blob: 959197744ac81bf629441c604af5ff272aac5596 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/hash_map.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph_builder.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder;
class KernelConstMapKeyEqualsTraits {
static const char* Name() { return "KernelConstMapKeyEqualsTraits"; }
static bool ReportStats() { return false; }
static bool IsMatch(const Object& a, const Object& b) {
const Smi& key1 = Smi::Cast(a);
const Smi& key2 = Smi::Cast(b);
return (key1.Value() == key2.Value());
static bool IsMatch(const intptr_t key1, const Object& b) {
return KeyAsSmi(key1) == Smi::Cast(b).raw();
static uword Hash(const Object& obj) {
const Smi& key = Smi::Cast(obj);
return HashValue(key.Value());
static uword Hash(const intptr_t key) {
return HashValue(Smi::Value(KeyAsSmi(key)));
static RawObject* NewKey(const intptr_t key) { return KeyAsSmi(key); }
static uword HashValue(intptr_t pos) { return pos % (Smi::kMaxValue - 13); }
static RawSmi* KeyAsSmi(const intptr_t key) {
ASSERT(key >= 0);
return Smi::New(key);
typedef UnorderedHashMap<KernelConstMapKeyEqualsTraits> KernelConstantsMap;
template <typename K, typename V>
class Map : public DirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> > {
typedef typename RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V>::Key Key;
typedef typename RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V>::Value Value;
typedef typename RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V>::Pair Pair;
inline void Insert(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
Pair pair(key, value);
DirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> >::Insert(pair);
inline V Lookup(const Key& key) {
Pair* pair =
DirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> >::Lookup(key);
if (pair == NULL) {
return V();
} else {
return pair->value;
inline Pair* LookupPair(const Key& key) {
return DirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> >::Lookup(key);
template <typename V>
class IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait {
typedef intptr_t Key;
typedef V Value;
struct Pair {
Key key;
Value value;
Pair() : key(NULL), value() {}
Pair(const Key key, const Value& value) : key(key), value(value) {}
Pair(const Pair& other) : key(other.key), value(other.value) {}
static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv.key; }
static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv.value; }
static intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key; }
static bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) { return kv.key == key; }
template <typename V>
class IntMap : public DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> > {
typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Key Key;
typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Value Value;
typedef typename IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V>::Pair Pair;
inline void Insert(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
Pair pair(key, value);
DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Insert(pair);
inline V Lookup(const Key& key) {
Pair* pair =
DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Lookup(key);
if (pair == NULL) {
return V();
} else {
return pair->value;
inline Pair* LookupPair(const Key& key) {
return DirectChainedHashMap<IntKeyRawPointerValueTrait<V> >::Lookup(key);
template <typename K, typename V>
class MallocMap
: public MallocDirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> > {
typedef typename RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V>::Key Key;
typedef typename RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V>::Value Value;
typedef typename RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V>::Pair Pair;
inline void Insert(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
Pair pair(key, value);
MallocDirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> >::Insert(pair);
inline V Lookup(const Key& key) {
Pair* pair =
MallocDirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> >::Lookup(key);
if (pair == NULL) {
return V();
} else {
return pair->value;
inline Pair* LookupPair(const Key& key) {
return MallocDirectChainedHashMap<RawPointerKeyValueTrait<K, V> >::Lookup(
class BreakableBlock;
class CatchBlock;
class FlowGraphBuilder;
class SwitchBlock;
class TryCatchBlock;
class TryFinallyBlock;
class Fragment {
Instruction* entry;
Instruction* current;
Fragment() : entry(NULL), current(NULL) {}
explicit Fragment(Instruction* instruction)
: entry(instruction), current(instruction) {}
Fragment(Instruction* entry, Instruction* current)
: entry(entry), current(current) {}
bool is_open() { return entry == NULL || current != NULL; }
bool is_closed() { return !is_open(); }
Fragment& operator+=(const Fragment& other);
Fragment& operator<<=(Instruction* next);
Fragment closed();
Fragment operator+(const Fragment& first, const Fragment& second);
Fragment operator<<(const Fragment& fragment, Instruction* next);
typedef ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>* ArgumentArray;
class ActiveClass {
: kernel_class(NULL),
member_type_parameters_offset_start(-1) {}
// The current enclosing kernel class (if available, otherwise NULL).
