blob: d1b064ac46d17149dbc36a69effd0e38c1d85387 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/messages/severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id.dart'
show ActualData, DataRegistry, Id;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id_testing.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/nnbd_mode.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import '../api_prototype/compiler_options.dart'
show CompilerOptions, DiagnosticMessage;
import '../api_prototype/experimental_flags.dart'
show AllowedExperimentalFlags, ExperimentalFlag;
import '../api_prototype/terminal_color_support.dart'
show printDiagnosticMessage;
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../fasta/messages.dart' show FormattedMessage;
import '../kernel_generator_impl.dart' show InternalCompilerResult;
import 'compiler_common.dart' show compileScript, toTestUri;
import 'id_extractor.dart' show DataExtractor;
import 'kernel_id_testing.dart';
export '../fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
export '../fasta/messages.dart' show FormattedMessage;
export '../kernel_generator_impl.dart' show InternalCompilerResult;
/// Test configuration used for testing CFE in its default state.
const CfeTestConfig defaultCfeConfig = const CfeTestConfig(cfeMarker, 'cfe');
class CfeTestConfig extends TestConfig {
final Map<ExperimentalFlag, bool> explicitExperimentalFlags;
final AllowedExperimentalFlags? allowedExperimentalFlags;
final Uri? librariesSpecificationUri;
final Uri? packageConfigUri;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Tailor support to redefine selected platform
// classes/members only.
final bool compileSdk;
final TestTargetFlags targetFlags;
final NnbdMode nnbdMode;
const CfeTestConfig(super.marker,,
{this.explicitExperimentalFlags = const {},
this.compileSdk = false,
this.targetFlags = const TestTargetFlags(),
this.nnbdMode = NnbdMode.Strong});
/// Called before running test on [testData].
/// This allows tests to customize the [options] based on the [testData].
/// A custom object can be returned. This is passed to data computer.
dynamic customizeCompilerOptions(
CompilerOptions options, TestData testData) =>
/// Called after running test on [testData] with the resulting
/// [testResultData].
void onCompilationResult(
TestData testData, CfeTestResultData testResultData) {}
abstract class CfeDataComputer<T> extends DataComputer<T, CfeTestConfig,
InternalCompilerResult, CfeTestResultData> {
const CfeDataComputer();
/// Auxiliary data from running a test.
class CfeTestResultData
extends TestResultData<CfeTestConfig, InternalCompilerResult> {
/// CustomData is passed from [CfeTestConfig.customizeCompilerOptions].
final dynamic customData;
CfeTestResultData(super.config, this.customData, super.compilerResult);
Component get component => compilerResult.component!;
mixin CfeDataRegistryMixin<T> implements DataRegistry<T> {
InternalCompilerResult get compilerResult;
void report(Uri uri, int offset, String message) {
compilerResult.component!.uriToSource, uri, offset, message);
void fail(String message) {
class CfeDataRegistry<T> with DataRegistry<T>, CfeDataRegistryMixin<T> {
final InternalCompilerResult compilerResult;
final Map<Id, ActualData<T>> actualMap;
CfeDataRegistry(this.compilerResult, this.actualMap);
abstract class CfeDataExtractor<T> extends DataExtractor<T>
with CfeDataRegistryMixin<T> {
final InternalCompilerResult compilerResult;
CfeDataExtractor(this.compilerResult, Map<Id, ActualData<T>> actualMap)
: super(actualMap);
/// Create the testing URI used for [fileName] in annotated tests.
Uri createUriForFileName(String fileName) => toTestUri(fileName);
void onFailure(String message) => throw new StateError(message);
/// Creates a test runner for [dataComputer] on [testedConfigs].
RunTestFunction<T> runTestFor<T>(
CfeDataComputer<T> dataComputer, List<CfeTestConfig> testedConfigs) {
retainDataForTesting = true;
return (MarkerOptions markerOptions, TestData testData,
{required bool testAfterFailures,
required bool verbose,
required bool succinct,
required bool printCode,
Map<String, List<String>>? skipMap,
required Uri nullUri}) {
return runTest(markerOptions, testData, dataComputer, testedConfigs,
testAfterFailures: testAfterFailures,
verbose: verbose,
succinct: succinct,
printCode: printCode,
onFailure: onFailure,
skipMap: skipMap,
nullUri: nullUri);
/// Runs [dataComputer] on [testData] for all [testedConfigs].
/// Returns `true` if an error was encountered.
Future<Map<String, TestResult<T>>> runTest<T>(
MarkerOptions markerOptions,
TestData testData,
CfeDataComputer<T> dataComputer,
List<CfeTestConfig> testedConfigs,
{required bool testAfterFailures,
required bool verbose,
required bool succinct,
required bool printCode,
bool forUserLibrariesOnly = true,
Iterable<Id> globalIds = const <Id>[],
required void onFailure(String message),
Map<String, List<String>>? skipMap,
required Uri nullUri}) async {
for (CfeTestConfig config in testedConfigs) {
if (!testData.expectedMaps.containsKey(config.marker)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Unexpected test marker '${config.marker}'. "
"Supported markers: ${testData.expectedMaps.keys}.");
Map<String, TestResult<T>> results = {};
for (CfeTestConfig config in testedConfigs) {
if (skipForConfig(, config.marker, skipMap)) {
results[config.marker] = await runTestForConfig(
markerOptions, testData, dataComputer, config,
fatalErrors: !testAfterFailures,
onFailure: onFailure,
verbose: verbose,
succinct: succinct,
printCode: printCode,
nullUri: nullUri);
return results;
/// Runs [dataComputer] on [testData] for [config].
/// Returns `true` if an error was encountered.
Future<TestResult<T>> runTestForConfig<T>(MarkerOptions markerOptions,
TestData testData, CfeDataComputer<T> dataComputer, CfeTestConfig config,
{required bool fatalErrors,
required bool verbose,
required bool succinct,
required bool printCode,
bool forUserLibrariesOnly = true,
Iterable<Id> globalIds = const <Id>[],
required void onFailure(String message),
required Uri nullUri}) async {
CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions();
List<FormattedMessage> errors = [];
options.onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage message) {
if (message is FormattedMessage && message.severity == Severity.error) {
if (!succinct) printDiagnosticMessage(message, print);
options.debugDump = printCode; = new TestTargetWrapper(
new NoneTarget(config.targetFlags), config.targetFlags);
options.allowedExperimentalFlagsForTesting = config.allowedExperimentalFlags;
options.nnbdMode = config.nnbdMode;
if (config.librariesSpecificationUri != null) {
Set<Uri> testFiles =;
if (testFiles.contains(config.librariesSpecificationUri)) {
options.librariesSpecificationUri = config.librariesSpecificationUri;
options.compileSdk = config.compileSdk;
options.packagesFileUri = config.packageConfigUri;
dynamic customData = config.customizeCompilerOptions(options, testData);
InternalCompilerResult compilerResult = await compileScript(
options: options,
retainDataForTesting: true,
requireMain: false) as InternalCompilerResult;
CfeTestResultData testResultData =
new CfeTestResultData(config, customData, compilerResult);
config.onCompilationResult(testData, testResultData);
return processCompiledResult(
markerOptions, testData, dataComputer, testResultData, errors,
fatalErrors: fatalErrors,
verbose: verbose,
succinct: succinct,
onFailure: onFailure,
nullUri: nullUri);