blob: f32f2bf20ffed07a4c3b0ef5fb59aa666b1b6268 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
/// Convert [stackTrace], a stack trace generated by dart2js-compiled
/// JavaScript, to a native-looking stack trace using [sourceMap].
/// [minified] indicates whether or not the dart2js code was minified. If it
/// hasn't, this tries to clean up the stack frame member names.
/// If [packageResolver] is passed, it's used to reconstruct `package:` URIs for
/// stack frames that come from packages.
/// [sdkRoot] is the URI (usually a `file:` URI) for the SDK containing dart2js.
/// It can be a [String] or a [Uri]. If it's passed, stack frames from the SDK
/// will have `dart:` URLs.
/// [packageRoot] is deprecated and shouldn't be used in new code. This throws
/// an [ArgumentError] if [packageRoot] and [packageResolver] are both passed.
StackTrace mapStackTrace(Mapping sourceMap, StackTrace stackTrace,
{bool minified = false,
SyncPackageResolver packageResolver,
@Deprecated("Use the packageResolver parameter instead.") packageRoot}) {
if (packageRoot != null) {
if (packageResolver != null) {
throw ArgumentError(
"packageResolver and packageRoot may not both be passed.");
packageResolver = SyncPackageResolver.root(packageRoot);
if (stackTrace is Chain) {
return Chain( {
return Trace.from(mapStackTrace(sourceMap, trace,
minified: minified,
packageResolver: packageResolver,
sdkRoot: sdkRoot));
if (sdkRoot != null && sdkRoot is! String && sdkRoot is! Uri) {
throw ArgumentError('sdkRoot must be a String or a Uri, was "$sdkRoot".');
var sdkLib = sdkRoot == null ? null : "$sdkRoot/lib";
var trace = Trace.from(stackTrace);
return Trace( {
// If there's no line information, there's no way to translate this frame.
// We could return it as-is, but these lines are usually not useful anyways.
if (frame.line == null) return null;
// If there's no column, try using the first column of the line.
var column = frame.column == null ? 0 : frame.column;
// Subtract 1 because stack traces use 1-indexed lines and columns and
// source maps uses 0-indexed.
var span = sourceMap.spanFor(frame.line - 1, column - 1,
uri: frame.uri?.toString());
// If we can't find a source span, ignore the frame. It's probably something
// internal that the user doesn't care about.
if (span == null) return null;
var sourceUrl = span.sourceUrl.toString();
if (sdkRoot != null && p.url.isWithin(sdkLib, sourceUrl)) {
sourceUrl = "dart:" + p.url.relative(sourceUrl, from: sdkLib);
} else if (packageResolver != null) {
if (packageResolver.packageRoot != null &&
p.url.isWithin(packageResolver.packageRoot.toString(), sourceUrl)) {
sourceUrl = "package:" +
from: packageResolver.packageRoot.toString());
} else if (packageResolver.packageConfigMap != null) {
for (var package in packageResolver.packageConfigMap.keys) {
var packageUrl = packageResolver.packageConfigMap[package].toString();
if (!p.url.isWithin(packageUrl, sourceUrl)) continue;
sourceUrl =
"package:$package/" + p.url.relative(sourceUrl, from: packageUrl);
return Frame(
span.start.line + 1,
span.start.column + 1,
// If the dart2js output is minified, there's no use trying to prettify
// its member names. Use the span's identifier if available, otherwise
// use the minified member name.
? (span.isIdentifier ? span.text : frame.member)
: _prettifyMember(frame.member));
}).where((frame) => frame != null));
/// Reformats a JS member name to make it look more Dart-like.
String _prettifyMember(String member) {
return member
// Get rid of the noise that Firefox sometimes adds.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r"/?<$"), "")
// Get rid of arity indicators and named arguments.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\$\d+(\$[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)*$"), "")
// Convert closures to <fn>.
// The number of underscores before "closure" indicates how nested it
// is.
(match) => ".<fn>" * match[1].length)
// Get rid of explicitly-generated calls.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\.call$"), "")
// Get rid of the top-level method prefix.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r"^dart\."), "")
// Get rid of library namespaces.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r"[a-zA-Z_0-9]+\$"), "")
// Get rid of the static method prefix. The class name also exists in the
// invocation, so we're not getting rid of any information.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r"^[a-zA-Z_0-9]+.(static|dart)."), "")
// Convert underscores after identifiers to dots. This runs the risk of
// incorrectly converting members that contain underscores, but those are
// contrary to the style guide anyway.
.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r"([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_"), (match) => match[1] + ".");