blob: fcd62b7c2ff0488e711942f1b02fd9dd0fe4fb08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/records/named_fields_clashing_with_positional.dart:8:15: Error: Record field names can't be a dollar sign followed by an integer when integer is the index of a positional field.
// (int, {String $1}) test4() => throw 0; // Error.
// ^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/records/named_fields_clashing_with_positional.dart:16:28: Error: Record field names can't be a dollar sign followed by an integer when integer is the index of a positional field.
// (int, double, num, {String $3}) test12() => throw 0; // Error.
// ^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/records/named_fields_clashing_with_positional.dart:5:16: Error: Record field names can't be a dollar sign followed by an integer when integer is the index of a positional field.
// test1() => (0, $1: 0); // Error.
// ^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/records/named_fields_clashing_with_positional.dart:15:26: Error: Record field names can't be a dollar sign followed by an integer when integer is the index of a positional field.
// test11() => (10, 11, 12, $3: 13); // Error.
// ^^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
static method test1() dynamic
return (0, {$1: 0});
static method test2() dynamic
return ({$1: 0});
static method test3() dynamic
return (0, {$2: 1});
static method test4() invalid-type
return throw 0;
static method test5() ({required $1: core::bool})
return throw 0;
static method test6() (core::num, {required $2: core::double})
return throw 0;
static method test7() (core::num, {required $01: core::double})
return throw 0;
static method test8() (core::num, {required $0x1: core::double})
return throw 0;
static method test9() (core::num, core::bool, {required $01: core::double})
return throw 0;
static method test10() ({required $01: core::bool, required $0x1: core::int, required $1: core::String})
return throw 0;
static method test11() dynamic
return (10, 11, 12, {$3: 13});
static method test12() invalid-type
return throw 0;
static method main() dynamic {}