blob: bddeb106de71440a66136439178ea96f23c221ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:36:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// Try calling using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:37:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:39:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.getter; // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:38:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.setter = // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:40:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// et + et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:41:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// -et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:42:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0]; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:43:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0] = 0; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:57:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// Try calling using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:58:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:60:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.getter; // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:59:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.setter = // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:61:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// et + et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:62:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// -et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:63:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0]; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:64:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0] = s; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:78:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// Try calling using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:79:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:81:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.getter; // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:80:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.setter = // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:82:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// et + et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:83:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// -et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:84:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0]; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:85:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0] = s; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:99:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// Try calling using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:100:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:102:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.getter; // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:101:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.setter = // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:103:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// et + et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:104:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// -et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:105:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0]; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:106:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
// et[0] = s; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:110:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try calling using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:111:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:113:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.getter; // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:112:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.setter = // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:114:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// et + et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:115:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// -et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:116:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// et[0]; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:117:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// et[0] = s; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:121:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try calling using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:122:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
//; // Error
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:124:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.getter; // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:123:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// Try accessing using ?. instead.
// et.setter = // Error
// ^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:125:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// et + et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:126:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// -et; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:127:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// et[0]; // Error
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:128:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
// et[0] = s; // Error
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
extension type ET1(core::int i) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get i() core::int;
operator + = self::ET1|+;
operator unary- = self::ET1|unary-;
operator [] = self::ET1|[];
operator []= = self::ET1|[]=;
method foo = self::ET1|foo;
method tearoff foo = self::ET1|get#foo;
get getter = self::ET1|get#getter;
set setter = self::ET1|set#setter;
constructor = self::ET1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type ET2<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(T% t) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get t() T%;
operator + = self::ET2|+;
operator unary- = self::ET2|unary-;
operator [] = self::ET2|[];
operator []= = self::ET2|[]=;
method foo = self::ET2|foo;
method tearoff foo = self::ET2|get#foo;
get getter = self::ET2|get#getter;
set setter = self::ET2|set#setter;
constructor = self::ET2|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
static extension-type-member method ET1|constructor#(core::int i) → self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ {
lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this = i;
return #this;
static extension-type-member method ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int i) → self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ET1|constructor#(i);
static extension-type-member method ET1|+(lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this, self::ET1? /* erasure=core::int? */ i) → self::ET1? /* erasure=core::int? */
return i;
static extension-type-member method ET1|unary-(lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this) → core::int
return #this as{Unchecked} core::int;
static extension-type-member method ET1|[](lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this, core::int index) → core::int
return #this as{Unchecked} core::int;
static extension-type-member method ET1|[]=(lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this, core::int index, core::int value) → void {}
static extension-type-member method ET1|foo(lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this, core::int i) → void {}
static extension-type-member method ET1|get#foo(lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this) → (core::int) → void
return (core::int i) void => self::ET1|foo(#this, i);
static extension-type-member method ET1|get#getter(lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this) → core::int
return #this as{Unchecked} core::int;
static extension-type-member method ET1|set#setter(lowered final self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this, core::int value) → void {}
static extension-type-member method ET2|constructor#<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::ET2|constructor#::T% t) → self::ET2<self::ET2|constructor#::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|constructor#::T%, declared=! */ {
lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|constructor#::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|constructor#::T%, declared=! */ #this = t;
