blob: e01cb7814f611129038d06b0185d5d1635590f68 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# First compile a file (a) that imports a file (b) with errors in it.
# Then change a to not import b, but leave b as-is, thus rightfully only
# invalidating a. Compiling this should not result in any errors.
type: newworld
- entry: main.dart
errors: true
warnings: false
main.dart: |
library mainLibrary;
import "b.dart" as b;
main() {;
b.dart: |
library bLibrary;
foo() {
print("hello from b.dart foo!");
print(new C());
class I<T> {}
class A implements I<int> {}
class B implements I<String> {}
class C extends A implements B {}
expectedLibraryCount: 2
- entry: main.dart
- main.dart
errors: false
warnings: false
main.dart: |
library mainLibrary;
main() {
b.dart: |
library bLibrary;
foo() {
print("hello from b.dart foo!");
print(new C());
class I<T> {}
class A implements I<int> {}
class B implements I<String> {}
class C extends A implements B {}
expectedLibraryCount: 1
advancedInvalidation: outlineChange