blob: 65ccf6155d66ae791c09df643662c3eec4c4522b [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:9:28: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// typedef G1 = void Function<X extends E1<X>>(); // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:23:28: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// typedef G2 = void Function<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X>(); // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:7:10: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// class A1<X extends E1<X>> {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:8:12: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// typedef F1<X extends E1<X>> = int; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:10:17: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// typedef void H1<X extends E1<X>>(); // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:11:16: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// extension Ext1<X extends E1<X>> on List<X> {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:12:12: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// enum Enum1<X extends E1<X>> { element<Never>(); } // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:13:6: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// foo1<X extends E1<X>>() {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:14:10: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// mixin M1<X extends E1<X>> on List<num> {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:19:20: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// extension type ET1<X extends E1<X>>(Object? it) {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:21:10: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// class A2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X> {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:22:12: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// typedef F2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X> = int; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:24:17: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// typedef void H2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X>(); // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:25:16: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// extension Ext2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X> on List<X> {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:26:12: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// enum Enum2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X> { element<Never, Never>(); } // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:27:6: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// foo2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X>() {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:28:10: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// mixin M2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X> on List<num> {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:33:20: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// extension type ET2<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X>(Object? it) {} // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:16:12: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// var x = <X extends E1<X>>() {}; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:17:5: Error: Type 'X' can't use itself as a bound.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// f<X extends E1<X>>() {}; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:30:12: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// var x = <X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X>() {}; // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue54097.dart:31:5: Error: Type 'X' is a bound of itself via 'Y'.
// Try breaking the cycle by removing at least one of the 'extends' clauses in the cycle.
// f<X extends E1<Y>, Y extends X>() {}; // Error.
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
typedef F1<unrelated X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */> = core::int;
typedef G1 = <X extends invalid-type = dynamic>() void;
typedef H1<unrelated X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */> = () void;
typedef F2<unrelated X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, unrelated Y extends X% = dynamic> = core::int;
typedef G2 = <X extends invalid-type = dynamic, Y extends X% = dynamic>() void;
typedef H2<unrelated X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, unrelated Y extends X% = dynamic> = () void;
class A1<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */> extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::A1<self::A1::X%>
: super core::Object::•()
class Enum1<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */> extends core::_Enum /*isEnum*/ {
static const field core::List<self::Enum1<self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>> values = #C4;
enum-element static const field self::Enum1<Never> element = #C3;
const synthetic constructor •(core::int #index, core::String #name) → self::Enum1<self::Enum1::X%>
: super core::_Enum::•(#index, #name)
method _enumToString() core::String
return "Enum1.${this.{core::_Enum::_name}{core::String}}";
abstract class M1<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */> extends core::List<core::num> /*isMixinDeclaration*/ {
class A2<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends self::A2::X% = dynamic> extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::A2<self::A2::X%, self::A2::Y%>
: super core::Object::•()
class Enum2<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends self::Enum2::X% = dynamic> extends core::_Enum /*isEnum*/ {
static const field core::List<self::Enum2<self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, dynamic>> values = #C6;
enum-element static const field self::Enum2<Never, Never> element = #C5;
const synthetic constructor •(core::int #index, core::String #name) → self::Enum2<self::Enum2::X%, self::Enum2::Y%>
: super core::_Enum::•(#index, #name)
method _enumToString() core::String
return "Enum2.${this.{core::_Enum::_name}{core::String}}";
abstract class M2<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends self::M2::X% = dynamic> extends core::List<core::num> /*isMixinDeclaration*/ {
extension Ext1<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */> on core::List<X%> {
extension Ext2<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends X% = dynamic> on core::List<X%> {
extension type E1<X extends core::Object? = dynamic>(X% it) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get it() X%;
constructor = self::E1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::E1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type ET1<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(core::Object? it) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get it() core::Object?;
constructor = self::ET1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type ET2<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends X% = dynamic>(core::Object? it) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get it() core::Object?;
constructor = self::ET2|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
static extension-type-member method E1|constructor#<X extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::E1|constructor#::X% it) → self::E1<self::E1|constructor#::X%>% /* erasure=self::E1|constructor#::X%, declared=! */ {
lowered final self::E1<self::E1|constructor#::X%>% /* erasure=self::E1|constructor#::X%, declared=! */ #this = it;
return #this;
static extension-type-member method E1|constructor#_#new#tearOff<X extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::E1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X% it) → self::E1<self::E1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X%>% /* erasure=self::E1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X%, declared=! */
return self::E1|constructor#<self::E1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X%>(it);
static method foo1<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>() dynamic {}
static method bar1() dynamic {
<X extends invalid-type>() Null x = <X extends invalid-type>() Null {};
function f<X extends invalid-type>() Null {}
static extension-type-member method ET1|constructor#<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(core::Object? it) → self::ET1<self::ET1|constructor#::X%>% /* erasure=core::Object?, declared=! */ {
lowered final self::ET1<self::ET1|constructor#::X%>% /* erasure=core::Object?, declared=! */ #this = it;
return #this;
static extension-type-member method ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(core::Object? it) → self::ET1<self::ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X%>% /* erasure=core::Object?, declared=! */
return self::ET1|constructor#<self::ET1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X%>(it);
static method foo2<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends self::foo2::X% = dynamic>() dynamic {}
static method bar2() dynamic {
<X extends invalid-type, Y extends X% = invalid-type>() Null x = <X extends invalid-type, Y extends X% = invalid-type>() Null {};
function f<X extends invalid-type, Y extends X% = invalid-type>() Null {}
static extension-type-member method ET2|constructor#<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends self::ET2|constructor#::X% = dynamic>(core::Object? it) → self::ET2<self::ET2|constructor#::X%, self::ET2|constructor#::Y%>% /* erasure=core::Object?, declared=! */ {
lowered final self::ET2<self::ET2|constructor#::X%, self::ET2|constructor#::Y%>% /* erasure=core::Object?, declared=! */ #this = it;
return #this;
static extension-type-member method ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff<X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, Y extends self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X% = dynamic>(core::Object? it) → self::ET2<self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X%, self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::Y%>% /* erasure=core::Object?, declared=! */
return self::ET2|constructor#<self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::X%, self::ET2|constructor#_#new#tearOff::Y%>(it);
static method /* from org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/_internal/vm_shared/lib/integers_patch.dart */ _#F1#fromEnvironment#tearOff<unrelated X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */>(core::String name, {core::int defaultValue = #C1}) → core::int
return core::int::fromEnvironment(name, defaultValue: defaultValue);
static method /* from org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/_internal/vm_shared/lib/integers_patch.dart */ _#F2#fromEnvironment#tearOff<unrelated X extends invalid-type = self::E1<dynamic>% /* erasure=dynamic, declared=! */, unrelated Y extends self::_#F2#fromEnvironment#tearOff::X% = dynamic>(core::String name, {core::int defaultValue = #C1}) → core::int
return core::int::fromEnvironment(name, defaultValue: defaultValue);
constants {
#C1 = 0
#C2 = "element"
#C3 = self::Enum1<Never> {index:#C1, _name:#C2}
#C4 = <self::Enum1<invalid-type>>[#C3]
#C5 = self::Enum2<Never, Never> {index:#C1, _name:#C2}
#C6 = <self::Enum2<invalid-type, invalid-type>>[#C5]
Constructor coverage from constants:
- Enum1. (from org-dartlang-testcase:///issue54097.dart:12:6)
- _Enum. (from org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/core/enum.dart)
- Object. (from org-dartlang-sdk:///sdk/lib/core/object.dart)
- Enum2. (from org-dartlang-testcase:///issue54097.dart:26:6)