blob: 05e58b155fa8bde527629bb827a0c2c130d357f7 [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
static method test1(dynamic x) dynamic {
hoisted core::int i;
final synthesized dynamic #0#0 = x as{TypeError,ForDynamic} core::List<core::int>;
synthesized dynamic #0#6;
synthesized core::bool #0#6#isSet = false;
if(!(#0#0 is core::List<dynamic> && #0#0{core::List<dynamic>}.{core::List::length}{core::int} =={core::num::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} #C1 && ((#0#6#isSet ?{dynamic} #0#6{dynamic} : let final dynamic #t1 = #0#6#isSet = true in #0#6 = #0#0{core::List<dynamic>}.{core::List::[]}(0){(core::int) → dynamic}) is core::int && (let final dynamic #t2 = i = (#0#6#isSet ?{dynamic} #0#6{dynamic} : let final dynamic #t3 = #0#6#isSet = true in #0#6 = #0#0{core::List<dynamic>}.{core::List::[]}(0){(core::int) → dynamic}) as{Unchecked} core::int in true))))
throw{for-error-handling} new core::StateError::•("Pattern matching error");
final core::int #t4 = i;
for (core::int i = #t4; true; ) {
return i;
static method test2(core::List<core::int> x) dynamic {
core::List<core::int> result = <core::int>[];
hoisted core::int c;
hoisted core::int n;
final synthesized core::List<core::int> #0#0 = x;
if(!(#0#0.{core::List::length}{core::int} =={core::num::==}{(core::Object) → core::bool} #C2 && (let final dynamic #t5 = c = #0#0.{core::List::[]}(0){(core::int) → core::int} in true) && (let final dynamic #t6 = n = #0#0.{core::List::[]}(1){(core::int) → core::int} in true)))
throw{for-error-handling} new core::StateError::•("Pattern matching error");
final core::int #t7 = c;
final core::int #t8 = n;
for (core::int c = #t7, core::int n = #t8; c.{core::num::<}(n){(core::num) → core::bool}; result.{core::List::add}(c){(core::int) → void}) {
result.{core::List::add}(c){(core::int) void};
c = c.{core::num::+}(1){(core::num) core::int};
return result;
static method main() dynamic {
self::expectEquals(self::test1(<core::int>[0]), 0);
self::expectThrows(() void => self::test1(<dynamic>[]));
self::expectEquals(self::listToString(self::test2(<core::int>[1, 2]) as{TypeError,ForDynamic} core::List<dynamic>), self::listToString(<dynamic>[1, 2]));
static method expectEquals(dynamic x, dynamic y) dynamic {
if(!(x =={core::Object::==}{(core::Object) core::bool} y)) {
throw "Expected '${x}' to be equal to '${y}'.";
static method expectThrows(() void f) dynamic {
core::bool hasThrown = true;
try {
f(){() void};
hasThrown = false;
on core::Object catch(final core::Object e) {
if(!hasThrown) {
throw "Expected function to throw.";
static method listToString(core::List<dynamic> list) dynamic
return "[${list.{core::Iterable::map}<core::String>((dynamic e) → core::String => "${e}"){((dynamic) → core::String) → core::Iterable<core::String>}.{core::Iterable::join}(","){([core::String]) → core::String}}]";
constants {
#C1 = 1
#C2 = 2