blob: 2f53a53d5a9ddb49a87132f0416a0ef0ec44a6e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import '../integration/support/integration_test_methods.dart';
import '../integration/support/integration_tests.dart';
/// Instances of the class [TimingResult] represent the timing information
/// gathered while executing a given timing test.
class TimingResult {
/// The number of nanoseconds in a millisecond.
/// The amount of time spent executing each test, in nanoseconds.
List<int> times;
/// Initialize a newly created timing result.
/// The average amount of time spent executing a single iteration, in
/// milliseconds.
int get averageTime {
return totalTime ~/ times.length;
/// The maximum amount of time spent executing a single iteration, in
/// milliseconds.
int get maxTime {
var maxTime = 0;
var count = times.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
maxTime = max(maxTime, times[i]);
/// The minimum amount of time spent executing a single iteration, in
/// milliseconds.
int get minTime {
var minTime = times[0];
var count = times.length;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
minTime = min(minTime, times[i]);
/// The standard deviation of the times.
double get standardDeviation {
return computeStandardDeviation(toMilliseconds(times));
/// The total amount of time spent executing the test, in milliseconds.
int get totalTime {
var totalTime = 0;
var count = times.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
totalTime += times[i];
/// Compute the standard deviation of the given set of [values].
double computeStandardDeviation(List<int> values) {
var count = values.length;
var sumOfValues = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
sumOfValues += values[i];
var average = sumOfValues / count;
var sumOfDiffSquared = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var diff = values[i] - average;
sumOfDiffSquared += diff * diff;
return sqrt(sumOfDiffSquared / (count - 1));
/// Convert the given [times], expressed in nanoseconds, to times expressed in
/// milliseconds.
List<int> toMilliseconds(List<int> times) {
var count = times.length;
var convertedValues = <int>[];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
convertedValues.add(times[i] ~/ NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
return convertedValues;
/// The abstract class [TimingTest] defines the behavior of objects that measure
/// the time required to perform some sequence of server operations.
abstract class TimingTest extends IntegrationTest {
/// The number of times the test will be performed in order to warm up the VM.
static final int DEFAULT_WARMUP_COUNT = 10;
/// The number of times the test will be performed in order to compute a time.
static final int DEFAULT_TIMING_COUNT = 10;
/// The file suffix used to identify Dart files.
static final String DART_SUFFIX = '.dart';
/// The file suffix used to identify HTML files.
static final String HTML_SUFFIX = '.html';
/// The amount of time to give the server to respond to a shutdown request
/// before forcibly terminating it.
static const Duration SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = Duration(seconds: 5);
/// The connection to the analysis server.
late Server server;
/// The temporary directory in which source files can be stored.
late Directory sourceDirectory;
/// A flag indicating whether the teardown process should skip sending a
/// "server.shutdown" request because the server is known to have already
/// shutdown.
bool skipShutdown = false;
/// Return the number of iterations that should be performed in order to
/// compute a time.
int get timingCount => DEFAULT_TIMING_COUNT;
/// Return the number of iterations that should be performed in order to warm
/// up the VM.
int get warmupCount => DEFAULT_WARMUP_COUNT;
/// Perform any operations that need to be performed once before any
/// iterations.
Future<void> oneTimeSetUp() {
server = Server();
sourceDirectory = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('analysisServer');
var serverConnected = Completer<void>();
onServerConnected.listen((_) {
skipShutdown = true;
var dartSdkPath = dirname(dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable));
return server.start(dartSdkPath: dartSdkPath).then((_) {
server.exitCode.then((_) {
skipShutdown = true;
return serverConnected.future;
/// Perform any operations that need to be performed once after all
/// iterations.
Future<void> oneTimeTearDown() {
return _shutdownIfNeeded().then((_) {
sourceDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
/// Perform any operations that part of a single iteration. It is the
/// execution of this method that will be measured.
Future<void> perform();
/// Return a future that will complete with a timing result representing the
/// number of milliseconds required to perform the operation the specified
/// number of times.
Future<TimingResult> run() async {
var times = <int>[];
await oneTimeSetUp();
await _repeat(warmupCount, null);
await _repeat(timingCount, times);
await oneTimeTearDown();
return TimingResult(times);
/// Perform any operations that need to be performed before each iteration.
Future<void> setUp();
/// Convert the given [relativePath] to an absolute path, by interpreting it
/// relative to [sourceDirectory]. On Windows any forward slashes in
/// [relativePath] are converted to backslashes.
String sourcePath(String relativePath) {
return join(sourceDirectory.path, relativePath.replaceAll('/', separator));
/// Perform any operations that need to be performed after each iteration.
Future<void> tearDown();
/// Write a source file with the given absolute [pathname] and [contents].
/// If the file didn't previously exist, it is created. If it did, it is
/// overwritten.
/// Parent directories are created as necessary.
void writeFile(String pathname, String contents) {
Directory(dirname(pathname)).createSync(recursive: true);
/// Return the number of nanoseconds that have elapsed since the given
/// [stopwatch] was last stopped.
int _elapsedNanoseconds(Stopwatch stopwatch) {
return (stopwatch.elapsedTicks * 1000000000) ~/ stopwatch.frequency;
/// Repeatedly execute this test [count] times, adding timing information to
/// the given list of [times] if it is non-`null`.
Future<void> _repeat(int count, List<int>? times) {
var stopwatch = Stopwatch();
return setUp().then((_) {
return perform().then((_) {
if (times != null) {
return tearDown().then((_) {
if (count > 0) {
return _repeat(count - 1, times);
} else {
return Future.value();
/// Shut the server down unless [skipShutdown] is `true`.
Future<void> _shutdownIfNeeded() {
if (skipShutdown) {
return Future.value();
// Give the server a short time to comply with the shutdown request; if it
// doesn't exit, then forcibly terminate it.
return server.exitCode.timeout(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, onTimeout: () {
return server.kill('server failed to exit');