Class* kernel_class;
intptr_t class_type_parameters;
intptr_t class_type_parameters_offset_start;
// The current enclosing class (or the library top-level class). When this is
// a library's top-level class, the kernel_class will be NULL.
const dart::Class* klass;
// The enclosing member (e.g., Constructor, Procedure, or Field) if there
// is one.
Member* member;
bool member_is_procedure;
bool member_is_factory_procedure;
intptr_t member_type_parameters;
intptr_t member_type_parameters_offset_start;
class ActiveClassScope {
ActiveClassScope(ActiveClass* active_class,
intptr_t class_type_parameters,
intptr_t class_type_parameters_offset_start,
const dart::Class* klass)
: active_class_(active_class), saved_(*active_class) {
active_class_->kernel_class = NULL;
active_class_->class_type_parameters = class_type_parameters;
active_class_->class_type_parameters_offset_start =
active_class_->klass = klass;
active_class_->member = NULL;
ActiveClassScope(ActiveClass* active_class,
Class* kernel_class,
const dart::Class* klass)
: active_class_(active_class), saved_(*active_class) {
active_class_->kernel_class = kernel_class;
active_class_->klass = klass;
active_class_->member = NULL;
if (kernel_class != NULL) {
List<TypeParameter>& type_parameters = kernel_class->type_parameters();
active_class_->class_type_parameters = type_parameters.length();
active_class_->class_type_parameters_offset_start =
active_class_->class_type_parameters > 0
? type_parameters[0]->kernel_offset()
: -1;
~ActiveClassScope() { *active_class_ = saved_; }
ActiveClass* active_class_;
ActiveClass saved_;
class ActiveMemberScope {
ActiveMemberScope(ActiveClass* active_class,
bool member_is_procedure,
bool member_is_factory_procedure,
intptr_t member_type_parameters,
intptr_t member_type_parameters_offset_start)
: active_class_(active_class), saved_(*active_class) {
// The class and kernel_class is inherited.
active_class_->member = NULL;
active_class_->member_is_procedure = member_is_procedure;
active_class_->member_is_factory_procedure = member_is_factory_procedure;
active_class_->member_type_parameters = member_type_parameters;
active_class_->member_type_parameters_offset_start =
ActiveMemberScope(ActiveClass* active_class, Member* member)
: active_class_(active_class), saved_(*active_class) {
// The class and kernel_class is inherited.
active_class_->member = member;
active_class_->member_is_procedure = false;
active_class_->member_is_factory_procedure = false;
active_class_->member_type_parameters = 0;
active_class_->member_type_parameters_offset_start = -1;
if (member == NULL || !member->IsProcedure()) {
Procedure* procedure = Procedure::Cast(member);
active_class_->member_is_procedure = true;
active_class->member_is_factory_procedure =
procedure->kind() == Procedure::kFactory;
if (procedure->function() != NULL) {
TypeParameterList& type_parameters =
if (type_parameters.length() > 0) {
active_class_->member_type_parameters = type_parameters.length();
active_class_->member_type_parameters_offset_start =
~ActiveMemberScope() { *active_class_ = saved_; }
ActiveClass* active_class_;
ActiveClass saved_;
class TranslationHelper {
explicit TranslationHelper(dart::Thread* thread);
virtual ~TranslationHelper() {}
Thread* thread() { return thread_; }
Zone* zone() { return zone_; }
Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
Heap::Space allocation_space() { return allocation_space_; }
// Access to strings.
const TypedData& string_offsets() { return string_offsets_; }
void SetStringOffsets(const TypedData& string_offsets);
const TypedData& string_data() { return string_data_; }
void SetStringData(const TypedData& string_data);
const TypedData& canonical_names() { return canonical_names_; }
void SetCanonicalNames(const TypedData& canonical_names);
intptr_t StringOffset(StringIndex index) const;
intptr_t StringSize(StringIndex index) const;
uint8_t CharacterAt(StringIndex string_index, intptr_t index);
bool StringEquals(StringIndex string_index, const char* other);
// Accessors and predicates for canonical names.
NameIndex CanonicalNameParent(NameIndex name);
StringIndex CanonicalNameString(NameIndex name);
bool IsAdministrative(NameIndex name);
bool IsPrivate(NameIndex name);
bool IsRoot(NameIndex name);
bool IsLibrary(NameIndex name);
bool IsClass(NameIndex name);
bool IsMember(NameIndex name);
bool IsField(NameIndex name);
bool IsConstructor(NameIndex name);
bool IsProcedure(NameIndex name);
bool IsMethod(NameIndex name);
bool IsGetter(NameIndex name);
bool IsSetter(NameIndex name);
bool IsFactory(NameIndex name);
// For a member (field, constructor, or procedure) return the canonical name
// of the enclosing class or library.
