blob: 9af1cc237832303c32e22c899170fdd4d6342350 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/relativize.dart' as fe_shared;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/dev_compiler.dart' as ddc_names
show libraryUriToJsIdentifier;
import 'package:front_end/src/compute_platform_binaries_location.dart' as fe;
import 'package:reload_test/ddc_helpers.dart' as ddc_helpers;
import 'package:reload_test/frontend_server_controller.dart';
import 'package:reload_test/hot_reload_memory_filesystem.dart';
import 'package:reload_test/test_helpers.dart';
// Set an arbitrary cap on generations.
final globalMaxGenerations = 100;
final testTimeoutSeconds = 10;
// The separator between a test file and its inlined diff.
// All contents after this separator are considered are diff comments.
final testDiffSeparator = '/** DIFF **/';
final argParser = ArgParser()
abbr: 'r',
defaultsTo: 'd8',
allowed: => v.text),
help: 'runtime platform used to run tests.')
abbr: 'n',
defaultsTo: 'no-configuration',
help: 'configuration name to use for emitting test result files.')
..addOption('output-directory', help: 'directory to emit test results files.')
abbr: 'f',
defaultsTo: r'.*',
help: 'regexp filter over tests to run.',
allowed: ['check', 'write', 'ignore'],
allowedHelp: {
'check': 'validate that reload test diffs are generated and correct.',
'write': 'write diffs for reload tests.',
'ignore': 'ignore reload diffs.',
defaultsTo: 'check',
'selects whether test diffs should be checked, written, or ignored.')
abbr: 'd',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: true,
help: 'enables additional debug behavior and logging.')
abbr: 'v',
defaultsTo: true,
negatable: true,
help: 'enables verbose logging.');
late final bool verbose;
late final bool debug;
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
final argResults = argParser.parse(args);
final runtimePlatform =
RuntimePlatforms.values.byName(argResults['runtime'] as String);
final testNameFilter = RegExp(argResults['filter'] as String);
debug = argResults['debug'] as bool;
verbose = argResults['verbose'] as bool;
// Used to communicate individual test failures to our test bots.
final emitTestResultsJson = argResults['output-directory'] != null;
final buildRootUri = fe.computePlatformBinariesLocation(forceBuildDir: true);
// We can use the outline instead of the full SDK dill here.
final ddcPlatformDillUri = buildRootUri.resolve('ddc_outline.dill');
final vmPlatformDillUri = buildRootUri.resolve('vm_platform_strong.dill');
final sdkRoot = Platform.script.resolve('../../../');
final packageConfigUri = sdkRoot.resolve('.dart_tool/package_config.json');
final allTestsUri = sdkRoot.resolve('tests/hot_reload/');
final soundStableDartSdkJsUri =
final ddcModuleLoaderJsUri =
final d8Config = ddc_helpers.D8Configuration(sdkRoot);
// Contains generated code for all tests.
final generatedCodeDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync();
final generatedCodeUri = generatedCodeDir.uri;
_debugPrint('See generated hot reload framework code in $generatedCodeUri');
// The snapshot directory is a staging area the test framework uses to
// construct a compile-able test app across reload/restart generations.
final snapshotDir = Directory.fromUri(generatedCodeUri.resolve('.snapshot/'));
final snapshotUri = snapshotDir.uri;
// Contains files emitted from Frontend Server compiles and recompiles.
final frontendServerEmittedFilesDirUri = generatedCodeUri.resolve('.fes/');
final outputDillUri = frontendServerEmittedFilesDirUri.resolve('output.dill');
final outputIncrementalDillUri =
// TODO(markzipan): Support custom entrypoints.
final snapshotEntrypointUri = snapshotUri.resolve('main.dart');
final filesystemRootUri = snapshotUri;
final filesystemScheme = 'hot-reload-test';
final snapshotEntrypointLibraryName = fe_shared.relativizeUri(
filesystemRootUri, snapshotEntrypointUri, fe_shared.isWindows);
final snapshotEntrypointWithScheme =
_print('Initializing the Frontend Server.');
HotReloadFrontendServerController controller;
final commonArgs = [
'--verbosity=${verbose ? 'all' : 'info'}',
switch (runtimePlatform) {
case RuntimePlatforms.d8:
final ddcPlatformDillFromSdkRoot = fe_shared.relativizeUri(
sdkRoot, ddcPlatformDillUri, fe_shared.isWindows);
final fesArgs = [
controller = HotReloadFrontendServerController(fesArgs);
throw Exception('Unsupported platform: $runtimePlatform');
case RuntimePlatforms.vm:
final vmPlatformDillFromSdkRoot = fe_shared.relativizeUri(
sdkRoot, vmPlatformDillUri, fe_shared.isWindows);
final fesArgs = [
controller = HotReloadFrontendServerController(fesArgs);
Future<void> shutdown() async {
// Persist the temp directory for debugging.
