| // A series of maps that record the various bindings we use in the web |
| // libraries. The term bindings here can either refer to the value in an |
| // `@Native` annotation or the value in a `@JSName` annotation. These maps |
| // compute the relationship between those values and the Dart members they |
| // annotate for fast lookup. |
| |
| /// Mapping of native types that are bound in the web libraries via |
| /// `@Native` to a map of their members to those members' Dart names. |
| final Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> nativeTypeToDartMembers = { |
| 'ANGLEInstancedArrays': { |
| 'drawArraysInstancedANGLE': {'drawArraysInstancedAngle'}, |
| 'drawElementsInstancedANGLE': {'drawElementsInstancedAngle'}, |
| 'vertexAttribDivisorANGLE': {'vertexAttribDivisorAngle'} |
| }, |
| 'ANGLE_instanced_arrays': { |
| 'drawArraysInstancedANGLE': {'drawArraysInstancedAngle'}, |
| 'drawElementsInstancedANGLE': {'drawElementsInstancedAngle'}, |
| 'vertexAttribDivisorANGLE': {'vertexAttribDivisorAngle'} |
| }, |
| 'AbortPaymentEvent': { |
| 'respondWith': {'respondWith'} |
| }, |
| 'Accelerometer': { |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'}, |
| 'z': {'z'} |
| }, |
| 'AccessibleNode': { |
| 'activeDescendant': {'activeDescendant'}, |
| 'appendChild': {'appendChild'}, |
| 'atomic': {'atomic'}, |
| 'autocomplete': {'autocomplete'}, |
| 'busy': {'busy'}, |
| 'checked': {'checked'}, |
| 'colCount': {'colCount'}, |
| 'colIndex': {'colIndex'}, |
| 'colSpan': {'colSpan'}, |
| 'controls': {'controls'}, |
| 'current': {'current'}, |
| 'describedBy': {'describedBy'}, |
| 'details': {'details'}, |
| 'disabled': {'disabled'}, |
| 'errorMessage': {'errorMessage'}, |
| 'expanded': {'expanded'}, |
| 'flowTo': {'flowTo'}, |
| 'hasPopUp': {'hasPopUp'}, |
| 'hidden': {'hidden'}, |
| 'invalid': {'invalid'}, |
| 'keyShortcuts': {'keyShortcuts'}, |
| 'label': {'label'}, |
| 'labeledBy': {'labeledBy'}, |
| 'level': {'level'}, |
| 'live': {'live'}, |
| 'modal': {'modal'}, |
| 'multiline': {'multiline'}, |
| 'multiselectable': {'multiselectable'}, |
| 'orientation': {'orientation'}, |
| 'owns': {'owns'}, |
| 'placeholder': {'placeholder'}, |
| 'posInSet': {'posInSet'}, |
| 'pressed': {'pressed'}, |
| 'readOnly': {'readOnly'}, |
| 'relevant': {'relevant'}, |
| 'required': {'required'}, |
| 'role': {'role'}, |
| 'roleDescription': {'roleDescription'}, |
| 'rowCount': {'rowCount'}, |
| 'rowIndex': {'rowIndex'}, |
| 'rowSpan': {'rowSpan'}, |
| 'selected': {'selected'}, |
| 'setSize': {'setSize'}, |
| 'sort': {'sort'}, |
| 'valueMax': {'valueMax'}, |
| 'valueMin': {'valueMin'}, |
| 'valueNow': {'valueNow'}, |
| 'valueText': {'valueText'} |
| }, |
| 'AccessibleNodeList': { |
| 'add': {'add'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'remove': {'remove'} |
| }, |
| 'AmbientLightSensor': { |
| 'illuminance': {'illuminance'} |
| }, |
| 'AnalyserNode': { |
| 'fftSize': {'fftSize'}, |
| 'frequencyBinCount': {'frequencyBinCount'}, |
| 'getByteFrequencyData': {'getByteFrequencyData'}, |
| 'getByteTimeDomainData': {'getByteTimeDomainData'}, |
| 'getFloatFrequencyData': {'getFloatFrequencyData'}, |
| 'getFloatTimeDomainData': {'getFloatTimeDomainData'}, |
| 'maxDecibels': {'maxDecibels'}, |
| 'minDecibels': {'minDecibels'}, |
| 'smoothingTimeConstant': {'smoothingTimeConstant'} |
| }, |
| 'Animation': { |
| 'cancel': {'cancel'}, |
| 'currentTime': {'currentTime'}, |
| 'effect': {'effect'}, |
| 'finish': {'finish'}, |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'pause': {'pause'}, |
| 'play': {'play'}, |
| 'playState': {'playState'}, |
| 'playbackRate': {'playbackRate'}, |
| 'reverse': {'reverse'}, |
| 'startTime': {'startTime'}, |
| 'timeline': {'timeline'} |
| }, |
| 'AnimationEffectReadOnly': { |
| 'timing': {'timing'} |
| }, |
| 'AnimationEffectTiming': { |
| 'delay': {'delay'}, |
| 'direction': {'direction'}, |
| 'duration': {'duration'}, |
| 'easing': {'easing'}, |
| 'endDelay': {'endDelay'}, |
| 'fill': {'fill'}, |
| 'iterationStart': {'iterationStart'}, |
| 'iterations': {'iterations'} |
| }, |
| 'AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly': { |
| 'delay': {'delay'}, |
| 'direction': {'direction'}, |
| 'duration': {'duration'}, |
| 'easing': {'easing'}, |
| 'endDelay': {'endDelay'}, |
| 'fill': {'fill'}, |
| 'iterationStart': {'iterationStart'}, |
| 'iterations': {'iterations'} |
| }, |
| 'AnimationEvent': { |
| 'animationName': {'animationName'}, |
| 'elapsedTime': {'elapsedTime'} |
| }, |
| 'AnimationPlaybackEvent': { |
| 'currentTime': {'currentTime'}, |
| 'timelineTime': {'timelineTime'} |
| }, |
| 'AnimationTimeline': { |
| 'currentTime': {'currentTime'} |
| }, |
| 'AnimationWorkletGlobalScope': { |
| 'registerAnimator': {'registerAnimator'} |
| }, |
| 'ApplicationCache': { |
| 'abort': {'abort'}, |
| 'status': {'status'}, |
| 'swapCache': {'swapCache'}, |
| 'update': {'update'} |
| }, |
| 'ApplicationCacheErrorEvent': { |
| 'message': {'message'}, |
| 'reason': {'reason'}, |
| 'status': {'status'}, |
| 'url': {'url'} |
| }, |
| 'Attr': { |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'value': {'value'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioBuffer': { |
| 'copyFromChannel': {'copyFromChannel'}, |
| 'copyToChannel': {'copyToChannel'}, |
| 'duration': {'duration'}, |
| 'getChannelData': {'getChannelData'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'numberOfChannels': {'numberOfChannels'}, |
| 'sampleRate': {'sampleRate'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioBufferSourceNode': { |
| 'buffer': {'buffer'}, |
| 'detune': {'detune'}, |
| 'loop': {'loop'}, |
| 'loopEnd': {'loopEnd'}, |
| 'loopStart': {'loopStart'}, |
| 'playbackRate': {'playbackRate'}, |
| 'start': {'start'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioContext': { |
| 'baseLatency': {'baseLatency'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioDestinationNode': { |
| 'maxChannelCount': {'maxChannelCount'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioGainNode': { |
| 'gain': {'gain'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioListener': { |
| 'forwardX': {'forwardX'}, |
| 'forwardY': {'forwardY'}, |
| 'forwardZ': {'forwardZ'}, |
| 'positionX': {'positionX'}, |
| 'positionY': {'positionY'}, |
| 'positionZ': {'positionZ'}, |
| 'setOrientation': {'setOrientation'}, |
| 'setPosition': {'setPosition'}, |
| 'upX': {'upX'}, |
| 'upY': {'upY'}, |
| 'upZ': {'upZ'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioNode': { |
| 'channelCount': {'channelCount'}, |
| 'channelCountMode': {'channelCountMode'}, |
| 'channelInterpretation': {'channelInterpretation'}, |
| 'context': {'context'}, |
| 'disconnect': {'disconnect'}, |
| 'numberOfInputs': {'numberOfInputs'}, |
| 'numberOfOutputs': {'numberOfOutputs'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioPannerNode': { |
| 'coneInnerAngle': {'coneInnerAngle'}, |
| 'coneOuterAngle': {'coneOuterAngle'}, |
| 'coneOuterGain': {'coneOuterGain'}, |
| 'distanceModel': {'distanceModel'}, |
| 'maxDistance': {'maxDistance'}, |
| 'orientationX': {'orientationX'}, |
| 'orientationY': {'orientationY'}, |
| 'orientationZ': {'orientationZ'}, |
| 'panningModel': {'panningModel'}, |
| 'positionX': {'positionX'}, |
| 'positionY': {'positionY'}, |
| 'positionZ': {'positionZ'}, |
| 'refDistance': {'refDistance'}, |
| 'rolloffFactor': {'rolloffFactor'}, |
| 'setOrientation': {'setOrientation'}, |
| 'setPosition': {'setPosition'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioParam': { |
