blob: 0cc9dcd9cd73d412da23b14e11e8572bcd38c147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
class C<T> {
static C<X> m<X>() => C<X>();
void constructorTearOffTests<T>() {
final c1 =; // LINT
final c2 = C<int>.new; // LINT
final C<int> Function() c3 =; // LINT
// todo: consider cases --
// final c4 = C<T>.new; // OK
// final C<T> Function() c5 =; // OK
void constructorTearOffStaticTests<T>() {
final c1 = C.m; // LINT
// todo: consider cases --
// final c2 = C.m<int>; // LINT
final C<int> Function() c3 = C.m; // LINT
final c4 = C.m<int>; // LINT
final c5 = C.m<T>; // OK
// final C<T> Function() c5 = C.m; // OK -- not constant
const o1 = const []; // OK
final o2 = []; // OK
final o3 = const []; // LINT
final o4 = ''; // LINT
final o5 = 1; // LINT
final o6 = 1.3; // LINT
final o7 = null; // LINT
final o8 = const {}; // LINT
final o9 = {}; // OK
final o10 = o1; // LINT
// lint on final keyword
final a = null; // LINT
class A {
const A();
static const o1 = const []; // OK
static final o2 = []; // OK
static final o3 = const []; // LINT
static final o4 = ''; // LINT
static final o5 = 1; // LINT
static final o6 = 1.3; // LINT
static final o7 = null; // LINT
static final o8 = const {}; // LINT
static final o9 = {}; // OK
// lint on final keyword
static //
final a = null; // LINT
final i = const []; // OK
int m() => 0;
m() {
const o1 = const []; // OK
final o2 = []; // OK
final o3 = const []; // LINT
final o4 = ''; // LINT
final o5 = 1; // LINT
final o6 = 1.3; // LINT
final o7 = null; // LINT
final o8 = const {}; // LINT
final o9 = {}; // OK
final o10 = new A(); // OK
final o11 = const A(); // LINT
final o12 = A.o1; // LINT
final o13 = A.o2; // OK
final o14 = o11.m(); // OK
// lint on final keyword
final a = null; // LINT
final b, c = 1; // OK
final s = {}; // OK
final Set<int> ids = {}; // OK
final Set<int> ids2 = <int>{}; // OK
final m = <int,int>{}; // OK
final Map<int,int> m2 = {}; // OK
final Map<int,int> m3 = <int,int>{}; // OK
final l = <int>[]; // OK
final List<int> l2 = []; // OK
final List<int> l3 = <int>[]; // OK