NameIndex EnclosingName(NameIndex name);
RawInstance* Canonicalize(const Instance& instance);
const dart::String& DartString(const char* content) {
return DartString(content, allocation_space_);
const dart::String& DartString(const char* content, Heap::Space space);
dart::String& DartString(StringIndex index) {
return DartString(index, allocation_space_);
dart::String& DartString(StringIndex string_index, Heap::Space space);
dart::String& DartString(const uint8_t* utf8_array, intptr_t len) {
return DartString(utf8_array, len, allocation_space_);
dart::String& DartString(const uint8_t* utf8_array,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space);
const dart::String& DartSymbol(const char* content) const;
dart::String& DartSymbol(StringIndex string_index) const;
dart::String& DartSymbol(const uint8_t* utf8_array, intptr_t len) const;
const dart::String& DartClassName(NameIndex kernel_class);
const dart::String& DartConstructorName(NameIndex constructor);
const dart::String& DartProcedureName(NameIndex procedure);
const dart::String& DartSetterName(NameIndex setter);
const dart::String& DartSetterName(Name* setter_name);
const dart::String& DartSetterName(NameIndex parent, StringIndex setter);
const dart::String& DartGetterName(NameIndex getter);
const dart::String& DartGetterName(Name* getter_name);
const dart::String& DartGetterName(NameIndex parent, StringIndex getter);
const dart::String& DartFieldName(Name* kernel_name);
const dart::String& DartInitializerName(Name* kernel_name);
const dart::String& DartMethodName(NameIndex method);
const dart::String& DartMethodName(Name* method_name);
const dart::String& DartMethodName(NameIndex parent, StringIndex method);
const dart::String& DartFactoryName(NameIndex factory);
const Array& ArgumentNames(List<NamedExpression>* named);
// A subclass overrides these when reading in the Kernel program in order to
// support recursive type expressions (e.g. for "implements X" ...
// annotations).
virtual RawLibrary* LookupLibraryByKernelLibrary(NameIndex library);
virtual RawClass* LookupClassByKernelClass(NameIndex klass);
RawField* LookupFieldByKernelField(NameIndex field);
RawFunction* LookupStaticMethodByKernelProcedure(NameIndex procedure);
RawFunction* LookupConstructorByKernelConstructor(NameIndex constructor);
dart::RawFunction* LookupConstructorByKernelConstructor(
const dart::Class& owner,
NameIndex constructor);
dart::Type& GetCanonicalType(const dart::Class& klass);
void ReportError(const char* format, ...);
void ReportError(const Error& prev_error, const char* format, ...);
// This will mangle [name_to_modify] if necessary and make the result a symbol
// if asked. The result will be available in [name_to_modify] and it is also
// returned. If the name is private, the canonical name [parent] will be used
// to get the import URI of the library where the name is visible.
dart::String& ManglePrivateName(NameIndex parent,
dart::String* name_to_modify,
bool symbolize = true);
Thread* thread_;
Zone* zone_;
Isolate* isolate_;
Heap::Space allocation_space_;
TypedData& string_offsets_;
TypedData& string_data_;
TypedData& canonical_names_;
// Regarding malformed types:
// The spec says in section "19.1 Static Types" roughly:
// A type T is malformed iff:
// * T does not denote a type in scope
// * T refers to a type parameter in a static member
// * T is a parametrized Type G<T1, ...> and G is malformed
// * T denotes declarations from multiple imports
// Any use of a malformed type gives rise to a static warning. A malformed
// type is then interpreted as dynamic by the static type checker and the
// runtime unless explicitly specified otherwise.
class DartTypeTranslator : public DartTypeVisitor {
DartTypeTranslator(TranslationHelper* helper,
ActiveClass* active_class,
bool finalize = false)
: translation_helper_(*helper),
finalize_(finalize) {}
// Can return a malformed type.
AbstractType& TranslateType(DartType* node);
// Can return a malformed type.
