blob: 19e801c26c19ac754a91c2c5b43cc80a6f23e457 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
class Class<T> {}
typedef T1 = void Function<T>(T);
typedef T2 = void Function(void Function<T>(T));
typedef T3 = List<void Function<T>(T)>;
typedef T4<X extends void Function<T>(T)> = Class<X>;
typedef T5 = (void Function<T>(T), int);
typedef T6 = ({void Function<T>(T) a, int b});
typedef T7 = ExtensionType<void Function<T>(T)>;
typedef T8 = void Function<S extends void Function<T>(T)>(S);
typedef T9 = (List<void Function<T>(T)>, int);
typedef T10 = ({List<void Function<T>(T)> a, int b});
typedef T11 = FutureOr<void Function<T>(T)>;
typedef T12 = FutureOr<List<void Function<T>(T)>>;
extension type ExtensionType<T>(List<T> it) {}
T1 t1, // Ok
T1 t2, // Ok
T3 t3, // Ok
T5 t5, // Ok
T6 t6, // Ok
T8 t8, // Ok
T9 t9, // Ok
T10 t10, // Ok
T11 t11, // Ok
T12 t12, // Ok
) {
new T4(); // Ok
new T7([]); // Ok