blob: 1fa3dcf7c5ef96d955089849bd32b41225e350e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class A {
get b => throw 'foo';
class B extends A {
get b => 42;
method1((A, A) r) {
var b1;
var b2;
(A(b: b1), A(b: b2)) = r;
return b1;
method2((A, A) r) {
var b1;
var b2;
try {
(A(b: b1), A(b: b2)) = r;
} catch (_) {}
return b1;
method3((A, A) r) {
var b1;
var b2;
allowThrow(() {
(A(b: b1), A(b: b2)) = r;
return b1;
method4((A, A) r) {
var b1;
var b2;
local() {
(A(b: b1), A(b: b2)) = r;
return b1;
main() {
throws(() => method1((B(), A())));
expect(null, method2((B(), A())));
expect(null, method3((B(), A())));
expect(null, method4((B(), A())));
expect(42, method1((B(), B())));
expect(42, method2((B(), B())));
expect(42, method3((B(), B())));
expect(42, method4((B(), B())));
expect(expected, actual) {
if (expected != actual) throw 'Expected $expected, actual $actual';
throws(void Function() f) {
try {
} catch (_) {
throw 'Missing throw';
allowThrow(void Function() f) {
try {
} catch (_) {}