blob: 133a12fd6d07d3fc0a4ee9b101fc29b489e69d7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/general/issue41210a.dart:21:7: Error: Applying the mixin 'B' to 'Object with A' introduces an erroneous override of 'method'.
// class C with A, B {} // error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/general/issue41210a.dart:18:10: Context: The method 'B.method' has fewer named arguments than those of overridden method 'Object with A.method'.
// String method(num i);
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/general/issue41210a.dart:21:7: Context: This is the overridden method ('method').
// class C with A, B {} // error
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
abstract class Interface extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Interface
: super core::Object::•()
abstract method method(core::num i) core::String;
abstract class Interface2 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Interface2
: super core::Object::•()
abstract method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int i) core::String;
abstract class A extends core::Object implements self::Interface /*isMixinDeclaration*/ {
method method(core::num i, {core::String s = #C1}) → core::String
return s;
abstract class B extends core::Object implements self::Interface /*isMixinDeclaration*/ {
abstract method method(core::num i) core::String;
abstract class _C&Object&A = core::Object with self::A /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_C&Object&A
: super core::Object::•()
mixin-super-stub method method(core::num i, {core::String s = #C1}) → core::String
return super.{self::A::method}(i, s: s);
abstract class _C&Object&A&B = self::_C&Object&A with self::B /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_C&Object&A&B
: super self::_C&Object&A::•()
abstract mixin-stub method method(core::num i) core::String; -> self::B::method
class C extends self::_C&Object&A&B {
synthetic constructor •() self::C
: super self::_C&Object&A&B::•()
abstract class D extends core::Object implements self::Interface, self::Interface2 /*isMixinDeclaration*/ {
abstract forwarding-stub method method(covariant-by-declaration core::num i) core::String;
abstract class _E&Object&A = core::Object with self::A /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_E&Object&A
: super core::Object::•()
mixin-super-stub method method(core::num i, {core::String s = #C1}) → core::String
return super.{self::A::method}(i, s: s);
abstract class _E&Object&A&D = self::_E&Object&A with self::D /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_E&Object&A&D
: super self::_E&Object&A::•()
forwarding-stub method method(covariant-by-declaration core::num i, {core::String s = #C1}) → core::String
return super.{self::_E&Object&A::method}(i, s: s);
class E extends self::_E&Object&A&D {
synthetic constructor •() self::E
: super self::_E&Object&A&D::•()
abstract class F extends core::Object implements self::Interface /*isMixinDeclaration*/ {
abstract class _G&Object&A = core::Object with self::A /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_G&Object&A
: super core::Object::•()
mixin-super-stub method method(core::num i, {core::String s = #C1}) → core::String
return super.{self::A::method}(i, s: s);
abstract class _G&Object&A&F = self::_G&Object&A with self::F /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_G&Object&A&F
: super self::_G&Object&A::•()
class G extends self::_G&Object&A&F {
synthetic constructor •() self::G
: super self::_G&Object&A&F::•()
static method main() dynamic {
core::print(new self::C::•().{self::_C&Object&A&B::method}(0){(core::num) core::String});
constants {
#C1 = "hello"