AbstractType& TranslateTypeWithoutFinalization(DartType* node);
// Is guaranteed to be not malformed.
const AbstractType& TranslateVariableType(VariableDeclaration* variable);
virtual void VisitDefaultDartType(DartType* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
virtual void VisitInvalidType(InvalidType* node);
virtual void VisitFunctionType(FunctionType* node);
virtual void VisitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType* node);
virtual void VisitInterfaceType(InterfaceType* node);
virtual void VisitDynamicType(DynamicType* node);
virtual void VisitVoidType(VoidType* node);
virtual void VisitBottomType(BottomType* node);
// Will return `TypeArguments::null()` in case any of the arguments are
// malformed.
const TypeArguments& TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(
const dart::Class& receiver_class,
DartType** receiver_type_arguments,
intptr_t length);
// Will return `TypeArguments::null()` in case any of the arguments are
// malformed.
const TypeArguments& TranslateTypeArguments(DartType** dart_types,
intptr_t length);
const Type& ReceiverType(const dart::Class& klass);
class TypeParameterScope {
TypeParameterScope(DartTypeTranslator* translator,
List<TypeParameter>* parameters)
: parameters_(parameters),
translator_(translator) {
translator_->type_parameter_scope_ = this;
~TypeParameterScope() { translator_->type_parameter_scope_ = outer_; }
TypeParameterScope* outer() const { return outer_; }
List<TypeParameter>* parameters() const { return parameters_; }
List<TypeParameter>* parameters_;
TypeParameterScope* outer_;
DartTypeTranslator* translator_;
TranslationHelper& translation_helper_;
ActiveClass* active_class_;
TypeParameterScope* type_parameter_scope_;
Zone* zone_;
AbstractType& result_;
bool finalize_;
struct FunctionScope {
intptr_t kernel_offset;
LocalScope* scope;
class ScopeBuildingResult : public ZoneAllocated {
: this_variable(NULL),
yield_context_variable(NULL) {}
IntMap<LocalVariable*> locals;
IntMap<LocalScope*> scopes;
GrowableArray<FunctionScope> function_scopes;
// Only non-NULL for instance functions.
LocalVariable* this_variable;
// Only non-NULL for factory constructor functions.
LocalVariable* type_arguments_variable;
// Non-NULL when the function contains a switch statement.
LocalVariable* switch_variable;
// Non-NULL when the function contains a return inside a finally block.
LocalVariable* finally_return_variable;
// Non-NULL when the function is a setter.
LocalVariable* setter_value;
// Non-NULL if the function contains yield statement.
// TODO(27590) actual variable is called :await_jump_var, we should rename
// it to reflect the fact that it is used for both await and yield.
LocalVariable* yield_jump_variable;
// Non-NULL if the function contains yield statement.
// TODO(27590) actual variable is called :await_ctx_var, we should rename
// it to reflect the fact that it is used for both await and yield.
LocalVariable* yield_context_variable;
// Variables used in exception handlers, one per exception handler nesting
// level.
GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> exception_variables;
GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> stack_trace_variables;
GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> catch_context_variables;
// For-in iterators, one per for-in nesting level.
GrowableArray<LocalVariable*> iterator_variables;
struct YieldContinuation {
Instruction* entry;
intptr_t try_index;
YieldContinuation(Instruction* entry, intptr_t try_index)
: entry(entry), try_index(try_index) {}
: entry(NULL), try_index(CatchClauseNode::kInvalidTryIndex) {}
class FlowGraphBuilder {
FlowGraphBuilder(intptr_t kernel_offset,
ParsedFunction* parsed_function,
const ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array,
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* context_level_array,
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector,
intptr_t osr_id,
intptr_t first_block_id = 1);
virtual ~FlowGraphBuilder();
FlowGraph* BuildGraph();
FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfMethodExtractor(const Function& method);
FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodDispatcher(const Function& function);
FlowGraph* BuildGraphOfInvokeFieldDispatcher(const Function& function);
Fragment NativeFunctionBody(intptr_t first_positional_offset,
const Function& function);
TargetEntryInstr* BuildTargetEntry();
JoinEntryInstr* BuildJoinEntry();
JoinEntryInstr* BuildJoinEntry(intptr_t try_index);
ArgumentArray GetArguments(int count);
Fragment TranslateFinallyFinalizers(TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally,
intptr_t target_context_depth);
Fragment EnterScope(intptr_t kernel_offset, bool* new_context = NULL);
Fragment ExitScope(intptr_t kernel_offset);
Fragment LoadContextAt(int depth);
Fragment AdjustContextTo(int depth);
Fragment PushContext(int size);
Fragment PopContext();
Fragment LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
Fragment LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
Fragment InstantiateType(const AbstractType& type);
Fragment InstantiateTypeArguments(const TypeArguments& type_arguments);
