blob: 062ade753a76f09d2406a2a6a9e0c3feb62af569 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A Shelf adapter for handling [HttpRequest] objects from `dart:io`'s
/// [HttpServer].
/// One can provide an instance of [HttpServer] as the `requests` parameter in
/// [serveRequests].
/// This adapter supports request hijacking; see [Request.hijack].
/// [Request]s passed to a [Handler] will contain the [Request.context] key
/// `""` containing the [HttpConnectionInfo] object from
/// the underlying [HttpRequest].
/// When creating [Response] instances for this adapter, you can set the
/// `""` key in [Response.context]. If `true`,
/// (the default), streamed responses will be buffered to improve performance.
/// If `false`, all chunks will be pushed over the wire as they're received.
/// See [HttpResponse.bufferOutput] for more information.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'shelf.dart';
import 'src/util.dart';
export 'src/io_server.dart' show IOServer;
/// Starts an [HttpServer] that listens on the specified [address] and
/// [port] and sends requests to [handler].
/// If a [securityContext] is provided an HTTPS server will be started.
/// See the documentation for [HttpServer.bind] and [HttpServer.bindSecure]
/// for more details on [address], [port], [backlog], and [shared].
/// {@template shelf_io_header_defaults}
/// Every response will get a "date" header and an "X-Powered-By" header.
/// If the either header is present in the `Response`, it will not be
/// overwritten.
/// Pass [poweredByHeader] to set the default content for "X-Powered-By",
/// pass `null` to omit this header.
/// {@endtemplate}
Future<HttpServer> serve(
Handler handler,
Object address,
int port, {
SecurityContext? securityContext,
int? backlog,
bool shared = false,
String? poweredByHeader = 'Dart with package:shelf',
}) async {
backlog ??= 0;
var server = await (securityContext == null
? HttpServer.bind(address, port, backlog: backlog, shared: shared)
: HttpServer.bindSecure(
backlog: backlog,
shared: shared,
serveRequests(server, handler, poweredByHeader: poweredByHeader);
return server;
/// Serve a [Stream] of [HttpRequest]s.
/// [HttpServer] implements [Stream<HttpRequest>] so it can be passed directly
/// to [serveRequests].
/// Errors thrown by [handler] while serving a request will be printed to the
/// console and cause a 500 response with no body. Errors thrown asynchronously
/// by [handler] will be printed to the console or, if there's an active error
/// zone, passed to that zone.
/// {@macro shelf_io_header_defaults}
void serveRequests(
Stream<HttpRequest> requests,
Handler handler, {
String? poweredByHeader = 'Dart with package:shelf',
}) {
catchTopLevelErrors(() {
requests.listen((request) =>
handleRequest(request, handler, poweredByHeader: poweredByHeader));
}, (error, stackTrace) {
_logTopLevelError('Asynchronous error\n$error', stackTrace);
/// Uses [handler] to handle [request].
/// Returns a [Future] which completes when the request has been handled.
/// {@macro shelf_io_header_defaults}
Future<void> handleRequest(
HttpRequest request,
Handler handler, {
String? poweredByHeader = 'Dart with package:shelf',
}) async {
Request shelfRequest;
try {
shelfRequest = _fromHttpRequest(request);
} on ArgumentError catch (error, stackTrace) {
if ( == 'method' || == 'requestedUri') {
// TODO: use a reduced log level when using package:logging
_logTopLevelError('Error parsing request.\n$error', stackTrace);
final response = Response(
body: 'Bad Request',
headers: {HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: 'text/plain'},
await _writeResponse(response, request.response, poweredByHeader);
} else {
_logTopLevelError('Error parsing request.\n$error', stackTrace);
final response = Response.internalServerError();
await _writeResponse(response, request.response, poweredByHeader);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
_logTopLevelError('Error parsing request.\n$error', stackTrace);
final response = Response.internalServerError();
await _writeResponse(response, request.response, poweredByHeader);
// TODO(nweiz): abstract out hijack handling to make it easier to implement an
// adapter.
