blob: 11402bf531b1ab49935e2d1285eb1168bf5fad1b [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class A extends core::_Enum /*isEnum*/ {
static const field core::List<self::A> values = const <self::A>[self::A::a, self::A::b];
final field self::B value;
enum-element static const field self::A a = const self::A::•(0, "a", self::B::a);
enum-element static const field self::A b = const self::A::•(1, "b", self::B::b);
const constructor •(core::int #index, core::String #name, self::B value) → self::A
: self::A::value = value, super core::_Enum::•(#index, #name)
method _enumToString() core::String
return "A.${this.{core::_Enum::_name}{core::String}}";
static method _#new#tearOff(core::int #index, core::String #name, self::B value) → self::A
return new self::A::•(#index, #name, value);
class B extends core::Object /*hasConstConstructor*/ {
final field core::int value;
static const field self::B a = const self::B::•(const core::int::fromEnvironment("a"));
static const field self::B b = const self::B::•(const core::int::fromEnvironment("b"));
const constructor •(core::int value) self::B
: self::B::value = value, super core::Object::•()
static method _#new#tearOff(core::int value) → self::B
return new self::B::•(value);
static method method(self::A a) core::String
Extra constant evaluation status:
Evaluated with empty environment: ListLiteral @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:5:6 -> ListConstant(const <A>[const A{A.value: const B{B.value: 0.0}, _Enum.index: 0.0, _Enum._name: "a"}, const A{A.value: const B{B.value: 0.0}, _Enum.index: 1.0, _Enum._name: "b"}])
Evaluated with empty environment: StaticGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:5:6 -> InstanceConstant(const A{A.value: const B{B.value: 0.0}, _Enum.index: 0.0, _Enum._name: "a"})
Evaluated with empty environment: StaticGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:5:6 -> InstanceConstant(const A{A.value: const B{B.value: 0.0}, _Enum.index: 1.0, _Enum._name: "b"})
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstructorInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:6:3 -> InstanceConstant(const A{A.value: const B{B.value: 0.0}, _Enum.index: 0.0, _Enum._name: "a"})
Evaluated with empty environment: StaticGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:6:7 -> InstanceConstant(const B{B.value: 0.0})
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstructorInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:7:3 -> InstanceConstant(const A{A.value: const B{B.value: 0.0}, _Enum.index: 1.0, _Enum._name: "b"})
Evaluated with empty environment: StaticGet @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:7:7 -> InstanceConstant(const B{B.value: 0.0})
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstructorInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:20:28 -> InstanceConstant(const B{B.value: 0.0})
Evaluated with empty environment: FactoryConstructorInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:20:36 -> DoubleConstant(0.0)
Evaluated with empty environment: ConstructorInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:21:28 -> InstanceConstant(const B{B.value: 0.0})
Evaluated with empty environment: FactoryConstructorInvocation @ org-dartlang-testcase:///enum_from_environment.dart:21:36 -> DoubleConstant(0.0)
Extra constant evaluation: evaluated: 24, effectively constant: 11