Fragment TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(
const TypeArguments& type_arguments);
Fragment AllocateContext(int size);
Fragment AllocateObject(const dart::Class& klass, intptr_t argument_count);
Fragment AllocateObject(const dart::Class& klass,
const Function& closure_function);
Fragment BooleanNegate();
Fragment StrictCompare(Token::Kind kind, bool number_check = false);
Fragment BranchIfTrue(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry,
TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry,
bool negate = false);
Fragment BranchIfNull(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry,
TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry,
bool negate = false);
Fragment BranchIfEqual(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry,
TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry,
bool negate = false);
Fragment BranchIfStrictEqual(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry,
TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry);
Fragment CatchBlockEntry(const Array& handler_types,
intptr_t handler_index,
bool needs_stacktrace);
Fragment TryCatch(int try_handler_index);
Fragment CheckStackOverflowInPrologue();
Fragment CheckStackOverflow();
Fragment CloneContext();
Fragment Constant(const Object& value);
Fragment CreateArray();
Fragment Goto(JoinEntryInstr* destination);
Fragment IntConstant(int64_t value);
Fragment InstanceCall(TokenPosition position,
const dart::String& name,
Token::Kind kind,
intptr_t argument_count,
intptr_t num_args_checked = 1);
Fragment InstanceCall(TokenPosition position,
const dart::String& name,
Token::Kind kind,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names,
intptr_t num_args_checked = 1);
Fragment ClosureCall(int argument_count, const Array& argument_names);
Fragment ThrowException(TokenPosition position);
Fragment RethrowException(TokenPosition position, int catch_try_index);
Fragment LoadClassId();
Fragment LoadField(const dart::Field& field);
Fragment LoadField(intptr_t offset, intptr_t class_id = kDynamicCid);
Fragment LoadNativeField(MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
intptr_t offset,
const Type& type,
intptr_t class_id,
bool is_immutable = false);
Fragment LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable);
Fragment InitStaticField(const dart::Field& field);
Fragment LoadStaticField();
Fragment NullConstant();
Fragment NativeCall(const dart::String* name, const Function* function);
Fragment PushArgument();
Fragment Return(TokenPosition position);
Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count);
Fragment StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names);
Fragment StoreIndexed(intptr_t class_id);
Fragment StoreInstanceFieldGuarded(const dart::Field& field,
bool is_initialization_store);
Fragment StoreInstanceField(
const dart::Field& field,
bool is_initialization_store,
StoreBarrierType emit_store_barrier = kEmitStoreBarrier);
Fragment StoreInstanceField(
TokenPosition position,
intptr_t offset,
StoreBarrierType emit_store_barrier = kEmitStoreBarrier);
Fragment StoreLocal(TokenPosition position, LocalVariable* variable);
Fragment StoreStaticField(TokenPosition position, const dart::Field& field);
Fragment StringInterpolate(TokenPosition position);
Fragment StringInterpolateSingle(TokenPosition position);
Fragment ThrowTypeError();
Fragment ThrowNoSuchMethodError();
Fragment BuildImplicitClosureCreation(const Function& target);
Fragment GuardFieldLength(const dart::Field& field, intptr_t deopt_id);
Fragment GuardFieldClass(const dart::Field& field, intptr_t deopt_id);
Fragment EvaluateAssertion();
Fragment CheckReturnTypeInCheckedMode();
Fragment CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(const AbstractType& dst_type,
const dart::String& name_symbol);
Fragment CheckBooleanInCheckedMode();
Fragment CheckAssignableInCheckedMode(const dart::AbstractType& dst_type,
const dart::String& dst_name);
Fragment AssertBool();
Fragment AssertAssignable(const dart::AbstractType& dst_type,
const dart::String& dst_name);
bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(const Function& function, TokenPosition position);
bool NeedsDebugStepCheck(Value* value, TokenPosition position);
Fragment DebugStepCheck(TokenPosition position);
dart::RawFunction* LookupMethodByMember(NameIndex target,
const dart::String& method_name);
LocalVariable* MakeTemporary();
LocalVariable* MakeNonTemporary(const dart::String& symbol);
intptr_t CurrentTryIndex();
intptr_t AllocateTryIndex() { return next_used_try_index_++; }
dart::LocalVariable* LookupVariable(VariableDeclaration* var);
dart::LocalVariable* LookupVariable(intptr_t kernel_offset);
void SetTempIndex(Definition* definition);
void Push(Definition* definition);
Value* Pop();
Fragment Drop();
bool IsInlining() { return exit_collector_ != NULL; }
Token::Kind MethodKind(const dart::String& name);
void InlineBailout(const char* reason);
TranslationHelper translation_helper_;
Thread* thread_;
Zone* zone_;
intptr_t kernel_offset_;
ParsedFunction* parsed_function_;
intptr_t osr_id_;
const ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>& ic_data_array_;
// Contains (deopt_id, context_level) pairs.