await controller.stop();
_print('Frontend Server has shut down.');
if (!debug) {
generatedCodeDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
final testOutcomes = <TestResultOutcome>[];
final validTestSourceName = RegExp(r'.*[a-zA-Z0-9]+.[0-9]+.dart');
for (var testDir in Directory.fromUri(allTestsUri).listSync()) {
if (testDir is! Directory) {
if (testDir is File) {
// Ignore Dart source files, which may be imported as helpers
throw Exception('Non-directory or file entity found in '
'${allTestsUri.toFilePath()}: $testDir');
final testDirParts = testDir.uri.pathSegments;
final testName = testDirParts[testDirParts.length - 2];
// Skip tests that don't match the name filter.
if (!testNameFilter.hasMatch(testName)) {
_print('Skipping test', label: testName);
var outcome = TestResultOutcome(
configuration: argResults['named-configuration'] as String,
testName: testName,
var stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
// Report results for this test's execution.
Future<void> reportTestOutcome(String testOutput, bool testPassed) async {
outcome.elapsedTime = stopwatch.elapsed;
outcome.testOutput = testOutput;
outcome.matchedExpectations = testPassed;
if (testPassed) {
_print('PASSED with:\n $testOutput', label: testName);
} else {
_print('FAILED with:\n $testOutput', label: testName);
// Report results for this test's sources' diff validations.
void reportDiffOutcome(Uri fileUri, String testOutput, bool testPassed) {
final filePath = fileUri.path;
var outcome = TestResultOutcome(
configuration: argResults['named-configuration'] as String,
testName: '$filePath-diff',
testOutput: testOutput,
outcome.elapsedTime = stopwatch.elapsed;
outcome.matchedExpectations = testPassed;
if (testPassed) {
_debugPrint('PASSED (diff on $filePath) with:\n $testOutput',
label: testName);
} else {
_debugPrint('FAILED (diff on $filePath) with:\n $testOutput',
label: testName);
final tempUri = generatedCodeUri.resolve('$testName/');
_print('Generating test assets.', label: testName);
_debugPrint('Emitting JS code to ${tempUri.toFilePath()}.',
label: testName);
var filesystem = HotReloadMemoryFilesystem(tempUri);
// Perform checks on this test's files. Checks include:
// 1) Count the number of generations and ensure they're capped.
// 2) Validate or generate diffs if specified
// Assumes all files are named like '$name.$integer.dart', where 0 is the
// first generation.
// TODO(markzipan): Account for subdirectories.
var maxGenerations = 0;
late ReloadTestConfiguration testConfig;
// All files in this test clustered by file name - in generation order.
final filesByGeneration = <String, PriorityQueue<(int, Uri)>>{};
for (final file in testDir.listSync()) {
if (file is File) {
final fileName = file.uri.pathSegments.last;
// Process config files.
if (fileName == 'config.json') {
testConfig = ReloadTestConfiguration.fromJsonFile(file.uri);
} else if (fileName.endsWith('.dart')) {
if (!validTestSourceName.hasMatch(fileName)) {
throw Exception('Invalid test source file name: $fileName\n'
'Valid names look like "file_name.10.dart".');
final strippedName =
fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - '.dart'.length);
final generationIndex = strippedName.lastIndexOf('.');
final generationId =
int.parse(strippedName.substring(generationIndex + 1));
maxGenerations = max(maxGenerations, generationId);
final basename = strippedName.substring(0, generationIndex);
() => PriorityQueue(
((int, Uri) a, (int, Uri) b) => a.$1 - b.$1))
.add((generationId, file.uri));
if (maxGenerations > globalMaxGenerations) {
throw Exception('Too many generations specified in test '
'(requested: $maxGenerations, max: $globalMaxGenerations).');
var diffMode = argResults['diff']!;
if (fe_shared.isWindows && diffMode != 'ignore') {
_print("Diffing isn't supported on Windows. Defaulting to 'ignore'.",
label: testName);
diffMode = 'ignore';
switch (diffMode) {
case 'check':
_print('Checking source file diffs.', label: testName);
filesByGeneration.forEach((basename, filesQueue) {
final files = filesQueue.toList();
_debugPrint('Checking source file diffs for $files.',
label: testName);
files.forEachIndexed((i, (int, Uri) element) {
var (_, file) = element;
if (i == 0) {
// Check that the first file does not have a diff.