| 'cancelAndHoldAtTime': {'cancelAndHoldAtTime'}, |
| 'cancelScheduledValues': {'cancelScheduledValues'}, |
| 'defaultValue': {'defaultValue'}, |
| 'exponentialRampToValueAtTime': {'exponentialRampToValueAtTime'}, |
| 'linearRampToValueAtTime': {'linearRampToValueAtTime'}, |
| 'maxValue': {'maxValue'}, |
| 'minValue': {'minValue'}, |
| 'setTargetAtTime': {'setTargetAtTime'}, |
| 'setValueAtTime': {'setValueAtTime'}, |
| 'setValueCurveAtTime': {'setValueCurveAtTime'}, |
| 'value': {'value'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioProcessingEvent': { |
| 'inputBuffer': {'inputBuffer'}, |
| 'outputBuffer': {'outputBuffer'}, |
| 'playbackTime': {'playbackTime'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioScheduledSourceNode': { |
| 'start': {'start2'}, |
| 'stop': {'stop'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioTrack': { |
| 'enabled': {'enabled'}, |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'kind': {'kind'}, |
| 'label': {'label'}, |
| 'language': {'language'}, |
| 'sourceBuffer': {'sourceBuffer'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioTrackList': { |
| 'getTrackById': {'getTrackById'}, |
| 'length': {'length'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioWorkletGlobalScope': { |
| 'currentTime': {'currentTime'}, |
| 'registerProcessor': {'registerProcessor'}, |
| 'sampleRate': {'sampleRate'} |
| }, |
| 'AudioWorkletNode': { |
| 'parameters': {'parameters'} |
| }, |
| 'AuthenticatorAssertionResponse': { |
| 'authenticatorData': {'authenticatorData'}, |
| 'signature': {'signature'} |
| }, |
| 'AuthenticatorAttestationResponse': { |
| 'attestationObject': {'attestationObject'} |
| }, |
| 'AuthenticatorResponse': { |
| 'clientDataJSON': {'clientDataJson'} |
| }, |
| 'BackgroundFetchClickEvent': { |
| 'state': {'state'} |
| }, |
| 'BackgroundFetchEvent': { |
| 'id': {'id'} |
| }, |
| 'BackgroundFetchFailEvent': { |
| 'fetches': {'fetches'} |
| }, |
| 'BackgroundFetchFetch': { |
| 'request': {'request'} |
| }, |
| 'BackgroundFetchRegistration': { |
| 'downloadTotal': {'downloadTotal'}, |
| 'downloaded': {'downloaded'}, |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'title': {'title'}, |
| 'totalDownloadSize': {'totalDownloadSize'}, |
| 'uploadTotal': {'uploadTotal'}, |
| 'uploaded': {'uploaded'} |
| }, |
| 'BackgroundFetchSettledFetch': { |
| 'response': {'response'} |
| }, |
| 'BackgroundFetchedEvent': { |
| 'fetches': {'fetches'} |
| }, |
| 'BarProp': { |
| 'visible': {'visible'} |
| }, |
| 'BaseAudioContext': { |
| 'createAnalyser': {'createAnalyser'}, |
| 'createBiquadFilter': {'createBiquadFilter'}, |
| 'createBuffer': {'createBuffer'}, |
| 'createBufferSource': {'createBufferSource'}, |
| 'createChannelMerger': {'createChannelMerger'}, |
| 'createChannelSplitter': {'createChannelSplitter'}, |
| 'createConstantSource': {'createConstantSource'}, |
| 'createConvolver': {'createConvolver'}, |
| 'createDelay': {'createDelay'}, |
| 'createDynamicsCompressor': {'createDynamicsCompressor'}, |
| 'createGain': {'createGain'}, |
| 'createIIRFilter': {'createIirFilter'}, |
| 'createMediaElementSource': {'createMediaElementSource'}, |
| 'createMediaStreamDestination': {'createMediaStreamDestination'}, |
| 'createMediaStreamSource': {'createMediaStreamSource'}, |
| 'createOscillator': {'createOscillator'}, |
| 'createPanner': {'createPanner'}, |
| 'createScriptProcessor': {'createScriptProcessor'}, |
| 'createStereoPanner': {'createStereoPanner'}, |
| 'createWaveShaper': {'createWaveShaper'}, |
| 'currentTime': {'currentTime'}, |
| 'destination': {'destination'}, |
| 'listener': {'listener'}, |
| 'sampleRate': {'sampleRate'}, |
| 'state': {'state'} |
| }, |
| 'BatteryManager': { |
| 'charging': {'charging'}, |
| 'chargingTime': {'chargingTime'}, |
| 'dischargingTime': {'dischargingTime'}, |
| 'level': {'level'} |
| }, |
| 'BeforeInstallPromptEvent': { |
| 'platforms': {'platforms'} |
| }, |
| 'BeforeUnloadEvent': { |
| 'returnValue': {'returnValue'} |
| }, |
| 'BiquadFilterNode': { |
| 'Q': {'Q'}, |
| 'detune': {'detune'}, |
| 'frequency': {'frequency'}, |
| 'gain': {'gain'}, |
| 'getFrequencyResponse': {'getFrequencyResponse'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'Blob': { |
| 'size': {'size'}, |
| 'slice': {'slice'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'BlobEvent': { |
| 'data': {'data'}, |
| 'timecode': {'timecode'} |
| }, |
| 'BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor': { |
| 'characteristic': {'characteristic'}, |
| 'uuid': {'uuid'}, |
| 'value': {'value'} |
| }, |
| 'Body': { |
| 'bodyUsed': {'bodyUsed'} |
| }, |
| 'BroadcastChannel': { |
| 'close': {'close'}, |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'postMessage': {'postMessage'} |
| }, |
| 'BudgetState': { |
| 'budgetAt': {'budgetAt'}, |
| 'time': {'time'} |
| }, |
| 'CSS': { |
| 'Hz': {'Hz'}, |
| 'ch': {'ch'}, |
| 'cm': {'cm'}, |
| 'deg': {'deg'}, |
| 'dpcm': {'dpcm'}, |
| 'dpi': {'dpi'}, |
| 'dppx': {'dppx'}, |
| 'em': {'em'}, |
| 'escape': {'escape'}, |
| 'ex': {'ex'}, |
| 'fr': {'fr'}, |
| 'grad': {'grad'}, |
| 'in': {'inch'}, |
| 'kHz': {'kHz'}, |
| 'mm': {'mm'}, |
| 'ms': {'ms'}, |
| 'number': {'number'}, |
| 'paintWorklet': {'paintWorklet'}, |
| 'pc': {'pc'}, |
| 'percent': {'percent'}, |
| 'pt': {'pt'}, |
| 'px': {'px'}, |
| 'rad': {'rad'}, |
| 'rem': {'rem'}, |
| 's': {'s'}, |
| 'supports': {'supports', 'supportsCondition'}, |
| 'turn': {'turn'}, |
| 'vh': {'vh'}, |
| 'vmax': {'vmax'}, |
| 'vmin': {'vmin'}, |
| 'vw': {'vw'} |
| }, |
| 'CSS2Properties': { |
| 'cssFloat': {'cssFloat'}, |
| 'cssText': {'cssText'}, |
| 'getPropertyPriority': {'getPropertyPriority'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'parentRule': {'parentRule'}, |
| 'removeProperty': {'removeProperty'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSCharsetRule': { |
| 'encoding': {'encoding'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSConditionRule': { |
| 'conditionText': {'conditionText'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSFontFaceRule': { |
| 'style': {'style'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSGroupingRule': { |
| 'cssRules': {'cssRules'}, |
| 'deleteRule': {'deleteRule'}, |
| 'insertRule': {'insertRule'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSImageValue': { |
| 'intrinsicHeight': {'intrinsicHeight'}, |
| 'intrinsicRatio': {'intrinsicRatio'}, |
| 'intrinsicWidth': {'intrinsicWidth'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSImportRule': { |
| 'href': {'href'}, |
| 'media': {'media'}, |
| 'styleSheet': {'styleSheet'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSKeyframeRule': { |
| 'keyText': {'keyText'}, |
| 'style': {'style'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSKeyframesRule': { |
| 'appendRule': {'appendRule'}, |
| 'cssRules': {'cssRules'}, |
| 'deleteRule': {'deleteRule'}, |
| 'findRule': {'findRule'}, |
| 'name': {'name'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSKeywordValue': { |
| 'value': {'value'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSMatrixComponent': { |
| 'matrix': {'matrix'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSMediaRule': { |
| 'media': {'media'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSNamespaceRule': { |
| 'namespaceURI': {'namespaceUri'}, |
| 'prefix': {'prefix'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSNumericValue': { |
| 'add': {'add'}, |
| 'div': {'div'}, |
| 'mul': {'mul'}, |
| 'parse': {'parse'}, |
| 'sub': {'sub'}, |
