blob: d089e4aa009463131a565cf8ff6a77ec8e8a7d8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// An implementation of [Pipeline] that runs using IO.
/// To define a step, implement [IOModularStep].
import 'dart:io';
import 'pipeline.dart';
import 'suite.dart';
/// Indicates where to read and write data produced by the pipeline.
typedef ModuleDataToRelativeUri = Uri Function(Module, DataId);
abstract class IOModularStep extends ModularStep {
/// Execute the step under [root].
/// The [root] folder will hold all inputs and will be used to emit the output
/// of this step.
/// Assets created on previous steps of the pipeline should be available under
/// `root.resolveUri(toUri(module, dataId))` and the output of this step
/// should be stored under `root.resolveUri(toUri(module, resultKind))`.
Future<void> execute(Module module, Uri root, ModuleDataToRelativeUri toUri,
List<String> flags);
/// Whether this step should apply to [module]. Most steps apply to all
/// modules, but not all.
bool shouldExecute(Module module) => true;
class IOPipeline extends Pipeline<IOModularStep> {
/// Folder that holds the results of each step during the run of the pipeline.
/// This value is usually null before and after the pipeline runs, but will be
/// non-null in two cases:
/// * for testing purposes when using [saveIntermediateResultsForTesting].
/// * to share results across pipeline runs when using [cacheSharedModules].
/// When using [cacheSharedModules] the pipeline will only reuse data for
/// modules that are known to be shared (e.g. shared packages and sdk
/// libraries), and not modules that are test specific. File names will be
/// specific enough so that we can keep separate the artifacts created from
/// running tools under different configurations (with different flags).
Uri? _resultsFolderUri;
Uri? get resultFolderUriForTesting => _resultsFolderUri;
/// A unique number to denote the current modular test configuration.
/// When using [cacheSharedModules], a test can reuse the output of a
/// previous run of this pipeline if that output was generated with the same
/// configuration.
int? _currentConfiguration;
final ConfigurationRegistry? _registry;
/// Whether to keep alive the temporary folder used to store intermediate
/// results in order to inspect it later in test.
final bool saveIntermediateResultsForTesting;
IOPipeline(List<IOModularStep> steps,
{this.saveIntermediateResultsForTesting = false,
bool cacheSharedModules = false})
: _registry = cacheSharedModules ? ConfigurationRegistry() : null,
super(steps, cacheSharedModules);
Future<void> run(ModularTest test) async {
Directory? resultsDir;
if (_resultsFolderUri == null) {
resultsDir = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('modular_test_res-');
_resultsFolderUri = resultsDir.uri;
if (cacheSharedModules) {
_currentConfiguration = _registry!.computeConfigurationId(test);
if (resultsDir != null &&
!saveIntermediateResultsForTesting &&
!cacheSharedModules) {
await resultsDir.delete(recursive: true);
_resultsFolderUri = null;
if (!saveIntermediateResultsForTesting) {
_currentConfiguration = null;
/// Delete folders that were kept around either because of
/// [saveIntermediateResultsForTesting] or because of [cacheSharedModules].
Future<void> cleanup() async {
if (_resultsFolderUri == null) return;
if (saveIntermediateResultsForTesting || cacheSharedModules) {
await Directory.fromUri(_resultsFolderUri!).delete(recursive: true);
_resultsFolderUri = null;
Future<void> runStep(IOModularStep step, Module module,
Map<Module, Set<DataId>> visibleData, List<String> flags) async {
// Skip it if we aren't expected to run.
if (!step.shouldExecute(module)) return;
final resultsFolderUri = _resultsFolderUri!;
if (cacheSharedModules && module.isShared) {
// If all expected outputs are already available, skip the step.
bool allCachedResultsFound = true;
for (var dataId in step.resultData) {
var cachedFile = File.fromUri(resultsFolderUri
.resolve(_toFileName(module, dataId, configSpecific: true)));
if (!await cachedFile.exists()) {
allCachedResultsFound = false;
if (allCachedResultsFound) {
// Each step is executed in a separate folder. To make it easier to debug
// issues, we include one of the step data ids in the name of the folder.
var stepId = step.resultData.first;
var stepFolder =
await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('modular_test_$stepId-');
for (var module in visibleData.keys) {
for (var dataId in visibleData[module]!) {
var assetUri = resultsFolderUri
.resolve(_toFileName(module, dataId, configSpecific: true));
var originalFile = File.fromUri(assetUri);
// Some steps don't actually have an output, if they implement
// shouldExecute.
if (!(await originalFile.exists())) continue;
var newPath =
stepFolder.uri.resolve(_toFileName(module, dataId)).toFilePath();
await originalFile.copy(newPath);
if (step.needsSources) {
for (var uri in module.sources) {
var originalUri = module.rootUri.resolveUri(uri);
var copyUri = stepFolder.uri.resolveUri(uri);
await File.fromUri(copyUri).create(recursive: true);
await File.fromUri(originalUri).copy(copyUri.toFilePath());
await step.execute(module, stepFolder.uri,
(Module m, DataId id) => Uri.parse(_toFileName(m, id)), flags);
for (var dataId in step.resultData) {
var outputFile =
File.fromUri(stepFolder.uri.resolve(_toFileName(module, dataId)));
if (!await outputFile.exists()) {
throw StateError(
"Step '${step.runtimeType}' on module '${}' didn't "
"produce an output file");
var newPath = resultsFolderUri
.resolve(_toFileName(module, dataId, configSpecific: true))
await outputFile.copy(newPath);
await stepFolder.delete(recursive: true);
String _toFileName(Module module, DataId dataId,
{bool configSpecific = false}) {
var prefix =
cacheSharedModules && configSpecific && _currentConfiguration != null
? _currentConfiguration
: '';
return "$prefix${}.${}";
String configSpecificResultFileNameForTesting(Module module, DataId dataId) =>
_toFileName(module, dataId, configSpecific: true);