? reportDiffOutcome(
file, 'First generation does not have a diff', true)
: reportDiffOutcome(file,
'First generation should not have any diffs', false);
} else {
// Check that exactly one diff exists.
final currentText = File.fromUri(file).readAsStringSync();
final diffCount =
if (diffCount == 0) {
reportDiffOutcome(file, 'No diff found for $file', false);
if (diffCount > 1) {
file, 'Too many diffs found for $file (expected 1)', false);
// Check that the diff is properly generated.
final (_, previousFile) = files[i - 1];
final (previousCode, _) = _splitTestByDiff(previousFile);
final (currentCode, currentDiff) = _splitTestByDiff(file);
// 'main' is allowed to have empty diffs since the first
// generation must be specified.
if (basename != 'main' && previousCode == currentCode) {
// TODO(markzipan): Should we make this an error?
'Extraneous file detected. $file is identical to '
'$previousFile and can be removed.',
label: testName);
final previousTempUri = generatedCodeUri.resolve('__previous');
final currentTempUri = generatedCodeUri.resolve('__current');
final diffOutput = _diffWithFileUris(
previousTempUri, currentTempUri,
label: testName);
if (diffOutput != currentDiff) {
'Unexpected diff found for $file:\n'
'-- Expected --\n$diffOutput\n'
'-- Actual --\n$currentDiff',
reportDiffOutcome(file, 'Correct diff found for $file', true);
case 'write':
_print('Generating source file diffs.', label: testName);
filesByGeneration.forEach((basename, filesQueue) {
final files = filesQueue.toList();
_debugPrint('Generating source file diffs for $files.',
label: testName);
files.forEachIndexed((i, (int, Uri) element) {
final (_, file) = element;
final (currentCode, currentDiff) = _splitTestByDiff(file);
// Don't generate a diff for the first file of any generation,
// and delete any diffs encountered.
if (i == 0) {
if (currentDiff.isNotEmpty) {
_print('Removing extraneous diff from $file', label: testName);
final (_, previousFile) = files[i - 1];
final (previousCode, _) = _splitTestByDiff(previousFile);
final previousTempUri = generatedCodeUri.resolve('__previous');
final currentTempUri = generatedCodeUri.resolve('__current');
final diffOutput = _diffWithFileUris(
previousTempUri, currentTempUri,
label: testName);
final newCurrentText =
'$currentCode${currentCode.endsWith('\n') ? '' : '\n'}$diffOutput\n';
_print('Writing updated diff to $file', label: testName);
_debugPrint('Updated diff:\n$diffOutput', label: testName);
reportDiffOutcome(file, 'diff updated for $file', true);
case 'ignore':
_print('Ignoring source file diffs.', label: testName);
filesByGeneration.forEach((basename, filesQueue) {
filesQueue.unorderedElements.forEach(((int, Uri) element) {
final (_, file) = element;
reportDiffOutcome(file, 'Ignoring diff for $file', true);
// Skip this test directory if this platform is excluded.
if (testConfig.excludedPlaforms.contains(runtimePlatform)) {
_print('Skipping test on platform: ${runtimePlatform.text}',
label: testName);
// TODO(markzipan): replace this with a test-configurable main entrypoint.
final mainDartFilePath = testDir.uri.resolve('main.dart').toFilePath();
_debugPrint('Test entrypoint: $mainDartFilePath', label: testName);
_print('Generating code over ${maxGenerations + 1} generations.',
label: testName);
var hasCompileError = false;
// Generate hot reload/restart generations as subdirectories in a loop.
var currentGeneration = 0;
while (currentGeneration <= maxGenerations) {
_debugPrint('Entering generation $currentGeneration', label: testName);
var updatedFilesInCurrentGeneration = <String>[];
// Copy all files in this generation to the snapshot directory with their
// names restored (e.g., path/to/main' from 'path/to/main.0.dart).
// TODO(markzipan): support subdirectories.