| 'to': {'to'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSPageRule': { |
| 'selectorText': {'selectorText'}, |
| 'style': {'style'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSPerspective': { |
| 'length': {'length'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSPositionValue': { |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSResourceValue': { |
| 'state': {'state'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSRotation': { |
| 'angle': {'angle'}, |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'}, |
| 'z': {'z'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSRule': { |
| 'cssText': {'cssText'}, |
| 'parentRule': {'parentRule'}, |
| 'parentStyleSheet': {'parentStyleSheet'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSRuleList': { |
| 'item': {'item'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSScale': { |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'}, |
| 'z': {'z'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSSkew': { |
| 'ax': {'ax'}, |
| 'ay': {'ay'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSStyleDeclaration': { |
| 'cssFloat': {'cssFloat'}, |
| 'cssText': {'cssText'}, |
| 'getPropertyPriority': {'getPropertyPriority'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'parentRule': {'parentRule'}, |
| 'removeProperty': {'removeProperty'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSStyleRule': { |
| 'selectorText': {'selectorText'}, |
| 'style': {'style'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSStyleSheet': { |
| 'addRule': {'addRule'}, |
| 'cssRules': {'cssRules'}, |
| 'deleteRule': {'deleteRule'}, |
| 'insertRule': {'insertRule'}, |
| 'ownerRule': {'ownerRule'}, |
| 'removeRule': {'removeRule'}, |
| 'rules': {'rules'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSStyleValue': { |
| 'parse': {'parse'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSTransformComponent': { |
| 'is2D': {'is2D'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSTransformValue': { |
| 'componentAtIndex': {'componentAtIndex'}, |
| 'is2D': {'is2D'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'toMatrix': {'toMatrix'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSTranslation': { |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'}, |
| 'z': {'z'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSURLImageValue': { |
| 'url': {'url'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSUnitValue': { |
| 'type': {'type'}, |
| 'unit': {'unit'}, |
| 'value': {'value'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSUnparsedValue': { |
| 'fragmentAtIndex': {'fragmentAtIndex'}, |
| 'length': {'length'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSVariableReferenceValue': { |
| 'fallback': {'fallback'}, |
| 'variable': {'variable'} |
| }, |
| 'CSSViewportRule': { |
| 'style': {'style'} |
| }, |
| 'CanMakePaymentEvent': { |
| 'methodData': {'methodData'}, |
| 'modifiers': {'modifiers'}, |
| 'paymentRequestOrigin': {'paymentRequestOrigin'}, |
| 'respondWith': {'respondWith'}, |
| 'topLevelOrigin': {'topLevelOrigin'} |
| }, |
| 'CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack': { |
| 'canvas': {'canvas'}, |
| 'requestFrame': {'requestFrame'} |
| }, |
| 'CanvasGradient': { |
| 'addColorStop': {'addColorStop'} |
| }, |
| 'CanvasPattern': { |
| 'setTransform': {'setTransform'} |
| }, |
| 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': { |
| 'arcTo': {'arcTo'}, |
| 'beginPath': {'beginPath'}, |
| 'bezierCurveTo': {'bezierCurveTo'}, |
| 'canvas': {'canvas'}, |
| 'clearHitRegions': {'clearHitRegions'}, |
| 'clearRect': {'clearRect'}, |
| 'clip': {'clip'}, |
| 'closePath': {'closePath'}, |
| 'createLinearGradient': {'createLinearGradient'}, |
| 'createPattern': {'createPattern'}, |
| 'createRadialGradient': {'createRadialGradient'}, |
| 'currentTransform': {'currentTransform'}, |
| 'direction': {'direction'}, |
| 'drawFocusIfNeeded': {'drawFocusIfNeeded'}, |
| 'drawImage': {'drawImage', 'drawImageScaled', 'drawImageScaledFromSource'}, |
| 'ellipse': {'ellipse'}, |
| 'fill': {'fill'}, |
| 'fillRect': {'fillRect'}, |
| 'fillStyle': {'fillStyle'}, |
| 'filter': {'filter'}, |
| 'font': {'font'}, |
| 'globalAlpha': {'globalAlpha'}, |
| 'globalCompositeOperation': {'globalCompositeOperation'}, |
| 'imageSmoothingEnabled': {'imageSmoothingEnabled'}, |
| 'imageSmoothingQuality': {'imageSmoothingQuality'}, |
| 'isContextLost': {'isContextLost'}, |
| 'isPointInPath': {'isPointInPath'}, |
| 'isPointInStroke': {'isPointInStroke'}, |
| 'lineCap': {'lineCap'}, |
| 'lineJoin': {'lineJoin'}, |
| 'lineTo': {'lineTo'}, |
| 'lineWidth': {'lineWidth'}, |
| 'measureText': {'measureText'}, |
| 'miterLimit': {'miterLimit'}, |
| 'moveTo': {'moveTo'}, |
| 'quadraticCurveTo': {'quadraticCurveTo'}, |
| 'rect': {'rect'}, |
| 'removeHitRegion': {'removeHitRegion'}, |
| 'resetTransform': {'resetTransform'}, |
| 'restore': {'restore'}, |
| 'rotate': {'rotate'}, |
| 'save': {'save'}, |
| 'scale': {'scale'}, |
| 'scrollPathIntoView': {'scrollPathIntoView'}, |
| 'setTransform': {'setTransform'}, |
| 'shadowBlur': {'shadowBlur'}, |
| 'shadowColor': {'shadowColor'}, |
| 'shadowOffsetX': {'shadowOffsetX'}, |
| 'shadowOffsetY': {'shadowOffsetY'}, |
| 'stroke': {'stroke'}, |
| 'strokeRect': {'strokeRect'}, |
| 'strokeStyle': {'strokeStyle'}, |
| 'strokeText': {'strokeText'}, |
| 'textAlign': {'textAlign'}, |
| 'textBaseline': {'textBaseline'}, |
| 'transform': {'transform'}, |
| 'translate': {'translate'} |
| }, |
| 'CharacterData': { |
| 'after': {'after'}, |
| 'appendData': {'appendData'}, |
| 'before': {'before'}, |
| 'data': {'data'}, |
| 'deleteData': {'deleteData'}, |
| 'insertData': {'insertData'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'nextElementSibling': {'nextElementSibling'}, |
| 'previousElementSibling': {'previousElementSibling'}, |
| 'replaceData': {'replaceData'}, |
| 'substringData': {'substringData'} |
| }, |
| 'Client': { |
| 'frameType': {'frameType'}, |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'postMessage': {'postMessage'}, |
| 'type': {'type'}, |
| 'url': {'url'} |
| }, |
| 'ClientRect': { |
| 'height': {'height'}, |
| 'width': {'width'}, |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'} |
| }, |
| 'ClientRectList': { |
| 'item': {'item'} |
| }, |
| 'ClipboardEvent': { |
| 'clipboardData': {'clipboardData'} |
| }, |
| 'CloseEvent': { |
| 'code': {'code'}, |
| 'reason': {'reason'}, |
| 'wasClean': {'wasClean'} |
| }, |
| 'CompositionEvent': { |
| 'data': {'data'} |
| }, |
| 'ConstantSourceNode': { |
| 'offset': {'offset'} |
| }, |
| 'ConvolverNode': { |
| 'buffer': {'buffer'}, |
| 'normalize': {'normalize'} |
| }, |
| 'Coordinates': { |
| 'accuracy': {'accuracy'}, |
| 'altitude': {'altitude'}, |
| 'altitudeAccuracy': {'altitudeAccuracy'}, |
| 'heading': {'heading'}, |
| 'latitude': {'latitude'}, |
| 'longitude': {'longitude'}, |
| 'speed': {'speed'} |
| }, |
| 'Credential': { |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'CredentialUserData': { |
| 'iconURL': {'iconUrl'}, |
| 'name': {'name'} |
| }, |
| 'Crypto': { |
| 'subtle': {'subtle'} |
| }, |
| 'CryptoKey': { |
| 'algorithm': {'algorithm'}, |
| 'extractable': {'extractable'}, |
| 'type': {'type'}, |
| 'usages': {'usages'} |
| }, |
| 'CustomElementRegistry': { |
| 'get': {'get'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMApplicationCache': { |
| 'abort': {'abort'}, |
| 'status': {'status'}, |
| 'swapCache': {'swapCache'}, |
| 'update': {'update'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMError': { |
