blob: 88ee11e89d5886778da59b82753ff6e36039c5cf [file] [log] [blame]
// This file introduces / supplements and forces Dart declarations.
interface AudioContext {
// TODO(ager): Auto-generate this custom method when the info about retaining
// typed arrays is in the IDL.
[Custom] void decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer audioData, AudioBufferCallback successCallback, AudioBufferCallback errorCallback);
interface WaveShaperNode {
// TODO(ager): Auto-generate this custom method when the info about retaining
// typed arrays is in the IDL.
[CustomSetter] attribute Float32Array curve;
interface AudioParam {
// TODO(ager): Auto-generate this custom method when the info about retaining
// typed arrays is in the IDL.
[Custom] void setValueCurveAtTime(Float32Array values, double time, double duration);
interface Clipboard {
[Suppressed] void setDragImage(HTMLImageElement image, long x, long y);
[Custom] void setDragImage(Element element, long x, long y);
interface Document {
[Suppressed] DOMObject getCSSCanvasContext(DOMString contextId, DOMString name, long width, long height);
CanvasRenderingContext getCSSCanvasContext(DOMString contextId, DOMString name, long width, long height);
[Custom] Element createElement(DOMString tagName);
[Custom] Element createElement(DOMString localName, DOMString typeExtension);
[Custom] Element createElementNS(DOMString namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName);
[Custom] Element createElementNS(DOMString namespaceURI, DOMString qualifiedName, DOMString typeExtension);
interface Node {
[Custom] Node cloneNode([Default=Undefined] optional boolean deep);
interface ScriptProcessorNode {
[Suppressed] attribute EventListener onaudioprocess;
[Custom] void _setEventListener(EventListener eventListener);
// TODO(vsm): How should this interact with the new ChildNode and
// ParentNode interfaces?
// Force ElementTraversal. WebKit defines these directly.
interface ElementTraversal : ChildNode, ParentNode {
readonly attribute unsigned long childElementCount;
readonly attribute Element firstElementChild;
readonly attribute Element lastElementChild;
readonly attribute Element nextElementSibling;
readonly attribute Element previousElementSibling;
Element implements ElementTraversal;
interface TimeoutHandler {
void handleEvent();
interface CanvasRenderingContext2D {
[DartName=createImageDataFromImageData] ImageData createImageData(ImageData imagedata);
[Suppressed] attribute boolean webkitImageSmoothingEnabled;
interface ConsoleBase {
[Suppressed] void assert(boolean condition);
[CallWith=ScriptArguments|ScriptState] void assertCondition(boolean condition);
interface HTMLCanvasElement {
[Suppressed] DOMString toDataURL([TreatNullAs=NullString, TreatUndefinedAs=NullString,Default=Undefined] DOMString type);
[Custom] DOMString toDataURL([TreatNullAs=NullString, TreatUndefinedAs=NullString,Default=Undefined] DOMString type, optional float quality);
[Suppressed] any getContext(DOMString contextId);
[Custom] CanvasRenderingContext getContext(DOMString contextId, optional Dictionary attrs);
interface HTMLOptionsCollection {
[Suppressed] void add(optional HTMLOptionElement element, optional long before);
interface HTMLSelectElement {
[Suppressed] void add([Default=Undefined] HTMLElement element, [Default=Undefined] HTMLElement before);
[Suppressed, Custom] void remove();
interface ImageData {
[Custom] readonly attribute int[] data;
interface HTMLMediaElement {
// Adding media events.
attribute EventListener oncanplay;
attribute EventListener oncanplaythrough;
attribute EventListener ondurationchange;
attribute EventListener onemptied;
attribute EventListener onended;
attribute EventListener onloadeddata;
attribute EventListener onloadedmetadata;
attribute EventListener onloadstart;
attribute EventListener onpause;
attribute EventListener onplay;
attribute EventListener onplaying;
attribute EventListener onprogress;
attribute EventListener onratechange;
attribute EventListener onseeked;
attribute EventListener onseeking;
attribute EventListener onshow;
attribute EventListener onstalled;
attribute EventListener onsuspend;
attribute EventListener ontimeupdate;
attribute EventListener onvolumechange;
attribute EventListener onwaiting;
interface WebGLContextEvent {
[Suppressed] void initEvent(optional DOMString eventTypeArg,
optional boolean canBubbleArg,
optional boolean cancelableArg,
optional DOMString statusMessageArg);
interface WebGLRenderingContext {
//void compressedTexImage2D(unsigned long target, long level, unsigned long internalformat, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, long border, unsigned long imageSize, const void* data);
//void compressedTexSubImage2D(unsigned long target, long level, long xoffset, long yoffset, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, unsigned long format, unsigned long imageSize, const void* data);
[Custom] any getBufferParameter(unsigned long target, unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getBufferParameter();
[Custom] any getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(unsigned long target, unsigned long attachment, unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getFramebufferAttachmentParameter();
[Custom] any getParameter(unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getParameter();
[Custom] any getProgramParameter(WebGLProgram program, unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getProgramParameter();
[Custom] any getRenderbufferParameter(unsigned long target, unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getRenderbufferParameter();
[Custom] any getShaderParameter(WebGLShader shader, unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getShaderParameter();
// TBD
// void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat (GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint* range, GLint* precision);
[Custom] any getExtension(DOMString name);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getExtension(DOMString name);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getSupportedExtensions();
[Custom] any getTexParameter(unsigned long target, unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getTexParameter();
[Custom] any getUniform(WebGLProgram program, WebGLUniformLocation location);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getUniform();
[Custom] any getVertexAttrib(unsigned long index, unsigned long pname);
[Suppressed, StrictTypeChecking, Custom] void getVertexAttrib();
// TODO(vsm): Define new names for these (see b/4436830).
