blob: c26bea148248741ee461c74ce0b55c66a62ae1fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:js_ast/js_ast.dart';
/// Supports three calling patterns:
/// testExpression(template)
/// testExpression(template, expected)
/// testExpression(template, arguments, expected)
/// `template` is a String, possibly containing `#` placeholders.
/// `arguments` can be a String, but only when `expected` is provided.
Node testExpression(String expression, [optional1, String? optional2]) {
return _test(, expression, optional1, optional2);
/// Supports three calling patterns:
/// testStatement(template)
/// testStatement(template, expected)
/// testStatement(template, arguments, expected)
/// `template` is a String, possibly containing `#` placeholders.
/// `arguments` can be a String, but only when `expected` is provided.
Node testStatement(String expression, [optional1, String? optional2]) {
return _test(js.statement, expression, optional1, optional2);
Node _test(Node Function(String, Object?) parse, String expression, optional1,
String? optional2) {
final String expected;
final Object? arguments; // null, List, or Map.
if (optional2 is String) {
expected = optional2;
arguments = optional1 ?? const [];
} else if (optional1 is String) {
expected = optional1;
arguments = const [];
} else {
expected = expression;
arguments = optional1;
Node node = parse(expression, arguments);
String jsText = prettyPrint(node);
Expect.stringEquals(expected.trim(), jsText.trim());
return node;
String prettyPrint(Node node) {
JavaScriptPrintingOptions options = JavaScriptPrintingOptions(
shouldCompressOutput: false,
minifyLocalVariables: false,
preferSemicolonToNewlineInMinifiedOutput: false);
SimpleJavaScriptPrintingContext context = SimpleJavaScriptPrintingContext();
Printer printer = Printer(options, context);
return context.getText();