| 'message': {'message'}, |
| 'name': {'name'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMException': { |
| 'message': {'message'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMFileSystem': { |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'root': {'root'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMImplementation': { |
| 'createDocument': {'createDocument'}, |
| 'createDocumentType': {'createDocumentType'}, |
| 'createHTMLDocument': {'createHtmlDocument'}, |
| 'hasFeature': {'hasFeature'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMMatrix': { |
| 'a': {'a'}, |
| 'b': {'b'}, |
| 'c': {'c'}, |
| 'd': {'d'}, |
| 'e': {'e'}, |
| 'f': {'f'}, |
| 'fromFloat32Array': {'fromFloat32Array'}, |
| 'fromFloat64Array': {'fromFloat64Array'}, |
| 'invertSelf': {'invertSelf'}, |
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| 'm12': {'m12'}, |
| 'm13': {'m13'}, |
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| 'm32': {'m32'}, |
| 'm33': {'m33'}, |
| 'm34': {'m34'}, |
| 'm41': {'m41'}, |
| 'm42': {'m42'}, |
| 'm43': {'m43'}, |
| 'm44': {'m44'}, |
| 'rotateAxisAngleSelf': {'rotateAxisAngleSelf'}, |
| 'rotateFromVectorSelf': {'rotateFromVectorSelf'}, |
| 'rotateSelf': {'rotateSelf'}, |
| 'scale3dSelf': {'scale3dSelf'}, |
| 'scaleSelf': {'scaleSelf'}, |
| 'setMatrixValue': {'setMatrixValue'}, |
| 'skewXSelf': {'skewXSelf'}, |
| 'skewYSelf': {'skewYSelf'}, |
| 'translateSelf': {'translateSelf'} |
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| 'flipX': {'flipX'}, |
| 'flipY': {'flipY'}, |
| 'fromFloat32Array': {'fromFloat32Array'}, |
| 'fromFloat64Array': {'fromFloat64Array'}, |
| 'inverse': {'inverse'}, |
| 'is2D': {'is2D'}, |
| 'isIdentity': {'isIdentity'}, |
| 'm11': {'m11'}, |
| 'm12': {'m12'}, |
| 'm13': {'m13'}, |
| 'm14': {'m14'}, |
| 'm21': {'m21'}, |
| 'm22': {'m22'}, |
| 'm23': {'m23'}, |
| 'm24': {'m24'}, |
| 'm31': {'m31'}, |
| 'm32': {'m32'}, |
| 'm33': {'m33'}, |
| 'm34': {'m34'}, |
| 'm41': {'m41'}, |
| 'm42': {'m42'}, |
| 'm43': {'m43'}, |
| 'm44': {'m44'}, |
| 'rotate': {'rotate'}, |
| 'rotateAxisAngle': {'rotateAxisAngle'}, |
| 'rotateFromVector': {'rotateFromVector'}, |
| 'scale': {'scale'}, |
| 'scale3d': {'scale3d'}, |
| 'skewX': {'skewX'}, |
| 'skewY': {'skewY'}, |
| 'toFloat32Array': {'toFloat32Array'}, |
| 'toFloat64Array': {'toFloat64Array'}, |
| 'translate': {'translate'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMParser': { |
| 'parseFromString': {'parseFromString'} |
| }, |
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| }, |
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| 'p4': {'p4'} |
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| }, |
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| 'item': {'item'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMStringMap': { |
| 'item': {'item'} |
| }, |
| 'DOMTokenList': { |
| 'add': {'add'}, |
| 'contains': {'contains'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'remove': {'remove'}, |
| 'replace': {'replace'}, |
| 'supports': {'supports'}, |
| 'toggle': {'toggle'}, |
| 'value': {'value'} |
| }, |
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| 'alert': {'alert'}, |
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| 'applicationCache': {'applicationCache'}, |
| 'atob': {'atob'}, |
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| 'btoa': {'btoa'}, |
| 'caches': {'caches'}, |
| 'cancelIdleCallback': {'cancelIdleCallback'}, |
| 'close': {'close'}, |
| 'closed': {'closed'}, |
| 'confirm': {'confirm'}, |
| 'cookieStore': {'cookieStore'}, |
| 'crypto': {'crypto'}, |
| 'customElements': {'customElements'}, |
| 'defaultStatus': {'defaultStatus'}, |
| 'defaultstatus': {'defaultstatus'}, |
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| 'external': {'external'}, |
| 'find': {'find'}, |
| 'getComputedStyleMap': {'getComputedStyleMap'}, |
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| 'getSelection': {'getSelection'}, |
| 'history': {'history'}, |
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| 'innerWidth': {'innerWidth'}, |
| 'isSecureContext': {'isSecureContext'}, |
| 'localStorage': {'localStorage'}, |
| 'locationbar': {'locationbar'}, |
| 'matchMedia': {'matchMedia'}, |
| 'menubar': {'menubar'}, |
| 'moveBy': {'moveBy'}, |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'navigator': {'navigator'}, |
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| 'opener': {'opener'}, |
| 'orientation': {'orientation'}, |
| 'origin': {'origin'}, |
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| 'resizeTo': {'resizeTo'}, |
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| 'screenY': {'screenY'}, |
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| 'sessionStorage': {'sessionStorage'}, |
| 'speechSynthesis': {'speechSynthesis'}, |
| 'status': {'status'}, |
| 'statusbar': {'statusbar'}, |
| 'stop': {'stop'}, |
| 'styleMedia': {'styleMedia'}, |
| 'toolbar': {'toolbar'}, |
| 'visualViewport': {'visualViewport'} |
| }, |
| 'DataChannel': { |
| 'binaryType': {'binaryType'}, |
| 'bufferedAmount': {'bufferedAmount'}, |
| 'bufferedAmountLowThreshold': {'bufferedAmountLowThreshold'}, |
| 'close': {'close'}, |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'label': {'label'}, |
| 'maxRetransmitTime': {'maxRetransmitTime'}, |
| 'maxRetransmits': {'maxRetransmits'}, |
| 'negotiated': {'negotiated'}, |
| 'ordered': {'ordered'}, |
| 'protocol': {'protocol'}, |
| 'readyState': {'readyState'}, |
| 'reliable': {'reliable'}, |
| 'send': { |
| 'send', |
| 'sendBlob', |
| 'sendByteBuffer', |
| 'sendString', |
| 'sendTypedData' |
| } |
| }, |
| 'DataTransfer': { |
| 'clearData': {'clearData'}, |
| 'dropEffect': {'dropEffect'}, |
| 'effectAllowed': {'effectAllowed'}, |
| 'files': {'files'}, |
| 'getData': {'getData'}, |
| 'items': {'items'}, |
| 'setData': {'setData'}, |
| 'setDragImage': {'setDragImage'}, |
| 'types': {'types'} |
| }, |
| 'DataTransferItem': { |
| 'getAsFile': {'getAsFile'}, |
| 'kind': {'kind'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'DataTransferItemList': { |
| 'add': {'add', 'addData', 'addFile'}, |
| 'clear': {'clear'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'remove': {'remove'} |
| }, |
| 'DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope': { |
| 'close': {'close'}, |
| 'webkitRequestFileSystemSync': {'requestFileSystemSync'}, |
| 'webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL': {'resolveLocalFileSystemSyncUrl'} |
| }, |
| 'DelayNode': { |
| 'delayTime': {'delayTime'} |
| }, |
| 'DeprecatedStorageInfo': { |
| 'queryUsageAndQuota': {'queryUsageAndQuota'}, |
| 'requestQuota': {'requestQuota'} |
| }, |
| 'DeprecatedStorageQuota': { |
| 'queryUsageAndQuota': {'queryUsageAndQuota'}, |
| 'requestQuota': {'requestQuota'} |
| }, |
| 'DeprecationReport': { |
| 'lineNumber': {'lineNumber'}, |
| 'message': {'message'}, |
| 'sourceFile': {'sourceFile'} |
| }, |
| 'DetectedBarcode': { |
| 'boundingBox': {'boundingBox'}, |
| 'cornerPoints': {'cornerPoints'}, |
| 'rawValue': {'rawValue'} |
| }, |
| 'DetectedFace': { |
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| 'landmarks': {'landmarks'} |
| }, |
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| 'cornerPoints': {'cornerPoints'}, |
| 'rawValue': {'rawValue'} |
| }, |
| 'DeviceAcceleration': { |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'}, |
| 'z': {'z'} |
| }, |
| 'DeviceMotionEvent': { |
| 'acceleration': {'acceleration'}, |
