blob: 0eb8c2524e773aa2c08afbdfd7ccbf279126088c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart' as api;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/hybrid_file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_target.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/messages.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import '../test/compiler_test_helper.dart';
import 'unreachable_if_finder.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
await simpleFinalCase();
await simpleNonFinalCase();
Future<Component?> compileHelper(Map<Uri, String> data) async {
MemoryFileSystem mfs =
new MemoryFileSystem(new Uri(scheme: "org-dartlang-debug", path: "/"));
for (MapEntry<Uri, String> entry in data.entries) {
HybridFileSystem hfs = new HybridFileSystem(mfs);
BuildResult result = await compile(
inputs: [data.keys.first],
onDiagnostic: (api.DiagnosticMessage message) {
if (message.severity == Severity.error) {
fileSystem: hfs,
return result.component;
Uri testUri = Uri.parse("test://uri.dart");
Future<void> simpleFinalCase() async {
Component? result = await compileHelper({
testUri: r"""
main() {
final bool foo = (1+1==2) ? true : false;
if (foo) {
print("hello #1");
print("${foo ? "" : "!"}foo");
if (foo) {
print("always true");
} else {
print("Always false");
if (!foo) {
print("always false");
} else {
print("hello #2");
print("${foo ? "" : "!"}foo");
if (foo) {
print("always false");
} else {
print("Always true");
if (!foo) {
print("always true");
if (result == null) throw "Got null component";
print("Looking at component with ${result.libraries.length} libraries");
List<Warning> warnings = UnreachableIfFinder.find(result);
for (Warning warning in warnings) {
expect(warnings.length, 6);
expect(warnings[0].toString().contains("$testUri:5:"), true);
expect(warnings[1].toString().contains("$testUri:6:"), true);
expect(warnings[2].toString().contains("$testUri:11:"), true);
expect(warnings[3].toString().contains("$testUri:16:"), true);
expect(warnings[4].toString().contains("$testUri:17:"), true);
expect(warnings[5].toString().contains("$testUri:22:"), true);
Future<void> simpleNonFinalCase() async {
Component? result = await compileHelper({
testUri: r"""
main() {
bool foo = (1+1==2) ? true : false;
if (foo) {
print("hello #1");
print("${foo ? "" : "!"}foo");
if (foo) {
print("always true");
} else {
print("Always false");
if (!foo) {
print("always false");
} else {
print("hello #2");
print("${foo ? "" : "!"}foo");
if (foo) {
print("always false");
} else {
print("Always true");
if (!foo) {
print("always true");
if (result == null) throw "Got null component";
print("Looking at component with ${result.libraries.length} libraries");
List<Warning> warnings = UnreachableIfFinder.find(result);
for (Warning warning in warnings) {
expect(warnings.length, 6);
expect(warnings[0].toString().contains("$testUri:5:"), true);
expect(warnings[1].toString().contains("$testUri:6:"), true);
expect(warnings[2].toString().contains("$testUri:11:"), true);
expect(warnings[3].toString().contains("$testUri:16:"), true);
expect(warnings[4].toString().contains("$testUri:17:"), true);
expect(warnings[5].toString().contains("$testUri:22:"), true);
void expect(Object? actual, Object? expect) {
if (expect != actual) throw "Expected $expect got $actual";