blob: 6c8ebf527dcf72ec0a2a10d1294728d20b57adba [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/bad_redirection.dart:6:9: Error: Only factory constructor can specify '=' redirection.
// Try making this a factory constructor, or remove the redirection.
// Foo() = Bar;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/bad_redirection.dart:6:9: Error: Expected a function body or '=>'.
// Try adding {}.
// Foo() = Bar;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/bad_redirection.dart:6:11: Error: Constructors can't have a return type.
// Try removing the return type.
// Foo() = Bar;
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class Foo extends core::Object {
constructor •() self::Foo
: super core::Object::•()
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/bad_redirection.dart:6:11: Error: Constructors can't have a return type.
Try removing the return type.
Foo() = Bar;
class Bar extends self::Foo {
static factory •() self::Bar
return throw "";
static method main() dynamic {
new self::Foo::•();