blob: 017afa631c05cf0365832f5f30da07e09fc38c0e [file] [log] [blame]
/// Annotation for an API end-point.
class EndPoint {
/// HTTP verb for requests routed to the annotated method.
final String verb;
/// HTTP route for request routed to the annotated method.
final String route;
/// Create an annotation that routes requests matching [verb] and [route] to
/// the annotated method.
const EndPoint(this.verb, this.route);
/// Route `GET` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const EndPoint.get(this.route) : verb = 'GET';
/// Route `HEAD` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const EndPoint.head(this.route) : verb = 'HEAD';
/// Route `POST` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const : verb = 'POST';
/// Route `PUT` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const EndPoint.put(this.route) : verb = 'PUT';
/// Route `DELETE` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const EndPoint.delete(this.route) : verb = 'DELETE';
/// Route `CONNECT` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const EndPoint.connect(this.route) : verb = 'CONNECT';
/// Route `OPTIONS` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const EndPoint.options(this.route) : verb = 'OPTIONS';
/// Route `TRACE` requests matching [route] to annotated method.
const EndPoint.trace(this.route) : verb = 'TRACE';