'Copying Dart files to snapshot directory: '
label: testName);
for (var file in testDir.listSync()) {
// Convert a name like `/path/` to `/path/`.
if (file is File && file.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
final baseName = file.uri.pathSegments.last;
final parts = baseName.split('.');
final generationId = int.parse(parts[parts.length - 2]);
if (generationId == currentGeneration) {
// Reconstruct the name of the file without generation indicators.
parts.removeLast(); // Remove `.dart`.
parts.removeLast(); // Remove the generation id.
parts.add('.dart'); // Re-add `.dart`.
final restoredName = parts.join();
final fileSnapshotUri = snapshotUri.resolve(restoredName);
final relativeSnapshotPath = fe_shared.relativizeUri(
filesystemRootUri, fileSnapshotUri, fe_shared.isWindows);
final snapshotPathWithScheme =
'Updated files in generation $currentGeneration: '
'[${updatedFilesInCurrentGeneration.join(', ')}]',
label: testName);
// The first generation calls `compile`, but subsequent ones call
// `recompile`.
// Likewise, use the incremental output directory for `recompile` calls.
String outputDirectoryPath;
'Compiling generation $currentGeneration with the Frontend Server.',
label: testName);
CompilerOutput compilerOutput;
if (currentGeneration == 0) {
'Compiling snapshot entrypoint: $snapshotEntrypointWithScheme',
label: testName);
outputDirectoryPath = outputDillUri.toFilePath();
compilerOutput =
await controller.sendCompile(snapshotEntrypointWithScheme);
} else {
'Recompiling snapshot entrypoint: $snapshotEntrypointWithScheme',
label: testName);
outputDirectoryPath = outputIncrementalDillUri.toFilePath();
// TODO(markzipan): Add logic to reject bad compiles.
compilerOutput = await controller.sendRecompile(
invalidatedFiles: updatedFilesInCurrentGeneration);
// Frontend Server reported compile errors. Fail if they weren't
// expected, and do not run tests.
if (compilerOutput.errorCount > 0) {
hasCompileError = true;
await controller.sendReject();
// TODO(markzipan): Determine if 'contains' is good enough to determine
// compilation error correctness.
if (testConfig.expectedError != null &&
compilerOutput.outputText.contains(testConfig.expectedError!)) {
await reportTestOutcome(
'Expected error found during compilation: '
} else {
await reportTestOutcome(
'Test failed with compile error: ${compilerOutput.outputText}',
} else {
// Stop processing further generations if compilation failed.
if (hasCompileError) break;
'Frontend Server successfully compiled outputs to: '
label: testName);
if (runtimePlatform.emitsJS) {
// Update the memory filesystem with the newly-created JS files
'Loading generation $currentGeneration files '
'into the memory filesystem.',
label: testName);
final codeFile = File('$outputDirectoryPath.sources');
final manifestFile = File('$outputDirectoryPath.json');
final sourcemapFile = File('$');
generation: '$currentGeneration',
// Write JS files and sourcemaps to their respective generation.
_print('Writing generation $currentGeneration assets.',
label: testName);
_debugPrint('Writing JS assets to ${tempUri.toFilePath()}',
label: testName);
filesystem.writeToDisk(tempUri, generation: '$currentGeneration');
} else {
final dillOutputDir =
final dillOutputUri = dillOutputDir.uri.resolve('$testName.dill');
// Write dills their respective generation.
_print('Writing generation $currentGeneration assets.',
label: testName);
_debugPrint('Writing dill to ${dillOutputUri.toFilePath()}',
label: testName);
// Skip to the next test and avoid execution if we encountered a
// compilation error.
if (hasCompileError) {
_print('Did not emit all assets due to compilation error.',
label: testName);
_print('Finished emitting assets.', label: testName);
final testOutputStreamController = StreamController<List<int>>();
final testOutputBuffer = StringBuffer();
var testPassed = false;
switch (runtimePlatform) {
case RuntimePlatforms.d8:
// Run the compiled JS generations with D8.
// TODO(markzipan): Add logic for evaluating with Chrome or the VM.
