blob: a29776adf8de406493ece32f719456b2c5c208a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:7:1: Error: Expected a type, but got '}'.
// }
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:7:1: Error: Expected an identifier, but got '}'.
// Try inserting an identifier before '}'.
// }
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:6:4: Error: Expected ';' after this.
// C<
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:11:1: Error: Expected an identifier, but got '}'.
// Try inserting an identifier before '}'.
// }
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:10:4: Error: Expected ';' after this.
// C<
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:10:4: Error: The operator '<' isn't defined for the class 'Type'.
// - 'Type' is from 'dart:core'.
// Try correcting the operator to an existing operator, or defining a '<' operator.
// C<
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class C extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::C
: super core::Object::•()
static method main() dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:10:4: Error: The operator '<' isn't defined for the class 'Type'.
- 'Type' is from 'dart:core'.
Try correcting the operator to an existing operator, or defining a '<' operator.
^" in #C1{<unresolved>}.<(invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/issue_000032.dart:11:1: Error: This couldn't be parsed.
constants {
#C1 = TypeLiteralConstant(self::C)