blob: c0c7c75636f55d789623b5be45392b124b92c539 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class A {
const A(a);
const A.named({a});
// basic tests
var l1 = new A([]); // LINT
var l2 = new A(const[]); // OK
// tests for nested lists
var l3 = new A([ // LINT
[]]); // LINT
var l4 = new A([ // LINT
const[]]); // OK
var l5 = new A(const[ //OK
const[]]); // OK
// tests with maps and parenthesis
var l6 = new A({1: // LINT
[]});// LINT
var l7 = new A(const {1: const []});// OK
var l8 = new A((([])));// LINT
var l9 = new A(((const[])));// OK
// test with const inside
var l10 = new A([const A(null)]); // LINT
// test named parameter
var l11 = new A.named(a: []); // LINT
// test with literals
var l12 = new A([1]); // LINT
var l13 = new A([1.0]); // LINT
var l14 = new A(['']); // LINT
var l15 = new A([null]); // LINT
// basic tests
var m1 = new A({}); // LINT
var m2 = new A(const{}); // OK
// tests for nested maps
var m3 = new A({ // LINT
1: {}}); // LINT
var m4 = new A({ // LINT
1: const{}}); // OK
var m5 = new A(const{1: //OK
const{}}); // OK
// tests with lists and parenthesis
var m6 = new A([ // LINT
{}]);// LINT
var m7 = new A(const [const {}]);// OK
var m8 = new A((({})));// LINT
var m9 = new A(((const{})));// OK
// test with const inside
var m10 = new A({1: const A(null)}); // LINT
// test named parameter
var m11 = new A.named(a: {}); // LINT
// test with literals
var m12 = new A({1: 1}); // LINT
var m13 = new A({1: 1.0}); // LINT
var m14 = new A({1: ''}); // LINT
var m15 = new A({1: null}); // LINT
// optional new
class C {}
var m16 = A([C()]); // OK
class B {
const B(b);
var bb = B([1]); //OK