_print('Creating D8 hot reload test suite.', label: testName);
final d8Suite = D8SuiteRunner(
config: d8Config,
bootstrapJsUri: tempUri.resolve('generation0/bootstrap.js'),
dartSdkJsUri: soundStableDartSdkJsUri,
ddcModuleLoaderJsUri: ddcModuleLoaderJsUri,
outputSink: IOSink(testOutputStreamController.sink),
await d8Suite.setupTest(
testName: testName,
scriptDescriptors: filesystem.scriptDescriptorForBootstrap,
generationToModifiedFiles: filesystem.generationsToModifiedFilePaths,
final d8ExitCode = await d8Suite.runTest(testName: testName);
testPassed = d8ExitCode == 0;
await d8Suite.teardownTest(testName: testName);
case RuntimePlatforms.vm:
final firstGenerationDillUri =
// Start the VM at generation 0.
final vmArgs = [
'--enable-vm-service=0', // 0 avoids port collisions.
final vm = await Process.start(Platform.executable, vmArgs);
'Starting VM with command: '
'${Platform.executable} ${vmArgs.join(" ")}',
label: testName);
.listen((String line) {
_debugPrint('VM stdout: $line', label: testName);
.listen((String err) {
_debugPrint('VM stderr: $err', label: testName);
_print('Executing VM test.', label: testName);
final vmExitCode = await vm.exitCode
.timeout(Duration(seconds: testTimeoutSeconds), onTimeout: () {
final timeoutText =
'Test timed out after $testTimeoutSeconds seconds.';
_print(timeoutText, label: testName);
return 1;
testPassed = vmExitCode == 0;
await reportTestOutcome(testOutputBuffer.toString(), testPassed);
await shutdown();
_print('Testing complete.');
if (emitTestResultsJson) {
final testOutcomeResults = => o.toRecordJson());
final testOutcomeLogs = => o.toLogJson());
final testResultsOutputDir =['output-directory'] as String);
_print('Saving test results to ${testResultsOutputDir.toFilePath()}.');
// Test outputs must have one JSON blob per line and be newline-terminated.
final testResultsUri = testResultsOutputDir.resolve('results.json');
final testResultsSink = File.fromUri(testResultsUri).openWrite();
await testResultsSink.flush();
await testResultsSink.close();
final testLogsUri = testResultsOutputDir.resolve('logs.json');
if (Platform.isWindows) {
// TODO(55297): Logs are disabled on windows until this but is fixed.
_print('Logs are not written on Windows. '
} else {
final testLogsSink = File.fromUri(testLogsUri).openWrite();
await testLogsSink.flush();
await testLogsSink.close();
_print('Emitted logs to ${testResultsUri.toFilePath()} '
'and ${testLogsUri.toFilePath()}.');
// Report failed tests.
var failedTests =
testOutcomes.where((outcome) => !outcome.matchedExpectations);
if (failedTests.isNotEmpty) {
print('Some tests failed:');
failedTests.forEach((outcome) {
print('${outcome.testName} failed with:\n ${outcome.testOutput}');
/// Runs the [command] with [args] in [environment].
/// Will echo the commands to the console before running them when running in
/// `verbose` mode.
Future<Process> startProcess(String name, String command, List<String> args,
{Map<String, String> environment = const {},
ProcessStartMode mode = ProcessStartMode.normal}) {
if (verbose) {
print('Running $name:\n$command ${args.join(' ')}\n');
if (environment.isNotEmpty) {
var environmentVariables = => '${e.key}: ${e.value}').join('\n');
print('With environment:\n$environmentVariables\n');
return Process.start(command, args, mode: mode, environment: environment);
/// Prints messages if 'verbose' mode is enabled.
void _print(String message, {String? label}) {
if (verbose) {
final labelText = label == null ? '' : '($label)';
print('hot_reload_test$labelText: $message');
/// Prints messages if 'debug' mode is enabled.
void _debugPrint(String message, {String? label}) {
if (debug) {
final labelText = label == null ? '' : '($label)';
print('DEBUG$labelText: $message');
/// Returns the diff'd output between two files.
/// These diffs are appended at the end of updated file generations for better
/// test readability.
/// If [commented] is set, the output will be wrapped in multiline comments
/// and the diff separator.
/// If [trimHeaders] is set, the leading '+++' and '---' file headers will be
/// removed.
String _diffWithFileUris(Uri file1, Uri file2,
{String label = '', bool commented = true, bool trimHeaders = true}) {
final file1Path = file1.toFilePath();
final file2Path = file2.toFilePath();
final diffArgs = [
_debugPrint("Running diff with 'diff ${diffArgs.join(' ')}'.", label: label);
final diffProcess = Process.runSync('diff', diffArgs);
final errOutput = diffProcess.stderr as String;
if (errOutput.isNotEmpty) {
throw Exception('diff failed with:\n$errOutput');
var output = diffProcess.stdout as String;
if (trimHeaders) {
// Skip the first two lines.