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* context_level_array_;
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector_;
intptr_t next_block_id_;
intptr_t AllocateBlockId() { return next_block_id_++; }
intptr_t GetNextDeoptId() {
intptr_t deopt_id = thread_->GetNextDeoptId();
if (context_level_array_ != NULL) {
intptr_t level = context_depth_;
return deopt_id;
intptr_t next_function_id_;
intptr_t AllocateFunctionId() { return next_function_id_++; }
intptr_t context_depth_;
intptr_t loop_depth_;
intptr_t try_depth_;
intptr_t catch_depth_;
intptr_t for_in_depth_;
Value* stack_;
intptr_t pending_argument_count_;
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry_;
ScopeBuildingResult* scopes_;
GrowableArray<YieldContinuation> yield_continuations_;
LocalVariable* CurrentException() {
return scopes_->exception_variables[catch_depth_ - 1];
LocalVariable* CurrentStackTrace() {
return scopes_->stack_trace_variables[catch_depth_ - 1];
LocalVariable* CurrentCatchContext() {
return scopes_->catch_context_variables[try_depth_];
// A chained list of breakable blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
// [BreakableBlock] class.
BreakableBlock* breakable_block_;
// A chained list of switch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
// [SwitchBlock] class.
SwitchBlock* switch_block_;
// A chained list of try-finally blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
// [TryFinallyBlock] class.
TryFinallyBlock* try_finally_block_;
// A chained list of try-catch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
// [TryCatchBlock] class.
TryCatchBlock* try_catch_block_;
intptr_t next_used_try_index_;
// A chained list of catch blocks. Chaining and lookup is done by the
// [CatchBlock] class.
CatchBlock* catch_block_;
ActiveClass active_class_;
DartTypeTranslator type_translator_;
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder* streaming_flow_graph_builder_;
friend class BreakableBlock;
friend class CatchBlock;
friend class ConstantEvaluator;
friend class DartTypeTranslator;
friend class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder;
friend class ScopeBuilder;
friend class SwitchBlock;
friend class TryCatchBlock;
friend class TryFinallyBlock;
class SwitchBlock {
SwitchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder, intptr_t num_cases)
: builder_(builder),
try_index_(builder->CurrentTryIndex()) {
builder_->switch_block_ = this;
if (outer_ != NULL) {
depth_ = outer_->depth_ + outer_->num_cases_;
} else {
depth_ = 0;
~SwitchBlock() { builder_->switch_block_ = outer_; }
bool HadJumper(intptr_t case_num) {
return destinations_.Lookup(case_num) != NULL;
// Get destination via absolute target number (i.e. the correct destination
// is not not necessarily in this block.
JoinEntryInstr* Destination(intptr_t target_index,
TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally = NULL,
intptr_t* context_depth = NULL) {
// Find corresponding [SwitchStatement].
SwitchBlock* block = this;
while (block->depth_ > target_index) {
block = block->outer_;
// Set the outer finally block.
if (outer_finally != NULL) {
*outer_finally = block->outer_finally_;
*context_depth = block->context_depth_;
// Ensure there's [JoinEntryInstr] for that [SwitchCase].
return block->EnsureDestination(target_index - block->depth_);
// Get destination via relative target number (i.e. relative to this block,
// 0 is first case in this block etc).