| 'accelerationIncludingGravity': {'accelerationIncludingGravity'}, |
| 'interval': {'interval'}, |
| 'rotationRate': {'rotationRate'} |
| }, |
| 'DeviceOrientationEvent': { |
| 'absolute': {'absolute'}, |
| 'alpha': {'alpha'}, |
| 'beta': {'beta'}, |
| 'gamma': {'gamma'} |
| }, |
| 'DeviceRotationRate': { |
| 'alpha': {'alpha'}, |
| 'beta': {'beta'}, |
| 'gamma': {'gamma'} |
| }, |
| 'Document': { |
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| 'documentElement': {'documentElement'}, |
| 'domain': {'domain'}, |
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| 'execCommand': {'execCommand'}, |
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| 'exitPointerLock': {'exitPointerLock'}, |
| 'fonts': {'fonts'}, |
| 'fullscreenElement': {'fullscreenElement'}, |
| 'fullscreenEnabled': {'fullscreenEnabled'}, |
| 'getAnimations': {'getAnimations'}, |
| 'getElementById': {'getElementById'}, |
| 'getElementsByClassName': {'getElementsByClassName'}, |
| 'getElementsByName': {'getElementsByName'}, |
| 'getElementsByTagName': {'getElementsByTagName'}, |
| 'hidden': {'hidden'}, |
| 'implementation': {'implementation'}, |
| 'importNode': {'importNode'}, |
| 'origin': {'origin'}, |
| 'pointerLockElement': {'pointerLockElement'}, |
| 'queryCommandEnabled': {'queryCommandEnabled'}, |
| 'queryCommandIndeterm': {'queryCommandIndeterm'}, |
| 'queryCommandState': {'queryCommandState'}, |
| 'queryCommandSupported': {'queryCommandSupported'}, |
| 'queryCommandValue': {'queryCommandValue'}, |
| 'querySelector': {'querySelector'}, |
| 'readyState': {'readyState'}, |
| 'rootElement': {'rootElement'}, |
| 'rootScroller': {'rootScroller'}, |
| 'scrollingElement': {'scrollingElement'}, |
| 'suborigin': {'suborigin'}, |
| 'timeline': {'timeline'} |
| }, |
| 'DocumentFragment': { |
| 'getElementById': {'getElementById'}, |
| 'querySelector': {'querySelector'} |
| }, |
| 'DocumentOrShadowRoot': { |
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| 'elementFromPoint': {'elementFromPoint'}, |
| 'elementsFromPoint': {'elementsFromPoint'}, |
| 'fullscreenElement': {'fullscreenElement'}, |
| 'getSelection': {'getSelection'}, |
| 'pointerLockElement': {'pointerLockElement'}, |
| 'styleSheets': {'styleSheets'} |
| }, |
| 'DragEvent': { |
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| 'button': {'button'}, |
| 'buttons': {'buttons'}, |
| 'ctrlKey': {'ctrlKey'}, |
| 'fromElement': {'fromElement'}, |
| 'getModifierState': {'getModifierState'}, |
| 'metaKey': {'metaKey'}, |
| 'region': {'region'}, |
| 'shiftKey': {'shiftKey'}, |
| 'toElement': {'toElement'} |
| }, |
| 'DynamicsCompressorNode': { |
| 'attack': {'attack'}, |
| 'knee': {'knee'}, |
| 'ratio': {'ratio'}, |
| 'reduction': {'reduction'}, |
| 'release': {'release'}, |
| 'threshold': {'threshold'} |
| }, |
| 'EXTDisjointTimerQuery': { |
| 'beginQueryEXT': {'beginQueryExt'}, |
| 'createQueryEXT': {'createQueryExt'}, |
| 'deleteQueryEXT': {'deleteQueryExt'}, |
| 'endQueryEXT': {'endQueryExt'}, |
| 'getQueryEXT': {'getQueryExt'}, |
| 'getQueryObjectEXT': {'getQueryObjectExt'}, |
| 'isQueryEXT': {'isQueryExt'}, |
| 'queryCounterEXT': {'queryCounterExt'} |
| }, |
| 'EXTDisjointTimerQueryWebGL2': { |
| 'queryCounterEXT': {'queryCounterExt'} |
| }, |
| 'Element': { |
| 'accessibleNode': {'accessibleNode'}, |
| 'after': {'after'}, |
| 'assignedSlot': {'assignedSlot'}, |
| 'before': {'before'}, |
| 'blur': {'blur'}, |
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| 'click': {'click'}, |
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| 'contentEditable': {'contentEditable'}, |
| 'dir': {'dir'}, |
| 'draggable': {'draggable'}, |
| 'focus': {'focus'}, |
| 'getAnimations': {'getAnimations'}, |
| 'getAttributeNames': {'getAttributeNames'}, |
| 'getBoundingClientRect': {'getBoundingClientRect'}, |
| 'getDestinationInsertionPoints': {'getDestinationInsertionPoints'}, |
| 'getElementsByClassName': {'getElementsByClassName'}, |
| 'hasPointerCapture': {'hasPointerCapture'}, |
| 'hidden': {'hidden'}, |
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| 'inert': {'inert'}, |
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| 'requestPointerLock': {'requestPointerLock'}, |
| 'scrollIntoViewIfNeeded': {'scrollIntoViewIfNeeded'}, |
| 'setPointerCapture': {'setPointerCapture'}, |
| 'slot': {'slot'}, |
| 'spellcheck': {'spellcheck'}, |
| 'style': {'style'}, |
| 'styleMap': {'styleMap'}, |
| 'tabIndex': {'tabIndex'}, |
| 'tagName': {'tagName'}, |
| 'title': {'title'}, |
| 'translate': {'translate'} |
| }, |
| 'Entry': { |
| 'filesystem': {'filesystem'}, |
| 'fullPath': {'fullPath'}, |
| 'isDirectory': {'isDirectory'}, |
| 'isFile': {'isFile'}, |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'toURL': {'toUrl'} |
| }, |
| 'ErrorEvent': { |
| 'colno': {'colno'}, |
| 'error': {'error'}, |
| 'filename': {'filename'}, |
| 'lineno': {'lineno'}, |
| 'message': {'message'} |
| }, |
| 'Event': { |
| 'bubbles': {'bubbles'}, |
| 'cancelable': {'cancelable'}, |
| 'composed': {'composed'}, |
| 'composedPath': {'composedPath'}, |
| 'defaultPrevented': {'defaultPrevented'}, |
| 'eventPhase': {'eventPhase'}, |
| 'isTrusted': {'isTrusted'}, |
| 'preventDefault': {'preventDefault'}, |
| 'stopImmediatePropagation': {'stopImmediatePropagation'}, |
| 'stopPropagation': {'stopPropagation'}, |
| 'timeStamp': {'timeStamp'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'EventSource': { |
| 'close': {'close'}, |
| 'readyState': {'readyState'}, |
| 'url': {'url'}, |
| 'withCredentials': {'withCredentials'} |
| }, |
| 'EventTarget': { |
| 'dispatchEvent': {'dispatchEvent'} |
| }, |
| 'ExtendableEvent': { |
| 'waitUntil': {'waitUntil'} |
| }, |
| 'ExtendableMessageEvent': { |
| 'data': {'data'}, |
| 'lastEventId': {'lastEventId'}, |
| 'origin': {'origin'}, |
| 'ports': {'ports'}, |
| 'source': {'source'} |
| }, |
| 'External': { |
| 'AddSearchProvider': {'AddSearchProvider'}, |
| 'IsSearchProviderInstalled': {'IsSearchProviderInstalled'} |
| }, |
| 'FederatedCredential': { |
| 'iconURL': {'iconUrl'}, |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'protocol': {'protocol'}, |
| 'provider': {'provider'} |
| }, |
| 'FetchEvent': { |
| 'clientId': {'clientId'}, |
| 'isReload': {'isReload'}, |
| 'request': {'request'}, |
| 'respondWith': {'respondWith'} |
| }, |
| 'File': { |
| 'lastModified': {'lastModified'}, |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'webkitRelativePath': {'relativePath'} |
| }, |
| 'FileList': { |
| 'item': {'item'} |
| }, |
| 'FileReader': { |
| 'abort': {'abort'}, |
| 'error': {'error'}, |
| 'readAsArrayBuffer': {'readAsArrayBuffer'}, |
| 'readAsDataURL': {'readAsDataUrl'}, |
| 'readAsText': {'readAsText'}, |
| 'readyState': {'readyState'} |
| }, |
| 'FileSystem': { |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'root': {'root'} |
| }, |
| 'FileSystemEntry': { |
| 'filesystem': {'filesystem'}, |
| 'fullPath': {'fullPath'}, |
| 'isDirectory': {'isDirectory'}, |
| 'isFile': {'isFile'}, |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'toURL': {'toUrl'} |
| }, |
| 'FileWriter': { |
| 'abort': {'abort'}, |
| 'error': {'error'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'position': {'position'}, |
| 'readyState': {'readyState'}, |
| 'seek': {'seek'}, |
| 'truncate': {'truncate'}, |
| 'write': {'write'} |
| }, |
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| 'clear': {'clear'}, |
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| 'forEach': {'forEach'}, |
| 'has': {'has'}, |
| 'status': {'status'} |
| }, |
