blob: 802acd91aeccecab9c41395c34a46a536184dc31 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# The FFI transformation of nested structs has to update both position and size
# of non-changed libraries, so the alternative invalidation has to be disabled.
type: newworld
- entry: main.dart
main.dart: |
import "dart:ffi";
import 'lib.dart';
final class X extends Struct {
external Y x1;
external Y x2;
external int x3;
lib.dart: |
import 'lib2.dart';
final class Y extends Struct {
external int y1;
external int y2;
external int y3;
lib2.dart: |
export 'lib3.dart';
lib3.dart: |
export 'dart:ffi';
expectedLibraryCount: 4
- entry: main.dart
worldType: updated
expectInitializeFromDill: false
- lib.dart
lib.dart: |
import 'lib2.dart';
final class Y extends Struct {
external int y1;
external int y3;
external int y2;
expectedLibraryCount: 4
# The FFI transformation have to update the size and position of containers
# (i.e. other structs with this Struct inside), so rebuilding only the
# changed library doesn't work.
advancedInvalidation: importsFfiClass