blob: 51002ab1807fa4da5224ee8ed1e8da56910e6486 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/late_fields.dart:6:12: Error: Extension types can't declare instance fields
// Try removing the field declaration or making it a static field
// late int id = 0;
// ^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/late_fields.dart:6:12: Error: 'id' is already declared in this scope.
// late int id = 0;
// ^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/late_fields.dart:5:24: Context: Previous declaration of 'id'.
// extension type ET1(int id) {
// ^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/late_fields.dart:10:12: Error: Extension types can't declare instance fields
// Try removing the field declaration or making it a static field
// late int x = 0;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/late_fields.dart:14:14: Error: Extension types can't declare instance fields
// Try removing the field declaration or making it a static field
// late final x = 0;
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/late_fields.dart:18:18: Error: Extension types can't declare instance fields
// Try removing the field declaration or making it a static field
// late final int x;
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
extension type ET1(core::int id) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get id() core::int;
constructor = self::ET1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type ET2(core::int id) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get id() core::int;
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get x() core::int;
constructor = self::ET2|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type ET3(core::int id) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get id() core::int;
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get x() core::int;
constructor = self::ET3|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET3|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type ET4(core::int id) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get id() core::int;
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get x() core::int;
constructor = self::ET4|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET4|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
static extension-type-member method ET1|constructor#(core::int id) → self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
static extension-type-member method ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int id) → self::ET1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ET1|constructor#(id);
static extension-type-member method ET2|constructor#(core::int id) → self::ET2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
static extension-type-member method ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int id) → self::ET2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ET2|constructor#(id);
static extension-type-member method ET3|constructor#(core::int id) → self::ET3% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
static extension-type-member method ET3|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int id) → self::ET3% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ET3|constructor#(id);
static extension-type-member method ET4|constructor#(core::int id) → self::ET4% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
static extension-type-member method ET4|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int id) → self::ET4% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ET4|constructor#(id);
static method main() dynamic