blob: 87c578337c41d6e6154cb865fa34f36f3d97474d [file] [log] [blame]
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// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=patterns,records
/// Test that implicit generic function instantiations are inserted based on
/// the pattern's context type, but not when destructuring.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
main() {
T id<T>(T t) => t;
class Box<T> {
final T value;
typedef IntFn = int Function(int);
typedef TFn = T Function<T>(T);
class Compare {
operator <(IntFn f) => f is TFn;
void testRelational() {
const c = id;
// Instantiates based on the context type of the "<" method parameter type.
if (Compare() case < c) {'"<" should receive instantiation, not generic function.');
} else {
// OK.
void testValueExpression() {
// Inserts instantiation in value expression.
var (IntFn a) = id;
Expect.isTrue(a is IntFn);
Expect.isFalse(a is TFn);
var (IntFn b,) = (id,);
Expect.isTrue(b is IntFn);
Expect.isFalse(b is TFn);
var [IntFn c] = [id];
Expect.isTrue(c is IntFn);
Expect.isFalse(c is TFn);
var {'x': IntFn d} = {'x': id};
Expect.isTrue(d is IntFn);
Expect.isFalse(d is TFn);
var Box<IntFn>(value: e) = Box(id);
Expect.isTrue(e is IntFn);
Expect.isFalse(e is TFn);
void testDestructureRefutable() {
// Does not instantiate during destructuring. In a refutable pattern, this
// means the value doesn't match the tested type.
(TFn,) record = (id,);
if (record case (IntFn b,)) {'Should not match.');
List<TFn> list = [id];
if (list case [IntFn c]) {'Should not match.');
Map<String, TFn> map = {'x': id};
if (map case {'x': IntFn d}) {'Should not match.');
Box<TFn> box = Box(id);
if (box case Box(value: IntFn e)) {'Should not match.');