blob: cd19f032224f39e99a14521cac0ac8c21db13850 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'body.dart';
import 'shelf_unmodifiable_map.dart';
import 'util.dart';
Body getBody(Message message) => message._body;
/// The default set of headers for a message created with no body and no
/// explicit headers.
final _defaultHeaders =
ShelfUnmodifiableMap<String>({"content-length": "0"}, ignoreKeyCase: true);
/// Represents logic shared between [Request] and [Response].
abstract class Message {
/// The HTTP headers.
/// The value is immutable.
final Map<String, String> headers;
/// Extra context that can be used by for middleware and handlers.
/// For requests, this is used to pass data to inner middleware and handlers;
/// for responses, it's used to pass data to outer middleware and handlers.
/// Context properties that are used by a particular package should begin with
/// that package's name followed by a period. For example, if [logRequests]
/// wanted to take a prefix, its property name would be `"shelf.prefix"`,
/// since it's in the `shelf` package.
/// The value is immutable.
final Map<String, Object> context;
/// The streaming body of the message.
/// This can be read via [read] or [readAsString].
final Body _body;
/// If `true`, the stream returned by [read] won't emit any bytes.
/// This may have false negatives, but it won't have false positives.
bool get isEmpty => _body.contentLength == 0;
/// Creates a new [Message].
/// [body] is the response body. It may be either a [String], a [List<int>], a
/// [Stream<List<int>>], or `null` to indicate no body. If it's a [String],
/// [encoding] is used to encode it to a [Stream<List<int>>]. It defaults to
/// UTF-8.
/// If [headers] is `null`, it is treated as empty.
/// If [encoding] is passed, the "encoding" field of the Content-Type header
/// in [headers] will be set appropriately. If there is no existing
/// Content-Type header, it will be set to "application/octet-stream".
{Encoding encoding,
Map<String, String> headers,
Map<String, Object> context})
: this._(Body(body, encoding), headers, context);
Message._(Body body, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> context)
: _body = body,
headers = ShelfUnmodifiableMap<String>(_adjustHeaders(headers, body),
ignoreKeyCase: true),
context = ShelfUnmodifiableMap<Object>(context, ignoreKeyCase: false);
/// The contents of the content-length field in [headers].
/// If not set, `null`.
int get contentLength {
if (_contentLengthCache != null) return _contentLengthCache;
if (!headers.containsKey('content-length')) return null;
_contentLengthCache = int.parse(headers['content-length']);
return _contentLengthCache;
int _contentLengthCache;
/// The MIME type of the message.
/// This is parsed from the Content-Type header in [headers]. It contains only
/// the MIME type, without any Content-Type parameters.
/// If [headers] doesn't have a Content-Type header, this will be `null`.
String get mimeType {
var contentType = _contentType;
if (contentType == null) return null;
return contentType.mimeType;
/// The encoding of the message body.
/// This is parsed from the "charset" parameter of the Content-Type header in
/// [headers].
/// If [headers] doesn't have a Content-Type header or it specifies an
/// encoding that `dart:convert` doesn't support, this will be `null`.
Encoding get encoding {
var contentType = _contentType;
if (contentType == null) return null;
if (!contentType.parameters.containsKey('charset')) return null;
return Encoding.getByName(contentType.parameters['charset']);
/// The parsed version of the Content-Type header in [headers].
/// This is cached for efficient access.
MediaType get _contentType {
if (_contentTypeCache != null) return _contentTypeCache;
if (!headers.containsKey('content-type')) return null;
_contentTypeCache = MediaType.parse(headers['content-type']);
return _contentTypeCache;
MediaType _contentTypeCache;
/// Returns a [Stream] representing the body.
/// Can only be called once.
Stream<List<int>> read() =>;
/// Returns a [Future] containing the body as a String.
/// If [encoding] is passed, that's used to decode the body.
/// Otherwise the encoding is taken from the Content-Type header. If that
/// doesn't exist or doesn't have a "charset" parameter, UTF-8 is used.
/// This calls [read] internally, which can only be called once.
Future<String> readAsString([Encoding encoding]) {
if (encoding == null) encoding = this.encoding;
if (encoding == null) encoding = utf8;
return encoding.decodeStream(read());
/// Creates a new [Message] by copying existing values and applying specified
/// changes.
Message change(
{Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> context, body});
/// Adds information about [encoding] to [headers].
/// Returns a new map without modifying [headers].
Map<String, String> _adjustHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, Body body) {
var sameEncoding = _sameEncoding(headers, body);
if (sameEncoding) {
if (body.contentLength == null ||
getHeader(headers, 'content-length') == body.contentLength.toString()) {
return headers ?? const ShelfUnmodifiableMap.empty();
} else if (body.contentLength == 0 &&
(headers == null || headers.isEmpty)) {
return _defaultHeaders;
var newHeaders = headers == null
? CaseInsensitiveMap<String>()
: CaseInsensitiveMap<String>.from(headers);
if (!sameEncoding) {
if (newHeaders['content-type'] == null) {
newHeaders['content-type'] =
'application/octet-stream; charset=${}';
} else {
var contentType = MediaType.parse(newHeaders['content-type'])
.change(parameters: {'charset':});
newHeaders['content-type'] = contentType.toString();
if (body.contentLength != null) {
var coding = newHeaders['transfer-encoding'];
if (coding == null || equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(coding, 'identity')) {
newHeaders['content-length'] = body.contentLength.toString();
return newHeaders;
/// Returns whether [headers] declares the same encoding as [body].
bool _sameEncoding(Map<String, String> headers, Body body) {
if (body.encoding == null) return true;
var contentType = getHeader(headers, 'content-type');
if (contentType == null) return false;
var charset = MediaType.parse(contentType).parameters['charset'];
return Encoding.getByName(charset) == body.encoding;