Response? response;
try {
response = await handler(shelfRequest);
} on HijackException catch (error, stackTrace) {
// A HijackException should bypass the response-writing logic entirely.
if (!shelfRequest.canHijack) return;
// If the request wasn't hijacked, we shouldn't be seeing this exception.
response = _logError(
"Caught HijackException, but the request wasn't hijacked.",
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
response = _logError(
'Error thrown by handler.\n$error',
if ((response as dynamic) == null) {
// Handle nulls flowing from opt-out code
await _writeResponse(
shelfRequest, 'null response from handler.', StackTrace.current),
if (shelfRequest.canHijack) {
await _writeResponse(response, request.response, poweredByHeader);
var message = StringBuffer()
..writeln('Got a response for hijacked request '
'${shelfRequest.method} ${shelfRequest.requestedUri}:')
response.headers.forEach((key, value) => message.writeln('$key: $value'));
throw Exception(message.toString().trim());
/// Creates a new [Request] from the provided [HttpRequest].
Request _fromHttpRequest(HttpRequest request) {
var headers = <String, List<String>>{};
request.headers.forEach((k, v) {
headers[k] = v;
// Remove the Transfer-Encoding header per the adapter requirements.
void onHijack(void Function(StreamChannel<List<int>>) callback) {
.detachSocket(writeHeaders: false)
.then((socket) => callback(StreamChannel(socket, socket)));
return Request(
protocolVersion: request.protocolVersion,
headers: headers,
body: request,
onHijack: onHijack,
context: {'': request.connectionInfo!},
Future<void> _writeResponse(
Response response, HttpResponse httpResponse, String? poweredByHeader) {
if (response.context.containsKey('')) {
httpResponse.bufferOutput =
response.context[''] as bool;
httpResponse.statusCode = response.statusCode;
// An adapter must not add or modify the `Transfer-Encoding` parameter, but
// the Dart SDK sets it by default. Set this before we fill in
// [response.headers] so that the user or Shelf can explicitly override it if
// necessary.
httpResponse.headers.chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
response.headersAll.forEach((header, value) {
httpResponse.headers.set(header, value);
var coding = response.headers['transfer-encoding'];
if (coding != null && !equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(coding, 'identity')) {
// If the response is already in a chunked encoding, de-chunk it because
// otherwise `dart:io` will try to add another layer of chunking.
// TODO(nweiz): Do this more cleanly when sdk#27886 is fixed.
response = response.change(
body: chunkedCoding.decoder.bind(,
httpResponse.headers.set(HttpHeaders.transferEncodingHeader, 'chunked');
} else if (response.statusCode >= 200 &&
response.statusCode != 204 &&
response.statusCode != 304 &&
response.contentLength == null &&
response.mimeType != 'multipart/byteranges') {
// If the response isn't chunked yet and there's no other way to tell its
// length, enable `dart:io`'s chunked encoding.
httpResponse.headers.set(HttpHeaders.transferEncodingHeader, 'chunked');
if (poweredByHeader != null &&
!response.headers.containsKey(_xPoweredByResponseHeader)) {
httpResponse.headers.set(_xPoweredByResponseHeader, poweredByHeader);
if (!response.headers.containsKey(HttpHeaders.dateHeader)) { =;
return httpResponse
.then((_) => httpResponse.close());
/// Common header to advertise the server technology being used.
/// See
const _xPoweredByResponseHeader = 'X-Powered-By';
// TODO(kevmoo) A developer mode is needed to include error info in response
// TODO(kevmoo) Make error output plugable. stderr, logging, etc
Response _logError(Request request, String message, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// Add information about the request itself.
var buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write('${request.method} ${request.requestedUri.path}');
if (request.requestedUri.query.isNotEmpty) {
_logTopLevelError(buffer.toString(), stackTrace);
return Response.internalServerError();
void _logTopLevelError(String message, StackTrace stackTrace) {
final chain = Chain.forTrace(stackTrace)
.foldFrames((frame) => frame.isCore || frame.package == 'shelf')
stderr.writeln('ERROR - ${}');