return #this;
static extension-type-member method ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T% t) → self::ET2<self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T%, declared=! */
return self::ET2|constructor#<self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T%>(t);
static extension-type-member method ET2|+<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|+::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|+::T%, declared=! */ #this, self::ET2<self::ET2|+::T%>? /* erasure=self::ET2|+::T? */ t) → self::ET2<self::ET2|+::T%>? /* erasure=self::ET2|+::T? */
return t;
static extension-type-member method ET2|unary-<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|unary-::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|unary-::T%, declared=! */ #this) → self::ET2|unary-::T%
return #this as{Unchecked} self::ET2|unary-::T%;
static extension-type-member method ET2|[]<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|[]::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|[]::T%, declared=! */ #this, core::int index) → self::ET2|[]::T%
return #this as{Unchecked} self::ET2|[]::T%;
static extension-type-member method ET2|[]=<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|[]=::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|[]=::T%, declared=! */ #this, core::int index, self::ET2|[]=::T% value) → void {}
static extension-type-member method ET2|foo<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|foo::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|foo::T%, declared=! */ #this, self::ET2|foo::T% t) → void {}
static extension-type-member method ET2|get#foo<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|get#foo::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|get#foo::T%, declared=! */ #this) → (self::ET2|get#foo::T%) → void
return (self::ET2|get#foo::T% t) → void => self::ET2|foo<self::ET2|get#foo::T%>(#this, t);
static extension-type-member method ET2|get#getter<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|get#getter::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|get#getter::T%, declared=! */ #this) → self::ET2|get#getter::T%
return #this as{Unchecked} self::ET2|get#getter::T%;
static extension-type-member method ET2|set#setter<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|set#setter::T%>% /* erasure=self::ET2|set#setter::T%, declared=! */ #this, self::ET2|set#setter::T% value) → void {}
static method method1(self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ et) dynamic {
self::ET1|foo(et, 0);
self::ET1|set#setter(et, self::ET1|get#getter(et));
self::ET1|+(et, et);
self::ET1|[](et, 0);
self::ET1|[]=(et, 0, 0);
static method method2(self::ET1? /* erasure=core::int? */ et) dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:36:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
Try calling using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET1|foo(et, 0);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:37:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET1|get#foo(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:38:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.setter = // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET1|set#setter(et, invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:39:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.getter; // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET1|get#getter(et));
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:40:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
et + et; // Error
^" in self::ET1|+(et, et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:41:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
-et; // Error
^" in self::ET1|unary-(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:42:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
et[0]; // Error
^" in self::ET1|[](et, 0);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:43:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'ET1?' because it is potentially null.
et[0] = 0; // Error
^" in self::ET1|[]=(et, 0, 0);
static method method3<S extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::method3::S% s, self::ET2<self::method3::S%>% /* erasure=self::method3::S%, declared=! */ et) → dynamic {
self::ET2|foo<self::method3::S%>(et, s);
self::ET2|set#setter<self::method3::S%>(et, self::ET2|get#getter<self::method3::S%>(et));
self::ET2|+<self::method3::S%>(et, et);
self::ET2|[]<self::method3::S%>(et, 0);
self::ET2|[]=<self::method3::S%>(et, 0, s);
static method method4<S extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::method4::S% s, self::ET2<self::method4::S%>? /* erasure=self::method4::S? */ et) → dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:57:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
Try calling using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|foo<self::method4::S%>(et, s);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:58:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|get#foo<self::method4::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:59:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.setter = // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|set#setter<self::method4::S%>(et, invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:60:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.getter; // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|get#getter<self::method4::S%>(et));
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:61:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
et + et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|+<self::method4::S%>(et, et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:62:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
-et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|unary-<self::method4::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:63:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
et[0]; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]<self::method4::S%>(et, 0);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:64:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'ET2<S>?' because it is potentially null.
et[0] = s; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]=<self::method4::S%>(et, 0, s);
static method method5<S extends core::Object? = dynamic, U extends self::ET2<self::method5::S%>% /* erasure=self::method5::S%, declared=! */ = self::ET2<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(self::method5::S% s, self::method5::U% et) → dynamic {
self::ET2|foo<self::method5::S%>(et, s);
self::ET2|set#setter<self::method5::S%>(et, self::ET2|get#getter<self::method5::S%>(et));
self::ET2|+<self::method5::S%>(et, et);
self::ET2|[]<self::method5::S%>(et, 0);
self::ET2|[]=<self::method5::S%>(et, 0, s);
static method method6<S extends core::Object? = dynamic, U extends self::ET2<self::method6::S%>% /* erasure=self::method6::S%, declared=! */ = self::ET2<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(self::method6::S% s, self::method6::U? et) → dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:78:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
Try calling using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|foo<self::method6::S%>(et, s);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:79:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|get#foo<self::method6::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:80:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.setter = // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|set#setter<self::method6::S%>(et, invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:81:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.getter; // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|get#getter<self::method6::S%>(et));
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:82:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
et + et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|+<self::method6::S%>(et, et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:83:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
-et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|unary-<self::method6::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:84:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
et[0]; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]<self::method6::S%>(et, 0);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:85:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'U?' because it is potentially null.
