blob: b2a28c076e53b7a153b674e666e71303c71c2e09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart'
show ClassElement, ElementKind, ExecutableElement;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart' show ParameterizedType;
import 'package:build/build.dart' show BuildStep, log;
import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart' as code;
import 'package:http_methods/http_methods.dart' show isHttpMethod;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart' as shelf_router;
import 'package:shelf_router/src/router_entry.dart' show RouterEntry;
import 'package:source_gen/source_gen.dart' as g;
// Type checkers that we need later
final _routeType = g.TypeChecker.fromRuntime(shelf_router.Route);
final _routerType = g.TypeChecker.fromRuntime(shelf_router.Router);
final _responseType = g.TypeChecker.fromRuntime(shelf.Response);
final _requestType = g.TypeChecker.fromRuntime(shelf.Request);
final _stringType = g.TypeChecker.fromRuntime(String);
/// A representation of a handler that was annotated with [Route].
class _Handler {
final String verb, route;
final ExecutableElement element;
_Handler(this.verb, this.route, this.element);
/// Find members of a class annotated with [shelf_router.Route].
List<ExecutableElement> getAnnotatedElementsOrderBySourceOffset(
ClassElement cls) {
return <ExecutableElement>[]
..sort((a, b) => (a.nameOffset ?? -1).compareTo(b.nameOffset ?? -1));
/// Generate a `_$<className>Router(<className> service)` method that returns a
/// [shelf_router.Router] configured based on annotated handlers.
code.Method _buildRouterMethod({
@required ClassElement classElement,
@required List<_Handler> handlers,
}) =>
(b) => b = '_\$${}Router'
code.Parameter((b) => b = 'service'
..type = code.refer(,
..returns = code.refer('Router')
..body = code.Block(
(b) => b
..statements.addAll( => _buildAddHandlerCode(
router: code.refer('router'),
service: code.refer('service'),
handler: h,
/// Generate the code statement that adds [handler] from [service] to [router].
code.Code _buildAddHandlerCode({
@required code.Reference router,
@required code.Reference service,
@required _Handler handler,
}) {
switch (handler.verb) {
case r'$mount':
code.literalString(handler.route, raw: true),,
case r'$all':
code.literalString(handler.route, raw: true),,
code.literalString(handler.route, raw: true),,
class ShelfRouterGenerator extends g.Generator {
Future<String> generate(g.LibraryReader library, BuildStep step) async {
// Create a map from ClassElement to list of annotated elements sorted by
// offset in source code, this is not type checked yet.
final classes = <ClassElement, List<_Handler>>{};
for (final cls in library.classes) {
final elements = getAnnotatedElementsOrderBySourceOffset(cls);
if (elements.isEmpty) {
}'found shelf_router.Route annotations in ${}');
classes[cls] = elements
.map((e) => _routeType.annotationsOfExact(e).map((a) => _Handler(
.expand((i) => i)
if (classes.isEmpty) {
return null; // nothing to do if nothing was annotated
// Run type check to ensure method and getters have the right signatures.
for (final handler in classes.values.expand((i) => i)) {
// If the verb is $mount, then it's not a handler, but a mount.
if (handler.verb.toLowerCase() == r'$mount') {
} else {
// Build library and emit code with all generate methods.
final methods = => _buildRouterMethod(
classElement: e.key,
handlers: e.value,
return code.Library((b) => b.body.addAll(methods))
/// Type checks for the case where [shelf_router.Route] is used to annotate
/// shelf request handler.
void _typeCheckHandler(_Handler h) {
if (h.element.isStatic) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation cannot be used on static members',
element: h.element);
// Check the verb, note that $all is a special value for handling all verbs.
if (!isHttpMethod(h.verb) && h.verb != r'$all') {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The verb "${h.verb}" used in shelf_router.Route annotation must be '
'a valid HTTP method',
element: h.element);
// Check that this shouldn't have been annotated with Route.mount
if (h.element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'Only the shelf_router.Route.mount annotation can only be used on a '
'getter, and only if it returns a shelf_router.Router',
element: h.element);
// Check that this is indeed a method
if (h.element.kind != ElementKind.METHOD) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on request '
'handling methods',
element: h.element);
// Check the route can parse
List<String> params;
try {
params = RouterEntry(h.verb, h.route, () => null).params;
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
element: h.element,
// Ensure that the first parameter is shelf.Request
if (h.element.parameters.isEmpty) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on shelf request '
'handlers accept a shelf.Request parameter',
element: h.element);
for (final p in h.element.parameters) {
if (p.isOptional) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on shelf '
'request handlers accept a shelf.Request parameter and/or a '
'shelf.Request parameter and all string parameters in the route, '
'optional parameters are not permitted',
element: p);
if (!_requestType.isExactlyType(h.element.parameters.first.type)) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on shelf request '
'handlers accept a shelf.Request parameter as first parameter',
element: h.element);
if (h.element.parameters.length > 1) {
if (h.element.parameters.length != params.length + 1) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on shelf '
'request handlers accept a shelf.Request parameter and/or a '
'shelf.Request parameter and all string parameters in the route',
element: h.element);
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
final p = h.element.parameters[i + 1];
if ( != params[i]) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on shelf '
'request handlers accept a shelf.Request parameter and/or a '
'shelf.Request parameter and all string parameters in the route, '
'the "${}" parameter should be named "${params[i]}"',
element: p);
if (!_stringType.isExactlyType(p.type)) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on shelf '
'request handlers accept a shelf.Request parameter and/or a '
'shelf.Request parameter and all string parameters in the route, '
'the "${}" parameter is not of type string',
element: p);
// Check the return value of the method.
var returnType = h.element.returnType;
// Unpack Future<T> and FutureOr<T> wrapping of responseType
if (returnType.isDartAsyncFuture || returnType.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
returnType = (returnType as ParameterizedType).typeArguments.first;
if (!_responseType.isAssignableFromType(returnType)) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation can only be used on shelf request '
'handlers that return shelf.Response, Future<shelf.Response> or '
'FutureOr<shelf.Response>, and not "${h.element.returnType}"',
element: h.element);
/// Type checks for the case where [shelf_router.Route.mount] is used to annotate
/// a getter that returns a [shelf_router.Router].
void _typeCheckMount(_Handler h) {
if (h.element.isStatic) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route annotation cannot be used on static members',
element: h.element);
// Check that this should have been annotated with Route.mount
if (h.element.kind != ElementKind.GETTER) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route.mount annotation can only be used on a '
'getter that returns shelf_router.Router',
element: h.element);
// Sanity checks for the prefix
if (!h.route.startsWith('/') || !h.route.endsWith('/')) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The prefix "${h.route}" in shelf_router.Route.mount(prefix) '
'annotation must begin and end with a slash',
element: h.element);
if (h.route.contains('<')) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The prefix "${h.route}" in shelf_router.Route.mount(prefix) '
'annotation cannot contain <',
element: h.element);
if (!_routerType.isAssignableFromType(h.element.returnType)) {
throw g.InvalidGenerationSourceError(
'The shelf_router.Route.mount annotation can only be used on a '
'getter that returns shelf_router.Router',
element: h.element);