blob: 7497621ce49465195be6d1dee9df7834236cdd7f [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:_internal" as _in;
class A extends core::Object {
field core::int? _#A#x = null;
field core::int? _#A#y = null;
field core::bool _#A#y#isSet = false;
synthetic constructor •() self::A
: super core::Object::•()
get x() core::int
return let final core::int? #t1 = this.{self::A::_#A#x}{core::int?} in #t1 == null ?{core::int} throw{for-error-handling} new _in::LateError::fieldNI("x") : #t1{core::int};
set x(core::int x#param) → void
if(this.{self::A::_#A#x}{core::int?} == null)
this.{self::A::_#A#x} = x#param;
throw{for-error-handling} new _in::LateError::fieldAI("x");
get y() core::int?
return this.{self::A::_#A#y#isSet}{core::bool} ?{core::int?} this.{self::A::_#A#y}{core::int?} : throw{for-error-handling} new _in::LateError::fieldNI("y");
set y(core::int? y#param) → void
throw{for-error-handling} new _in::LateError::fieldAI("y");
else {
this.{self::A::_#A#y#isSet} = true;
this.{self::A::_#A#y} = y#param;
class B extends self::A {
synthetic constructor •() self::B
: super self::A::•()
get x() core::int
return 1;
get y() core::int?
return 1;
class C extends self::A {
field core::int? _#C#x = null;
field core::int? _#C#y = null;
field core::bool _#C#y#isSet = false;
synthetic constructor •() self::C
: super self::A::•()
get x() core::int
return let final core::int? #t2 = this.{self::C::_#C#x}{core::int?} in #t2 == null ?{core::int} let final core::int #t3 = 2 in this.{self::C::_#C#x}{core::int?} == null ?{core::int} this.{self::C::_#C#x} = #t3 : throw{for-error-handling} new _in::LateError::fieldADI("x") : #t2{core::int};
get y() core::int? {
if(!this.{self::C::_#C#y#isSet}{core::bool}) {
final core::int? #t4 = 2;
throw{for-error-handling} new _in::LateError::fieldADI("y");
this.{self::C::_#C#y} = #t4;
this.{self::C::_#C#y#isSet} = true;
return this.{self::C::_#C#y}{core::int?};
static method main() dynamic {
self::B b = new self::B::•();
b.{self::A::x} = 3;
self::C c = new self::C::•();
self::throws(() core::int => b.{self::A::x} = 14, "Write to B.x");
c.{self::A::x} = 3;
self::throws(() core::int => c.{self::A::x} = 14, "Write to C.x");
self::expect(1, b.{self::B::x}{core::int});
self::expect(2, c.{self::C::x}{core::int});
b.{self::A::y} = 3;
self::throws(() core::int => b.{self::A::y} = 14, "Write to B.y");
c.{self::A::y} = 3;
self::throws(() core::int => c.{self::A::y} = 14, "Write to C.y");
self::expect(1, b.{self::B::y}{core::int?});
self::expect(2, c.{self::C::y}{core::int?});
static method expect(dynamic expected, dynamic actual) dynamic {
if(!(expected =={core::Object::==}{(core::Object) core::bool} actual))
throw "Expected ${expected}, actual ${actual}";
static method throws(() dynamic f, core::String message) dynamic {
dynamic value;
try {
value = f(){() dynamic};
on core::Error catch(final core::Error e) {
throw "${message}: ${value}";
Extra constant evaluation status:
Evaluated: VariableGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///override_getter_setter.dart:18:18 -> IntConstant(2)
Extra constant evaluation: evaluated: 119, effectively constant: 1