| 'FontFaceSetLoadEvent': { |
| 'fontfaces': {'fontfaces'} |
| }, |
| 'FontFaceSource': { |
| 'fonts': {'fonts'} |
| }, |
| 'ForeignFetchEvent': { |
| 'origin': {'origin'}, |
| 'request': {'request'}, |
| 'respondWith': {'respondWith'} |
| }, |
| 'FormData': { |
| 'append': {'append', 'appendBlob'}, |
| 'delete': {'delete'}, |
| 'get': {'get'}, |
| 'getAll': {'getAll'}, |
| 'has': {'has'}, |
| 'set': {'set'} |
| }, |
| 'GainNode': { |
| 'gain': {'gain'} |
| }, |
| 'Gamepad': { |
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| 'pose': {'pose'}, |
| 'timestamp': {'timestamp'} |
| }, |
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| 'pressed': {'pressed'}, |
| 'touched': {'touched'}, |
| 'value': {'value'} |
| }, |
| 'GamepadEvent': { |
| 'gamepad': {'gamepad'} |
| }, |
| 'GamepadList': { |
| 'item': {'item'} |
| }, |
| 'GamepadPose': { |
| 'angularAcceleration': {'angularAcceleration'}, |
| 'angularVelocity': {'angularVelocity'}, |
| 'hasOrientation': {'hasOrientation'}, |
| 'hasPosition': {'hasPosition'}, |
| 'linearAcceleration': {'linearAcceleration'}, |
| 'linearVelocity': {'linearVelocity'}, |
| 'orientation': {'orientation'}, |
| 'position': {'position'} |
| }, |
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| 'coords': {'coords'}, |
| 'timestamp': {'timestamp'} |
| }, |
| 'GeolocationPositionError': { |
| 'code': {'code'}, |
| 'message': {'message'} |
| }, |
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| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'}, |
| 'z': {'z'} |
| }, |
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| 'username': {'username'} |
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| }, |
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| 'open': {'open'} |
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| 'showModal': {'showModal'} |
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| }, |
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| 'willValidate': {'willValidate'} |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| 'transaction': {'transaction'} |
| }, |
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| }, |
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| 'oldVersion': {'oldVersion'}, |
| 'target': {'target'} |
| }, |
| 'IIRFilterNode': { |
| 'getFrequencyResponse': {'getFrequencyResponse'} |
| }, |
| 'IdleDeadline': { |
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| 'timeRemaining': {'timeRemaining'} |
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| 'preventDefault': {'preventDefault'}, |
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| 'stopPropagation': {'stopPropagation'}, |
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| 'unobserve': {'unobserve'} |
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| 'target': {'target'}, |
| 'time': {'time'} |
| }, |
| 'InterventionReport': { |
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| 'message': {'message'}, |
| 'sourceFile': {'sourceFile'} |
| }, |
| 'Iterator': { |
| 'next': {'next'} |
| }, |
| 'JavaScriptAudioNode': { |
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| 'setEventListener': {'setEventListener'} |
| }, |
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| 'keyCode': {'keyCode'}, |
| 'location': {'location'}, |
| 'metaKey': {'metaKey'}, |
| 'repeat': {'repeat'}, |
| 'shiftKey': {'shiftKey'} |
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| 'search': {'search'}, |
| 'trustedHref': {'trustedHref'} |
| }, |
| 'MIDIAccess': { |
| 'inputs': {'inputs'}, |
| 'outputs': {'outputs'}, |
| 'sysexEnabled': {'sysexEnabled'} |
| }, |
| 'MIDIConnectionEvent': { |
| 'port': {'port'} |
| }, |
| 'MIDIMessageEvent': { |
| 'data': {'data'} |
| }, |
| 'MIDIOutput': { |
| 'send': {'send'} |
| }, |
| 'MIDIPort': { |
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| 'type': {'type'}, |
| 'version': {'version'} |
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| 'parentRule': {'parentRule'}, |
| 'removeProperty': {'removeProperty'} |
| }, |
| 'Magnetometer': { |
| 'x': {'x'}, |
| 'y': {'y'}, |
| 'z': {'z'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaCapabilitiesInfo': { |
| 'powerEfficient': {'powerEfficient'}, |
| 'smooth': {'smooth'}, |
| 'supported': {'supported'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaDeviceInfo': { |
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| 'groupId': {'groupId'}, |
| 'kind': {'kind'}, |
| 'label': {'label'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaElementAudioSourceNode': { |
| 'mediaElement': {'mediaElement'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaEncryptedEvent': { |
| 'initData': {'initData'}, |
| 'initDataType': {'initDataType'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaError': { |
| 'code': {'code'}, |
| 'message': {'message'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaKeyMessageEvent': { |
| 'message': {'message'}, |
| 'messageType': {'messageType'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaKeySession': { |
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| 'keyStatuses': {'keyStatuses'}, |
| 'sessionId': {'sessionId'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaKeyStatusMap': { |
| 'get': {'get'}, |
| 'has': {'has'}, |
| 'size': {'size'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaKeySystemAccess': { |
| 'keySystem': {'keySystem'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaKeysPolicy': { |
| 'minHdcpVersion': {'minHdcpVersion'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaList': { |
| 'appendMedium': {'appendMedium'}, |
| 'deleteMedium': {'deleteMedium'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'length': {'length'}, |
| 'mediaText': {'mediaText'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaMetadata': { |
| 'album': {'album'}, |
| 'artist': {'artist'}, |
| 'artwork': {'artwork'}, |
| 'title': {'title'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaQueryList': { |
| 'addListener': {'addListener'}, |
| 'matches': {'matches'}, |
| 'media': {'media'}, |
| 'removeListener': {'removeListener'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaQueryListEvent': { |
| 'matches': {'matches'}, |
| 'media': {'media'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaRecorder': { |
| 'audioBitsPerSecond': {'audioBitsPerSecond'}, |
| 'isTypeSupported': {'isTypeSupported'}, |
| 'mimeType': {'mimeType'}, |
| 'pause': {'pause'}, |
| 'requestData': {'requestData'}, |
| 'resume': {'resume'}, |
| 'start': {'start'}, |
| 'state': {'state'}, |
| 'stop': {'stop'}, |
| 'stream': {'stream'}, |
| 'videoBitsPerSecond': {'videoBitsPerSecond'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaSession': { |
| 'metadata': {'metadata'}, |
| 'playbackState': {'playbackState'}, |
| 'setActionHandler': {'setActionHandler'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaSettingsRange': { |
| 'max': {'max'}, |
| 'min': {'min'}, |
| 'step': {'step'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaSource': { |
| 'activeSourceBuffers': {'activeSourceBuffers'}, |
| 'addSourceBuffer': {'addSourceBuffer'}, |
| 'clearLiveSeekableRange': {'clearLiveSeekableRange'}, |
| 'duration': {'duration'}, |
| 'endOfStream': {'endOfStream'}, |
| 'isTypeSupported': {'isTypeSupported'}, |
| 'readyState': {'readyState'}, |
| 'removeSourceBuffer': {'removeSourceBuffer'}, |
| 'setLiveSeekableRange': {'setLiveSeekableRange'}, |
| 'sourceBuffers': {'sourceBuffers'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaStream': { |
| 'active': {'active'}, |
