blob: bb971049c2035172828fce60ab8fcd47fbcfa55c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class A {
(Object?, dynamic) method();
(Object?, dynamic) get getter;
void set setter((int, int) Function(Object?, dynamic) f);
abstract class B {
(dynamic, Object?) method();
(dynamic, Object?) get getter;
void set setter((int, int) Function(dynamic, Object?) f);
abstract class E implements A, B {}
class D implements E {
(int, int) method() => (42, 87);
(int, int) get getter => (42, 87);
void set setter((int, int) Function(dynamic, dynamic) f) {}
(Object?, Object?) testMethod0(E e) => e.method(); // Ok
(int, Object?) testMethod1(E e) => e.method(); // Error
(Object?, int) testMethod2(E e) => e.method(); // Error
(Object?, Object?) testGetter0(E e) => e.getter; // Ok
(int, Object?) testGetter1(E e) => e.getter; // Error
(Object?, int) testGetter2(E e) => e.getter; // Error
void testSetter(E e) {
e.setter = (a, b) => (a as int, b as int); // Ok
e.setter = (a, b) => (a, b as int); // Error
e.setter = (a, b) => (a as int, b); // Error
void method(E e) {
var (a, b) = e.method();
expect(42, a);
expect(87, b);
var (c, d) = e.getter;
expect(42, c);
expect(87, d);
e.setter = (dynamic a, dynamic b) => (42, 87);
main() {
expect(expected, actual) {
if (expected != actual) throw 'Expected $expected, actual $actual';