blob: de5a63e50030d4e32726feb3a586c145541139b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/object_graph.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
class Counter : public ObjectGraph::Visitor {
// Records the number of objects and total size visited, excluding 'skip'
// and any objects only reachable through 'skip'.
Counter(RawObject* skip, RawObject* expected_parent)
: count_(0), size_(0), skip_(skip), expected_parent_(expected_parent) { }
virtual Direction VisitObject(ObjectGraph::StackIterator* it) {
RawObject* obj = it->Get();
if (obj == skip_) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_parent_, it->Get());
return kBacktrack;
size_ += obj->Size();
return kProceed;
int count() const { return count_; }
int size() const { return size_; }
int count_;
intptr_t size_;
RawObject* skip_;
RawObject* expected_parent_;
TEST_CASE(ObjectGraph) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// Create a simple object graph with objects a, b, c, d:
// a+->b+->c
// +   +
// |   v
// +-->d
Array& a = Array::Handle(Array::New(2, Heap::kNew));
Array& b = Array::Handle(Array::New(2, Heap::kOld));
Array& c = Array::Handle(Array::New(0, Heap::kOld));
Array& d = Array::Handle(Array::New(0, Heap::kOld));
a.SetAt(0, b);
b.SetAt(0, c);
b.SetAt(1, d);
a.SetAt(1, d);
intptr_t a_size = a.raw()->Size();
intptr_t b_size = b.raw()->Size();
intptr_t c_size = c.raw()->Size();
intptr_t d_size = d.raw()->Size();
// No more allocation; raw pointers ahead.
NoGCScope no_gc_scope;
RawObject* b_raw = b.raw();
// Clear handles to cut unintended retained paths.
b = Array::null();
c = Array::null();
d = Array::null();
ObjectGraph graph(isolate);
// Compare count and size when 'b' is/isn't skipped.
Counter with(Object::null(), Object::null());
graph.IterateObjectsFrom(a, &with);
Counter without(b_raw, a.raw());
graph.IterateObjectsFrom(a, &without);
// Only 'b' and 'c' were cut off.
EXPECT_EQ(2, with.count() - without.count());
EXPECT_EQ(b_size + c_size,
with.size() - without.size());
// Like above, but iterate over the entire isolate. The counts and sizes
// are thus larger, but the difference should still be just 'b' and 'c'.
Counter with(Object::null(), Object::null());
Counter without(b_raw, a.raw());
EXPECT_EQ(2, with.count() - without.count());
EXPECT_EQ(b_size + c_size,
with.size() - without.size());
EXPECT_EQ(a_size + b_size + c_size + d_size,
// Get hold of c again.
b ^= a.At(0);
c ^= b.At(0);
b = Array::null();
ObjectGraph graph(isolate);
// A retaining path should end like this: c <- b <- a <- ...
// c itself is not included in the returned path and length.
// Test null, empty, and length 1 array.
intptr_t null_length = graph.RetainingPath(&c, Object::null_array());
intptr_t empty_length = graph.RetainingPath(&c, Object::empty_array());
Array& path = Array::Handle(Array::New(1, Heap::kNew));
intptr_t one_length = graph.RetainingPath(&c, path);
EXPECT_EQ(null_length, empty_length);
EXPECT_EQ(null_length, one_length);
EXPECT_LE(2, null_length);
Array& path = Array::Handle(Array::New(2, Heap::kNew));
intptr_t length = graph.RetainingPath(&c, path);
EXPECT_LE(2, length);
Array& expected_b = Array::Handle();
expected_b ^= path.At(0);
Array& expected_a = Array::Handle();
expected_a ^= path.At(1);
EXPECT(expected_b.raw() == a.At(0));
EXPECT(expected_a.raw() == a.raw());
} // namespace dart