Enable new travis support
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 43e261b..2c46289 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -3,30 +3,40 @@
   - dev
   - stable
-  - 1.22.0
+  - 1.22.1
   - 1.21.1
   - 1.20.1
   - 1.19.1
-with_content_shell: true
-  - TEST_PLATFORM=content-shell
-  - TEST_PLATFORM=firefox
     - $HOME/.pub-cache
-  - "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
-  - "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
-  - 't=0; until (xdpyinfo -display :99 &> /dev/null || test $t -gt 10); do sleep 1; let t=$t+1; done'
-script: ./tool/travis.sh
+  - test: --platform vm
+  # No parallelism on Firefox (-j 1)
+  # Causes flakiness – need to investigate
+  - test: --platform firefox -j 1
+  - test: --platform dartium
+    install_dartium: true
-  allow_failures:
-    # Exclude SDKs before 1.22.0-dev.4 which are lacking fix
+  include:
+    # Only validate formatting using the dev release
+    # Formatted with 1.23.0-dev.10.0 which has (good) changes since 1.22.1
+    - dart: dev
+      dart_task: dartfmt
+    # Only care about being analyzer clean for dev and stable
+    - dart: dev
+      dart_task: dartanalyzer
+    - dart: stable
+      dart_task: dartanalyzer
+  exclude:
+    # Exclude Firefox tests on SDKs before 1.22.0-dev.4 which are lacking fix
     # https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/commit/7c3c297a8ad907f12bf12b96a21777421067fd18
     - dart: 1.21.1
-      env: TEST_PLATFORM=firefox
+      dart_task:
+        test: --platform firefox -j 1
     - dart: 1.20.1
-      env: TEST_PLATFORM=firefox
+      dart_task:
+        test: --platform firefox -j 1
     - dart: 1.19.1
-      env: TEST_PLATFORM=firefox
+      dart_task:
+        test: --platform firefox -j 1
diff --git a/tool/travis.sh b/tool/travis.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c47a31..0000000
--- a/tool/travis.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Fast fail the script on failures.
-set -e
-THE_COMMAND="pub run test -p $TEST_PLATFORM"
-if [ $TEST_PLATFORM == 'firefox' ] || [ $TEST_PLATFORM == 'content-shell' ]; then
-    # browser tests don't run well on travis unless one-at-a-time
-# Install dart_coveralls; gather and send coverage data.
-if [ $TEST_PLATFORM == 'vm' ] && [ "$COVERALLS_TOKEN" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_DART_VERSION" = "stable" ]; then
-  pub global activate dart_coveralls
-  pub global run dart_coveralls report \
-    --exclude-test-files \
-    test/test_all.dart