JoinEntryInstr* DestinationDirect(intptr_t case_num,
TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally = NULL,
intptr_t* context_depth = NULL) {
// Set the outer finally block.
if (outer_finally != NULL) {
*outer_finally = outer_finally_;
*context_depth = context_depth_;
// Ensure there's [JoinEntryInstr] for that [SwitchCase].
return EnsureDestination(case_num);
JoinEntryInstr* EnsureDestination(intptr_t case_num) {
JoinEntryInstr* cached_inst = destinations_.Lookup(case_num);
if (cached_inst == NULL) {
JoinEntryInstr* inst = builder_->BuildJoinEntry(try_index_);
destinations_.Insert(case_num, inst);
return inst;
return cached_inst;
FlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
SwitchBlock* outer_;
IntMap<JoinEntryInstr*> destinations_;
TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally_;
intptr_t num_cases_;
intptr_t depth_;
intptr_t context_depth_;
intptr_t try_index_;
class TryCatchBlock {
explicit TryCatchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder,
intptr_t try_handler_index = -1)
: builder_(builder),
try_index_(try_handler_index) {
if (try_index_ == -1) try_index_ = builder->AllocateTryIndex();
builder->try_catch_block_ = this;
~TryCatchBlock() { builder_->try_catch_block_ = outer_; }
intptr_t try_index() { return try_index_; }
TryCatchBlock* outer() const { return outer_; }
FlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
TryCatchBlock* outer_;
intptr_t try_index_;
class TryFinallyBlock {
TryFinallyBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder,
Statement* finalizer,
intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset)
: builder_(builder),
// Finalizers are executed outside of the try block hence
// try depth of finalizers are one less than current try
// depth.
try_depth_(builder->try_depth_ - 1),
try_index_(builder_->CurrentTryIndex()) {
builder_->try_finally_block_ = this;
~TryFinallyBlock() { builder_->try_finally_block_ = outer_; }
Statement* finalizer() const { return finalizer_; }
intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset() const { return finalizer_kernel_offset_; }
intptr_t context_depth() const { return context_depth_; }
intptr_t try_depth() const { return try_depth_; }
intptr_t try_index() const { return try_index_; }
TryFinallyBlock* outer() const { return outer_; }
FlowGraphBuilder* const builder_;
TryFinallyBlock* const outer_;
Statement* const finalizer_;
intptr_t finalizer_kernel_offset_;
const intptr_t context_depth_;
const intptr_t try_depth_;
const intptr_t try_index_;
class BreakableBlock {
explicit BreakableBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder)
: builder_(builder),
try_index_(builder->CurrentTryIndex()) {
if (builder_->breakable_block_ == NULL) {
index_ = 0;
} else {
index_ = builder_->breakable_block_->index_ + 1;
builder_->breakable_block_ = this;
~BreakableBlock() { builder_->breakable_block_ = outer_; }
bool HadJumper() { return destination_ != NULL; }
JoinEntryInstr* destination() { return destination_; }
JoinEntryInstr* BreakDestination(intptr_t label_index,
TryFinallyBlock** outer_finally,
intptr_t* context_depth) {
BreakableBlock* block = builder_->breakable_block_;
while (block->index_ != label_index) {
block = block->outer_;
ASSERT(block != NULL);
*outer_finally = block->outer_finally_;
*context_depth = block->context_depth_;
return block->EnsureDestination();
JoinEntryInstr* EnsureDestination() {
if (destination_ == NULL) {
destination_ = builder_->BuildJoinEntry(try_index_);
return destination_;
FlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
intptr_t index_;
BreakableBlock* outer_;
JoinEntryInstr* destination_;
TryFinallyBlock* outer_finally_;
intptr_t context_depth_;
intptr_t try_index_;
class CatchBlock {
CatchBlock(FlowGraphBuilder* builder,
LocalVariable* exception_var,
LocalVariable* stack_trace_var,
intptr_t catch_try_index)
: builder_(builder),
catch_try_index_(catch_try_index) {
builder_->catch_block_ = this;
~CatchBlock() { builder_->catch_block_ = outer_; }
LocalVariable* exception_var() { return exception_var_; }
LocalVariable* stack_trace_var() { return stack_trace_var_; }
intptr_t catch_try_index() { return catch_try_index_; }
FlowGraphBuilder* builder_;
CatchBlock* outer_;
LocalVariable* exception_var_;
LocalVariable* stack_trace_var_;
intptr_t catch_try_index_;
RawObject* EvaluateMetadata(const dart::Field& metadata_field);
RawObject* BuildParameterDescriptor(const Function& function);
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/kernel.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
RawObject* EvaluateMetadata(const dart::Field& metadata_field);
RawObject* BuildParameterDescriptor(const Function& function);
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)