| 'addTrack': {'addTrack'}, |
| 'clone': {'clone'}, |
| 'getAudioTracks': {'getAudioTracks'}, |
| 'getTrackById': {'getTrackById'}, |
| 'getTracks': {'getTracks'}, |
| 'getVideoTracks': {'getVideoTracks'}, |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'removeTrack': {'removeTrack'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode': { |
| 'stream': {'stream'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaStreamAudioSourceNode': { |
| 'mediaStream': {'mediaStream'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaStreamEvent': { |
| 'stream': {'stream'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaStreamTrack': { |
| 'clone': {'clone'}, |
| 'contentHint': {'contentHint'}, |
| 'enabled': {'enabled'}, |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'kind': {'kind'}, |
| 'label': {'label'}, |
| 'muted': {'muted'}, |
| 'readyState': {'readyState'}, |
| 'stop': {'stop'} |
| }, |
| 'MediaStreamTrackEvent': { |
| 'track': {'track'} |
| }, |
| 'MemoryInfo': { |
| 'jsHeapSizeLimit': {'jsHeapSizeLimit'}, |
| 'totalJSHeapSize': {'totalJSHeapSize'}, |
| 'usedJSHeapSize': {'usedJSHeapSize'} |
| }, |
| 'MessageChannel': { |
| 'port1': {'port1'}, |
| 'port2': {'port2'} |
| }, |
| 'MessageEvent': { |
| 'lastEventId': {'lastEventId'}, |
| 'origin': {'origin'}, |
| 'ports': {'ports'}, |
| 'suborigin': {'suborigin'} |
| }, |
| 'MessagePort': { |
| 'close': {'close'} |
| }, |
| 'Metadata': { |
| 'size': {'size'} |
| }, |
| 'MimeType': { |
| 'description': {'description'}, |
| 'enabledPlugin': {'enabledPlugin'}, |
| 'suffixes': {'suffixes'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'MimeTypeArray': { |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'namedItem': {'namedItem'} |
| }, |
| 'MouseEvent': { |
| 'altKey': {'altKey'}, |
| 'button': {'button'}, |
| 'buttons': {'buttons'}, |
| 'ctrlKey': {'ctrlKey'}, |
| 'fromElement': {'fromElement'}, |
| 'getModifierState': {'getModifierState'}, |
| 'metaKey': {'metaKey'}, |
| 'region': {'region'}, |
| 'shiftKey': {'shiftKey'}, |
| 'toElement': {'toElement'} |
| }, |
| 'MozCSSKeyframeRule': { |
| 'keyText': {'keyText'}, |
| 'style': {'style'} |
| }, |
| 'MozCSSKeyframesRule': { |
| 'appendRule': {'appendRule'}, |
| 'cssRules': {'cssRules'}, |
| 'deleteRule': {'deleteRule'}, |
| 'findRule': {'findRule'}, |
| 'name': {'name'} |
| }, |
| 'MozNamedAttrMap': { |
| 'getNamedItem': {'getNamedItem'}, |
| 'getNamedItemNS': {'getNamedItemNS'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'removeNamedItem': {'removeNamedItem'}, |
| 'removeNamedItemNS': {'removeNamedItemNS'}, |
| 'setNamedItem': {'setNamedItem'}, |
| 'setNamedItemNS': {'setNamedItemNS'} |
| }, |
| 'MutationEvent': { |
| 'attrChange': {'attrChange'}, |
| 'attrName': {'attrName'}, |
| 'initMutationEvent': {'initMutationEvent'}, |
| 'newValue': {'newValue'}, |
| 'prevValue': {'prevValue'}, |
| 'relatedNode': {'relatedNode'} |
| }, |
| 'MutationObserver': { |
| 'disconnect': {'disconnect'}, |
| 'takeRecords': {'takeRecords'} |
| }, |
| 'MutationRecord': { |
| 'addedNodes': {'addedNodes'}, |
| 'attributeName': {'attributeName'}, |
| 'attributeNamespace': {'attributeNamespace'}, |
| 'nextSibling': {'nextSibling'}, |
| 'oldValue': {'oldValue'}, |
| 'previousSibling': {'previousSibling'}, |
| 'removedNodes': {'removedNodes'}, |
| 'target': {'target'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'NamedNodeMap': { |
| 'getNamedItem': {'getNamedItem'}, |
| 'getNamedItemNS': {'getNamedItemNS'}, |
| 'item': {'item'}, |
| 'removeNamedItem': {'removeNamedItem'}, |
| 'removeNamedItemNS': {'removeNamedItemNS'}, |
| 'setNamedItem': {'setNamedItem'}, |
| 'setNamedItemNS': {'setNamedItemNS'} |
| }, |
| 'Navigator': { |
| 'appCodeName': {'appCodeName'}, |
| 'appName': {'appName'}, |
| 'appVersion': {'appVersion'}, |
| 'budget': {'budget'}, |
| 'cancelKeyboardLock': {'cancelKeyboardLock'}, |
| 'clipboard': {'clipboard'}, |
| 'connection': {'connection'}, |
| 'cookieEnabled': {'cookieEnabled'}, |
| 'credentials': {'credentials'}, |
| 'dartEnabled': {'dartEnabled'}, |
| 'deviceMemory': {'deviceMemory'}, |
| 'doNotTrack': {'doNotTrack'}, |
| 'geolocation': {'geolocation'}, |
| 'languages': {'languages'}, |
| 'maxTouchPoints': {'maxTouchPoints'}, |
| 'mediaCapabilities': {'mediaCapabilities'}, |
| 'mediaDevices': {'mediaDevices'}, |
| 'mediaSession': {'mediaSession'}, |
| 'mimeTypes': {'mimeTypes'}, |
| 'nfc': {'nfc'}, |
| 'onLine': {'onLine'}, |
| 'permissions': {'permissions'}, |
| 'platform': {'platform'}, |
| 'presentation': {'presentation'}, |
| 'product': {'product'}, |
| 'productSub': {'productSub'}, |
| 'registerProtocolHandler': {'registerProtocolHandler'}, |
| 'sendBeacon': {'sendBeacon'}, |
| 'serviceWorker': {'serviceWorker'}, |
| 'storage': {'storage'}, |
| 'userAgent': {'userAgent'}, |
| 'vendor': {'vendor'}, |
| 'vendorSub': {'vendorSub'}, |
| 'vr': {'vr'}, |
| 'webdriver': {'webdriver'}, |
| 'webkitPersistentStorage': {'persistentStorage'}, |
| 'webkitTemporaryStorage': {'temporaryStorage'} |
| }, |
| 'NavigatorAutomationInformation': { |
| 'webdriver': {'webdriver'} |
| }, |
| 'NavigatorConcurrentHardware': { |
| 'hardwareConcurrency': {'hardwareConcurrency'} |
| }, |
| 'NavigatorCookies': { |
| 'cookieEnabled': {'cookieEnabled'} |
| }, |
| 'NavigatorID': { |
| 'appCodeName': {'appCodeName'}, |
| 'appName': {'appName'}, |
| 'appVersion': {'appVersion'}, |
| 'dartEnabled': {'dartEnabled'}, |
| 'platform': {'platform'}, |
| 'product': {'product'}, |
| 'userAgent': {'userAgent'} |
| }, |
| 'NavigatorLanguage': { |
| 'language': {'language'}, |
| 'languages': {'languages'} |
| }, |
| 'NavigatorOnLine': { |
| 'onLine': {'onLine'} |
| }, |
| 'NavigatorUserMediaError': { |
| 'constraintName': {'constraintName'}, |
| 'message': {'message'}, |
| 'name': {'name'} |
| }, |
| 'NetworkInformation': { |
| 'downlink': {'downlink'}, |
| 'downlinkMax': {'downlinkMax'}, |
| 'effectiveType': {'effectiveType'}, |
| 'rtt': {'rtt'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'Node': { |
| 'appendChild': {'append'}, |
| 'baseURI': {'baseUri'}, |
| 'childNodes': {'childNodes'}, |
| 'cloneNode': {'clone'}, |
| 'contains': {'contains'}, |
| 'firstChild': {'firstChild'}, |
| 'hasChildNodes': {'hasChildNodes'}, |
| 'insertBefore': {'insertBefore'}, |
| 'isConnected': {'isConnected'}, |
| 'lastChild': {'lastChild'}, |
| 'nextSibling': {'nextNode'}, |
| 'nodeName': {'nodeName'}, |
| 'nodeType': {'nodeType'}, |
| 'nodeValue': {'nodeValue'}, |
| 'ownerDocument': {'ownerDocument'}, |
| 'parentElement': {'parent'}, |
| 'parentNode': {'parentNode'}, |
| 'previousSibling': {'previousNode'}, |
| 'textContent': {'text'} |
| }, |
| 'NodeIterator': { |
| 'detach': {'detach'}, |
| 'nextNode': {'nextNode'}, |
| 'pointerBeforeReferenceNode': {'pointerBeforeReferenceNode'}, |
| 'previousNode': {'previousNode'}, |
| 'referenceNode': {'referenceNode'}, |
| 'root': {'root'}, |
| 'whatToShow': {'whatToShow'} |
| }, |
| 'NonDocumentTypeChildNode': { |
| 'nextElementSibling': {'nextElementSibling'}, |
| 'previousElementSibling': {'previousElementSibling'} |
| }, |
| 'NonElementParentNode': { |
| 'getElementById': {'getElementById'} |
| }, |
| 'NoncedElement': { |
| 'nonce': {'nonce'} |
| }, |
| 'Notification': { |
| 'actions': {'actions'}, |
| 'badge': {'badge'}, |
| 'body': {'body'}, |
| 'close': {'close'}, |
| 'data': {'data'}, |
| 'dir': {'dir'}, |
| 'icon': {'icon'}, |
| 'image': {'image'}, |
| 'lang': {'lang'}, |
| 'maxActions': {'maxActions'}, |
| 'permission': {'permission'}, |