// TODO(markzipan): Add support for Windows-style line endings.
output = output.split('\n').skip(2).join('\n');
return commented ? '$testDiffSeparator\n/*\n$output*/' : output;
/// Returns the code and diff portions of [file].
(String, String) _splitTestByDiff(Uri file) {
final text = File.fromUri(file).readAsStringSync();
final diffIndex = text.indexOf(testDiffSeparator);
final diffSplitIndex = diffIndex == -1 ? text.length - 1 : diffIndex;
final codeText = text.substring(0, diffSplitIndex);
final diffText = text.substring(diffSplitIndex, text.length - 1);
// Avoid 'No newline at end of file' messages in the output by appending a
// newline if one is not already trailing.
return ('$codeText${codeText.endsWith('\n') ? '' : '\n'}', diffText);
abstract class HotReloadSuiteRunner {
final String entrypointModuleName;
final String entrypointLibraryExportName;
final Uri dartSdkJsUri;
final Uri ddcModuleLoaderJsUri;
final StreamSink<List<int>> outputSink;
required this.entrypointModuleName,
required this.entrypointLibraryExportName,
required this.dartSdkJsUri,
required this.ddcModuleLoaderJsUri,
required this.outputSink,
/// Logic that needs to be run before every test begins.
/// [scriptDescriptors] and [generationToModifiedFiles] are only used for
/// DDC-based execution environments.
Future<void> setupTest(
{String? testName,
List<Map<String, String?>>? scriptDescriptors,
Map<String, List<String>>? generationToModifiedFiles});
/// Executes a test.
Future<int> runTest({String? testName});
/// Logic that needs to be run after every test completes.
Future<void> teardownTest({String? testName});
class D8SuiteRunner implements HotReloadSuiteRunner {
final ddc_helpers.D8Configuration config;
final Uri bootstrapJsUri;
final String entrypointModuleName;
final String entrypointLibraryExportName;
final Uri dartSdkJsUri;
final Uri ddcModuleLoaderJsUri;
final StreamSink<List<int>> outputSink;
required this.config,
required this.bootstrapJsUri,
required this.entrypointModuleName,
required this.entrypointLibraryExportName,
required this.dartSdkJsUri,
required this.ddcModuleLoaderJsUri,
required this.outputSink,
factory D8SuiteRunner({
required ddc_helpers.D8Configuration config,
required Uri bootstrapJsUri,
String entrypointModuleName = 'main.dart',
String entrypointLibraryExportName = 'main',
required Uri dartSdkJsUri,
required Uri ddcModuleLoaderJsUri,
StreamSink<List<int>>? outputSink,
}) {
return D8SuiteRunner._(
config: config,
entrypointModuleName: entrypointModuleName,
entrypointLibraryExportName: entrypointLibraryExportName,
bootstrapJsUri: bootstrapJsUri,
dartSdkJsUri: dartSdkJsUri,
ddcModuleLoaderJsUri: ddcModuleLoaderJsUri,
outputSink: outputSink ?? stdout,
String _generateBootstrapper({
required List<Map<String, String?>> scriptDescriptors,
required Map<String, List<String>> generationToModifiedFiles,
}) {
return ddc_helpers.generateD8Bootstrapper(
ddcModuleLoaderJsPath: escapedString(ddcModuleLoaderJsUri.toFilePath()),
dartSdkJsPath: escapedString(dartSdkJsUri.toFilePath()),
entrypointModuleName: escapedString(entrypointModuleName),
entrypointLibraryExportName: escapedString(entrypointLibraryExportName),
scriptDescriptors: scriptDescriptors,
modifiedFilesPerGeneration: generationToModifiedFiles,
Future<void> setupTest({
String? testName,
List<Map<String, String?>>? scriptDescriptors,
Map<String, List<String>>? generationToModifiedFiles,
}) async {
_print('Preparing to run D8 test.', label: testName);
if (scriptDescriptors == null || generationToModifiedFiles == null) {
throw ArgumentError('D8SuiteRunner requires that "scriptDescriptors" '
'and "generationToModifiedFiles" be provided during setup.');
final d8BootstrapJS = _generateBootstrapper(
scriptDescriptors: scriptDescriptors,
generationToModifiedFiles: generationToModifiedFiles);
_debugPrint('Writing D8 bootstrapper: $bootstrapJsUri', label: testName);
Future<int> runTest({String? testName}) async {
final process = await startProcess('D8', config.binary.toFilePath(), [
return process.exitCode;
Future<void> teardownTest({String? testName}) async {}