dart")));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
test("uses package: URIs for frames within a packageResolver.packageMap URL",
() {
var trace = Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10 foo");
var builder = SourceMapBuilder()
line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "packages/foo/foo.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(12, line: 9, column: 1), "\n" * 4));
var mapping = parseJson(""));
var mappedTrace = _mapTrace(mapping, trace,
SyncPackageResolver.config({"foo": Uri.parse("packages/foo")}));
var frame = mappedTrace.frames.first;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("package:foo/foo.dart")));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
test("uses dart: URIs for frames within sdkRoot", () {
var trace = Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10 foo");
var builder = SourceMapBuilder()
line: 1, column: 3, sourceUrl: "sdk/lib/async/foo.dart"),
SourceSpan(SourceLocation(8, line: 5, column: 0),
SourceLocation(12, line: 9, column: 1), "\n" * 4));
var mapping = parseJson(""));
var frame = _mapTrace(mapping, trace, sdkRoot: "sdk/").frames.first;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("dart:async/foo.dart")));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
test("converts a stack chain", () {
var trace = Chain([
Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10:11 foo"),
Trace.parse("foo.dart.js 10:11 bar")
var traces = _mapChain(_simpleMapping, trace).traces;
var frame = traces.first.frames.single;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("foo.dart")));
expect(frame.member, equals("foo"));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
frame = traces.last.frames.single;
expect(frame.uri, equals(Uri.parse("foo.dart")));
expect(frame.member, equals("bar"));
expect(frame.line, equals(2));
expect(frame.column, equals(4));
group("cleans up", () {
test("Firefox junk", () {
expect(_prettify("foo/<"), equals("foo"));
expect(_prettify("foo<"), equals("foo"));
test("arity indicators", () {
expect(_prettify(r"foo$1"), equals("foo"));
expect(_prettify(r"foo$1234"), equals("foo"));
test("named arguments", () {
expect(_prettify(r"foo$1$bar"), equals("foo"));
expect(_prettify(r"foo$123$bar$bang$qux"), equals("foo"));
test("closures", () {
expect(_prettify(""), equals("foo.<fn>"));
test("nested closures", () {
expect(_prettify(""), equals("foo.<fn>.<fn>"));
_prettify(""), equals("foo.<fn>.<fn>.<fn>.<fn>"));
test(".call", () {
expect(_prettify(""), equals("foo"));
test("top-level functions", () {
expect(_prettify(""), equals("foo"));
test("library namespaces", () {
expect(_prettify(r"my_library$foo"), equals("foo"));
test("static methods", () {
expect(_prettify(r""), equals("foo"));
test("instance methods", () {
expect(_prettify(r"Foo_bar__baz"), equals(""));
test("lots of stuff", () {
/// Like [mapStackTrace], but is guaranteed to return a [Trace] so it can be
/// inspected.
Trace _mapTrace(Mapping sourceMap, StackTrace stackTrace,
{bool minified = false,
SyncPackageResolver packageResolver,
packageRoot}) {
return Trace.from(mapStackTrace(sourceMap, stackTrace,
minified: minified,
packageResolver: packageResolver,
sdkRoot: sdkRoot,
packageRoot: packageRoot));
/// Like [mapStackTrace], but is guaranteed to return a [Chain] so it can be
/// inspected.
Chain _mapChain(Mapping sourceMap, StackTrace stackTrace,
{bool minified = false,
SyncPackageResolver packageResolver,
packageRoot}) {
return Chain.forTrace(mapStackTrace(sourceMap, stackTrace,
minified: minified,
packageResolver: packageResolver,
sdkRoot: sdkRoot,
packageRoot: packageRoot));
/// Runs the mapper's prettification logic on [member] and returns the result.
String _prettify(String member) {
var trace = Trace([Frame(Uri.parse("foo.dart.js"), 10, 11, member)]);
return _mapTrace(_simpleMapping, trace).frames.first.member;