| 'renotify': {'renotify'}, |
| 'requireInteraction': {'requireInteraction'}, |
| 'silent': {'silent'}, |
| 'tag': {'tag'}, |
| 'timestamp': {'timestamp'}, |
| 'title': {'title'}, |
| 'vibrate': {'vibrate'} |
| }, |
| 'NotificationEvent': { |
| 'action': {'action'}, |
| 'notification': {'notification'}, |
| 'reply': {'reply'} |
| }, |
| 'OESVertexArrayObject': { |
| 'bindVertexArrayOES': {'bindVertexArray'}, |
| 'createVertexArrayOES': {'createVertexArray'}, |
| 'deleteVertexArrayOES': {'deleteVertexArray'}, |
| 'isVertexArrayOES': {'isVertexArray'} |
| }, |
| 'OES_vertex_array_object': { |
| 'bindVertexArrayOES': {'bindVertexArray'}, |
| 'createVertexArrayOES': {'createVertexArray'}, |
| 'deleteVertexArrayOES': {'deleteVertexArray'}, |
| 'isVertexArrayOES': {'isVertexArray'} |
| }, |
| 'OfflineAudioCompletionEvent': { |
| 'renderedBuffer': {'renderedBuffer'} |
| }, |
| 'OfflineAudioContext': { |
| 'length': {'length'} |
| }, |
| 'OfflineResourceList': { |
| 'abort': {'abort'}, |
| 'status': {'status'}, |
| 'swapCache': {'swapCache'}, |
| 'update': {'update'} |
| }, |
| 'OffscreenCanvas': { |
| 'height': {'height'}, |
| 'transferToImageBitmap': {'transferToImageBitmap'}, |
| 'width': {'width'} |
| }, |
| 'OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D': { |
| 'arc': {'arc'}, |
| 'arcTo': {'arcTo'}, |
| 'beginPath': {'beginPath'}, |
| 'bezierCurveTo': {'bezierCurveTo'}, |
| 'canvas': {'canvas'}, |
| 'clearRect': {'clearRect'}, |
| 'clip': {'clip'}, |
| 'closePath': {'closePath'}, |
| 'createLinearGradient': {'createLinearGradient'}, |
| 'createPattern': {'createPattern'}, |
| 'createRadialGradient': {'createRadialGradient'}, |
| 'direction': {'direction'}, |
| 'drawImage': {'drawImage'}, |
| 'ellipse': {'ellipse'}, |
| 'fill': {'fill'}, |
| 'fillRect': {'fillRect'}, |
| 'fillStyle': {'fillStyle'}, |
| 'fillText': {'fillText'}, |
| 'filter': {'filter'}, |
| 'font': {'font'}, |
| 'getLineDash': {'getLineDash'}, |
| 'globalAlpha': {'globalAlpha'}, |
| 'globalCompositeOperation': {'globalCompositeOperation'}, |
| 'imageSmoothingEnabled': {'imageSmoothingEnabled'}, |
| 'imageSmoothingQuality': {'imageSmoothingQuality'}, |
| 'isPointInPath': {'isPointInPath'}, |
| 'isPointInStroke': {'isPointInStroke'}, |
| 'lineCap': {'lineCap'}, |
| 'lineDashOffset': {'lineDashOffset'}, |
| 'lineJoin': {'lineJoin'}, |
| 'lineTo': {'lineTo'}, |
| 'lineWidth': {'lineWidth'}, |
| 'measureText': {'measureText'}, |
| 'miterLimit': {'miterLimit'}, |
| 'moveTo': {'moveTo'}, |
| 'quadraticCurveTo': {'quadraticCurveTo'}, |
| 'rect': {'rect'}, |
| 'resetTransform': {'resetTransform'}, |
| 'restore': {'restore'}, |
| 'rotate': {'rotate'}, |
| 'save': {'save'}, |
| 'scale': {'scale'}, |
| 'setLineDash': {'setLineDash'}, |
| 'setTransform': {'setTransform'}, |
| 'shadowBlur': {'shadowBlur'}, |
| 'shadowColor': {'shadowColor'}, |
| 'shadowOffsetX': {'shadowOffsetX'}, |
| 'shadowOffsetY': {'shadowOffsetY'}, |
| 'stroke': {'stroke'}, |
| 'strokeRect': {'strokeRect'}, |
| 'strokeStyle': {'strokeStyle'}, |
| 'strokeText': {'strokeText'}, |
| 'textAlign': {'textAlign'}, |
| 'textBaseline': {'textBaseline'}, |
| 'transform': {'transform'}, |
| 'translate': {'translate'} |
| }, |
| 'OrientationSensor': { |
| 'populateMatrix': {'populateMatrix'}, |
| 'quaternion': {'quaternion'} |
| }, |
| 'Oscillator': { |
| 'detune': {'detune'}, |
| 'frequency': {'frequency'}, |
| 'setPeriodicWave': {'setPeriodicWave'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'OscillatorNode': { |
| 'detune': {'detune'}, |
| 'frequency': {'frequency'}, |
| 'setPeriodicWave': {'setPeriodicWave'}, |
| 'type': {'type'} |
| }, |
| 'OverconstrainedError': { |
| 'constraint': {'constraint'}, |
| 'message': {'message'}, |
| 'name': {'name'} |
| }, |
| 'PageTransitionEvent': { |
| 'persisted': {'persisted'} |
| }, |
| 'PaintRenderingContext2D': { |
| 'arc': {'arc'}, |
| 'arcTo': {'arcTo'}, |
| 'beginPath': {'beginPath'}, |
| 'bezierCurveTo': {'bezierCurveTo'}, |
| 'clearRect': {'clearRect'}, |
| 'clip': {'clip'}, |
| 'closePath': {'closePath'}, |
| 'createLinearGradient': {'createLinearGradient'}, |
| 'createPattern': {'createPattern'}, |
| 'createRadialGradient': {'createRadialGradient'}, |
| 'currentTransform': {'currentTransform'}, |
| 'drawImage': {'drawImage'}, |
| 'ellipse': {'ellipse'}, |
| 'fill': {'fill'}, |
| 'fillRect': {'fillRect'}, |
| 'fillStyle': {'fillStyle'}, |
| 'filter': {'filter'}, |
| 'getLineDash': {'getLineDash'}, |
| 'globalAlpha': {'globalAlpha'}, |
| 'globalCompositeOperation': {'globalCompositeOperation'}, |
| 'imageSmoothingEnabled': {'imageSmoothingEnabled'}, |
| 'imageSmoothingQuality': {'imageSmoothingQuality'}, |
| 'isPointInPath': {'isPointInPath'}, |
| 'isPointInStroke': {'isPointInStroke'}, |
| 'lineCap': {'lineCap'}, |
| 'lineDashOffset': {'lineDashOffset'}, |
| 'lineJoin': {'lineJoin'}, |
| 'lineTo': {'lineTo'}, |
| 'lineWidth': {'lineWidth'}, |
| 'miterLimit': {'miterLimit'}, |
| 'moveTo': {'moveTo'}, |
| 'quadraticCurveTo': {'quadraticCurveTo'}, |
| 'rect': {'rect'}, |
| 'resetTransform': {'resetTransform'}, |
| 'restore': {'restore'}, |
| 'rotate': {'rotate'}, |
| 'save': {'save'}, |
| 'scale': {'scale'}, |
| 'setLineDash': {'setLineDash'}, |
| 'setTransform': {'setTransform'}, |
| 'shadowBlur': {'shadowBlur'}, |
| 'shadowColor': {'shadowColor'}, |
| 'shadowOffsetX': {'shadowOffsetX'}, |
| 'shadowOffsetY': {'shadowOffsetY'}, |
| 'stroke': {'stroke'}, |
| 'strokeRect': {'strokeRect'}, |
| 'strokeStyle': {'strokeStyle'}, |
| 'transform': {'transform'}, |
| 'translate': {'translate'} |
| }, |
| 'PaintSize': { |
| 'height': {'height'}, |
| 'width': {'width'} |
| }, |
| 'PaintWorkletGlobalScope': { |
| 'devicePixelRatio': {'devicePixelRatio'}, |
| 'registerPaint': {'registerPaint'} |
| }, |
| 'PannerNode': { |
| 'coneInnerAngle': {'coneInnerAngle'}, |
| 'coneOuterAngle': {'coneOuterAngle'}, |
| 'coneOuterGain': {'coneOuterGain'}, |
| 'distanceModel': {'distanceModel'}, |
| 'maxDistance': {'maxDistance'}, |
| 'orientationX': {'orientationX'}, |
| 'orientationY': {'orientationY'}, |
| 'orientationZ': {'orientationZ'}, |
| 'panningModel': {'panningModel'}, |
| 'positionX': {'positionX'}, |
| 'positionY': {'positionY'}, |
| 'positionZ': {'positionZ'}, |
| 'refDistance': {'refDistance'}, |
| 'rolloffFactor': {'rolloffFactor'}, |
| 'setOrientation': {'setOrientation'}, |
| 'setPosition': {'setPosition'} |
| }, |
| 'PasswordCredential': { |
| 'additionalData': {'additionalData'}, |
| 'iconURL': {'iconUrl'}, |
| 'idName': {'idName'}, |
| 'name': {'name'}, |
| 'password': {'password'}, |
| 'passwordName': {'passwordName'} |
| }, |
| 'Path2D': { |
| 'addPath': {'addPath'}, |
| 'arc': {'arc'}, |
| 'arcTo': {'arcTo'}, |
| 'bezierCurveTo': {'bezierCurveTo'}, |
| 'closePath': {'closePath'}, |
| 'ellipse': {'ellipse'}, |
| 'lineTo': {'lineTo'}, |
| 'moveTo': {'moveTo'}, |
| 'quadraticCurveTo': {'quadraticCurveTo'}, |
| 'rect': {'rect'} |
| }, |
| 'PaymentAddress': { |
| 'addressLine': {'addressLine'}, |
| 'city': {'city'}, |
| 'country': {'country'}, |
| 'dependentLocality': {'dependentLocality'}, |
| 'languageCode': {'languageCode'}, |
| 'organization': {'organization'}, |
| 'phone': {'phone'}, |
| 'postalCode': {'postalCode'}, |
| 'recipient': {'recipient'}, |
| 'region': {'region'}, |
| 'sortingCode': {'sortingCode'} |
| }, |
| 'PaymentManager': { |
| 'instruments': {'instruments'}, |
| 'userHint': {'userHint'} |
| }, |
| 'PaymentRequest': { |
| 'id': {'id'}, |
| 'shippingAddress': {'shippingAddress'}, |
| 'shippingOption': |