et[0] = s; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]=<self::method6::S%>(et, 0, s);
static method method7<S extends core::Object? = dynamic, U extends self::ET2<self::method7::S%>% /* erasure=self::method7::S%, declared=! */ = self::ET2<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, V extends self::method7::U% = self::ET2<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(self::method7::S% s, self::method7::V% et) → dynamic {
self::ET2|foo<self::method7::S%>(et, s);
self::ET2|set#setter<self::method7::S%>(et, self::ET2|get#getter<self::method7::S%>(et));
self::ET2|+<self::method7::S%>(et, et);
self::ET2|[]<self::method7::S%>(et, 0);
self::ET2|[]=<self::method7::S%>(et, 0, s);
static method method8<S extends core::Object? = dynamic, U extends self::ET2<self::method8::S%>% /* erasure=self::method8::S%, declared=! */ = self::ET2<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, V extends self::method8::U% = self::ET2<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(self::method8::S% s, self::method8::V? et) → dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:99:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
Try calling using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|foo<self::method8::S%>(et, s);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:100:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|get#foo<self::method8::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:101:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.setter = // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|set#setter<self::method8::S%>(et, invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:102:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.getter; // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|get#getter<self::method8::S%>(et));
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:103:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
et + et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|+<self::method8::S%>(et, et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:104:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
-et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|unary-<self::method8::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:105:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
et[0]; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]<self::method8::S%>(et, 0);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:106:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'V?' because it is potentially null.
et[0] = s; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]=<self::method8::S%>(et, 0, s);
static method method9<S extends core::Object? = dynamic, U extends self::ET2<self::method9::S%>% /* erasure=self::method9::S%, declared=! */ = self::ET2<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, V extends self::method9::U? = self::ET2<dynamic>? /* erasure=dynamic */>(self::method9::S% s, self::method9::V% et) → dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:110:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try calling using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|foo<self::method9::S%>(et, s);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:111:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|get#foo<self::method9::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:112:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.setter = // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|set#setter<self::method9::S%>(et, invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:113:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.getter; // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|get#getter<self::method9::S%>(et));
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:114:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
et + et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|+<self::method9::S%>(et, et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:115:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
-et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|unary-<self::method9::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:116:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
et[0]; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]<self::method9::S%>(et, 0);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:117:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
et[0] = s; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]=<self::method9::S%>(et, 0, s);
static method method10<S extends core::Object? = dynamic, U extends self::ET2<self::method10::S%>? /* erasure=self::method10::S? */ = self::ET2<dynamic>? /* erasure=dynamic */, V extends self::method10::U% = self::ET2<dynamic>? /* erasure=dynamic */>(self::method10::S% s, self::method10::V% et) → dynamic {
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:121:6: Error: Method 'foo' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try calling using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|foo<self::method10::S%>(et, s);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:122:6: Error: Property 'foo' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.; // Error
^^^" in self::ET2|get#foo<self::method10::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:123:6: Error: Property 'setter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.setter = // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|set#setter<self::method10::S%>(et, invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:124:6: Error: Property 'getter' cannot be accessed on 'V' because it is potentially null.
Try accessing using ?. instead.
et.getter; // Error
^^^^^^" in self::ET2|get#getter<self::method10::S%>(et));
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:125:6: Error: Operator '+' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
et + et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|+<self::method10::S%>(et, et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:126:3: Error: Operator 'unary-' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
-et; // Error
^" in self::ET2|unary-<self::method10::S%>(et);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:127:5: Error: Operator '[]' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
et[0]; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]<self::method10::S%>(et, 0);
invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/not_non_nullable_access.dart:128:5: Error: Operator '[]=' cannot be called on 'V' because it is potentially null.
et[0] = s; // Error
^" in self::ET2|[]=<self::method10::S%>(et, 0, s);