blob: 4de183534b287abc34230561707ee5ed861e6029 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart=2.19
// The test checks that if one type isn't assignable to the other only because
// of the nullability modifiers, the error message reflects that.
import 'dart:async';
class A {
const A();
class B extends A {}
class C {
num? call() {}
void fooContext(A x) {}
void barContext(List<A> x) {}
void bazContext(num Function() f) {}
A foo(B? x, List<B?> l, Map<B?, B?> m, List<B>? l2, Map<B, B>? m2) {
fooContext(x); // Error.
A a = x; // Error.
<A>[...l]; // Error.
<A>[...l2]; // Error.
<A, A>{...m}; // Error.
<A, A>{...m2}; // Error.
for (A y in l) {} // Error.
for (A y in l2) {} // Error.
switch (x) /* Error. */ {
case const A():
FutureOr<A> local() async {
if (true) {
return x; // Error.
} else {
return new Future<B?>.value(x); // Error.
return x; // Error.
List<A> bar(List<B?> x, List<List<B?>> l, Map<List<B?>, List<B?>> m) {
barContext(x); // Error.
List<A> y = x; // Error.
<List<A>>[...l]; // Error.
<List<A>, List<A>>{...m}; // Error.
for (List<A> y in l) {} // Error.
return x; // Error.
void baz(C c) {
A boz(Null x) {
fooContext(x); // Error.
fooContext(null); // Error.
A a1 = x; // Error.
A a2 = null; // Error.
if (true) {
return x; // Error.
} else {
return null; // Error.
FutureOr<A> local() async {
if (true) {
return null; // Error.
} else {
return new Future<Null>.value(null); // Error.
main() {}