interface IDBCursor {
[DartName=next, CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext, ImplementedAs=continueFunction, RaisesException] void continue([ForceOptional] optional any key);
interface IDBIndex {
[CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext, RaisesException] IDBRequest openCursor([Default=Undefined] optional any key, [ForceOptional] optional DOMString direction);
[CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext, RaisesException] IDBRequest openKeyCursor([Default=Undefined] optional any key, [ForceOptional] optional DOMString direction);
[CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext, RaisesException] IDBRequest count([Default=Undefined] optional any key);
interface HTMLMediaElement {
DOMString canPlayType([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString type, [Default=Undefined, TreatNullAs=NullString, TreatUndefinedAs=NullString, ForceOptional] optional DOMString keySystem);
interface IDBKeyRange {
[DartName=only_] static IDBKeyRange only(any value);
[DartName=lowerBound_] static IDBKeyRange lowerBound(any bound, [ForceOptional] optional boolean open);
[DartName=upperBound_] static IDBKeyRange upperBound(any bound, [ForceOptional] optional boolean open);
[DartName=bound_] static IDBKeyRange bound(any lower, any upper, [ForceOptional] optional boolean lowerOpen, [ForceOptional] optional boolean upperOpen);
interface IDBObjectStore {
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException] IDBRequest put(any value, [ForceOptional] optional any key);
[CallWith=ScriptState, RaisesException] IDBRequest add(any value, [ForceOptional] optional any key);
# [CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext, ImplementedAs=deleteFunction, RaisesException] IDBRequest delete(any key);
[CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext, RaisesException] IDBRequest openCursor(any key, [ForceOptional] optional DOMString direction);
[CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext, RaisesException] IDBRequest count(any key);
interface EntrySync {
// Native implementation is declared to return EntrySync.
[Suppressed] DirectoryEntrySync getParent();
EntrySync getParent();
Constructor(Array blobParts, optional DOMString type, optional DOMString endings)
interface Blob {
Constructor(float x, float y)
interface WebKitPoint {
[Supplemental, Callback] // Add missing Callback attribute.
interface VoidCallback {
interface SVGNumber {
[StrictTypeChecking, Custom] attribute float value;
// Keep it in to generate Dart code, C++ implementation is filterd out in generator.
] interface MutationCallback {
[Custom] boolean handleEvent(MutationRecordArray mutations, MutationObserver observer);
// Provide missing constructor signature.
Constructor(MutationCallback callback)]
interface MutationObserver {
// Provide missing constructor signature.
Constructor(optional HTMLFormElement form)]
interface FormData {
[Suppressed] void append(DOMString name, DOMString value, DOMString filename);
[Custom] void append(DOMString name, DOMString value);
[Custom] void append(DOMString name, Blob value, optional DOMString filename);
interface SQLResultSetRowList {
// Change the return type to Dictionary so that rows are exposed in the Dart
// API as a Maps, with the appropriate conversion in JavaScript.
[Suppressed] any item(unsigned long index);
[Custom] Dictionary item(unsigned long index);
interface WebSocket {
// Suppress the default since it has non-standard return type and add
// overrides.
[Suppressed] boolean send(ArrayBuffer data);
[Suppressed] boolean send(ArrayBufferView data);
[Suppressed] boolean send(Blob data);
[Suppressed] boolean send(DOMString data);
[Custom] void send(DOMString data);
[Custom] void send(Blob data);
[Custom] void send(ArrayBuffer data);
[Custom] void send(ArrayBufferView data);
interface XMLHttpRequest {
[Custom] void send();
[Custom] void send(ArrayBuffer data); // FIXME: this should be eventually deprecated.
[Custom] void send(ArrayBufferView data);
[Custom] void send(Blob data);
[Custom] void send(Document data);
[Custom] void send([StrictTypeChecking] DOMString data);
[Custom] void send(FormData data);
interface AbstractView {};
interface InjectedScriptHost {};
interface InspectorFrontendHost {};
interface JavaScriptCallFrame {};
interface Location {
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString href;
[Custom] void assign(optional DOMString url);
[Custom] void replace([Default=Undefined] optional DOMString url);
[Custom] void reload();
// URI decomposition attributes
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString protocol;
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString host;
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString hostname;
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString port;
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString pathname;
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString search;
[CustomSetter] attribute DOMString hash;
// TODO(jacobr): reenable these new Blink features.
interface ImageBitmapFactories {};
// See for the V8 implementation of
// TextEncoder/TextDecoder
interface TextEncoder {};
interface TextDecoder {};
interface Window : EventTarget {};