blob: 3d664913978658aacad9371aaac7df7cb87bb29c [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:7:24: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
// Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
// const implicitConst1 = ExtensionType1(0); /* Error */
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:8:28: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
// Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
// var explicitConst1 = const ExtensionType1(0); /* Error */
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:9:19: Error: New expression is not a constant expression.
// const newConst1 = new ExtensionType1(0); /* Error */
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:13:31: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
// Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
// const implicitConstAliased1 = Typedef1(0); /* Error */
// ^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:14:35: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
// Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
// var explicitConstAliased1 = const Typedef1(0); /* Error */
// ^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:15:26: Error: New expression is not a constant expression.
// const newConstAliased1 = new Typedef1(0); /* Error */
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:21:19: Error: New expression is not a constant expression.
// const newConst2 = new ExtensionType2(0); /* Error */
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:27:26: Error: New expression is not a constant expression.
// const newConstAliased2 = new Typedef2(0); /* Error */
// ^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:9:23: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
// Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
// const newConst1 = new ExtensionType1(0); /* Error */
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:15:30: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
// Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
// const newConstAliased1 = new Typedef1(0); /* Error */
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
typedef Typedef1<unrelated X extends core::Object? = dynamic> = self::ExtensionType1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */;
typedef Typedef2<unrelated X extends core::Object? = dynamic> = self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */;
extension type ExtensionType1(core::int i) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get i() core::int;
constructor = self::ExtensionType1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ExtensionType1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type ExtensionType2(core::int i) {
abstract extension-type-member representation-field get i() core::int;
constructor = self::ExtensionType2|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::ExtensionType2|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
static const field invalid-type implicitConst1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:7:24: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
const implicitConst1 = ExtensionType1(0); /* Error */
static field invalid-type explicitConst1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:8:28: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
var explicitConst1 = const ExtensionType1(0); /* Error */
static const field self::ExtensionType1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ newConst1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:9:23: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
const newConst1 = new ExtensionType1(0); /* Error */
static const field invalid-type implicitConstAliased1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:13:31: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
const implicitConstAliased1 = Typedef1(0); /* Error */
static field invalid-type explicitConstAliased1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:14:35: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
var explicitConstAliased1 = const Typedef1(0); /* Error */
static const field self::ExtensionType1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ newConstAliased1 = invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/const_constructor_access.dart:15:30: Error: Cannot invoke a non-'const' constructor where a const expression is expected.
Try using a constructor or factory that is 'const'.
const newConstAliased1 = new Typedef1(0); /* Error */
static const field self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ implicitConst2 = #C1;
static field self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ explicitConst2 = #C1;
static const field self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ newConst2 = #C1;
static const field self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ implicitConstAliased2 = #C1;
static field self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ explicitConstAliased2 = #C1;
static const field self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ newConstAliased2 = #C1;
static extension-type-member method ExtensionType1|constructor#(core::int i) → self::ExtensionType1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ {
lowered final self::ExtensionType1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this = i;
return #this;
static extension-type-member method ExtensionType1|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int i) → self::ExtensionType1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ExtensionType1|constructor#(i);
static extension-type-member method ExtensionType2|constructor#(core::int i) → self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ {
lowered final self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */ #this = i;
return #this;
static extension-type-member method ExtensionType2|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int i) → self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ExtensionType2|constructor#(i);
static method _#Typedef1#new#tearOff<unrelated X extends core::Object? = dynamic>(core::int i) → self::ExtensionType1% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ExtensionType1|constructor#(i);
static method _#Typedef2#new#tearOff<unrelated X extends core::Object? = dynamic>(core::int i) → self::ExtensionType2% /* erasure=core::int, declared=! */
return self::ExtensionType2|constructor#(i);
constants {
#C1 = 0