blob: e9470b46ac174bffdedfe5b295d7d786ea84f809 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
void main() { foo<num>(false, 0, 0); }
void foo<X>(bool test, X a, X b) {
if (a is! int) return;
// UP(T, T) = T
var c = (test ? a : a)
..toRadixString(2) // Allows int method.<E<X>>() // Erases to X.
X v1 = c; // Assignable to X.
int v2 = c; // Assignable to int.<E<X>>; // Erases to X.
c = a as X;
if (b is! int) return;
// a : X & int
// b : X & int
// "It's the same picture!"
// Check that even if the type objects aren't 'identical', but equal, the
// algorithm works the same way.
// UP(T, T) = T
var c = (test ? a : b)
..toRadixString(2) // Allows int method.<E<X>>() // Erases to X.
X v1 = c; // Assignable to X.
int v2 = c; // Assignable to int.<E<X>>; // Erases to X.
c = a as X;
extension Ext<T> on T {
void st<S extends E<T>>(){}
typedef E<T> = T Function(T); // Invariant.