blob: 1dc66cbd49d315713f95105c3f5b784f6ae02a63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:io" show File, Platform, stdout;
import "dart:typed_data" show Uint8List;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/parser.dart'
show IdentifierContext;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart'
show CommentToken, Token;
import "package:front_end/src/fasta/util/parser_ast.dart";
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/util/parser_ast_helper.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
Uri uri = Platform.script;
uri = uri.resolve("../../kernel/lib/ast.dart");
Uint8List bytes = new File.fromUri(uri).readAsBytesSync();
CompilationUnitEnd ast =
getAST(bytes, includeBody: true, includeComments: true);
Map<String, TopLevelDeclarationEnd> classes = {};
for (TopLevelDeclarationEnd cls in ast.getClasses()) {
IdentifierHandle identifier = cls.getIdentifier();
// TODO(srawlins): Look into fixing this code. Right now we get:
// "The argument type 'Token' isn't related to 'String'."
// ignore: collection_methods_unrelated_type
assert(classes[identifier.token] == null);
classes[identifier.token.toString()] = cls;
Set<String?> goodNames = {"TreeNode"};
Map<Token, Replacement> replacements = {};
for (MapEntry<String, TopLevelDeclarationEnd> entry in classes.entries) {
TopLevelDeclarationEnd cls = entry.value;
// Simple "class hierarchy" to only work on TreeNodes.
if (goodNames.contains(entry.key)) {
// Cached good.
} else {
// Check if good.
String? parent = getExtends(cls);
TopLevelDeclarationEnd? parentCls = classes[parent];
List<String?> allParents = [parent];
while (
parent != null && parentCls != null && !goodNames.contains(parent)) {
parent = getExtends(parentCls);
parentCls = classes[parent];
if (goodNames.contains(parent)) {
} else {
ClassDeclarationEnd classDeclaration = cls.getClassDeclaration();
ClassOrMixinOrExtensionBodyEnd classOrMixinBody =
Set<String> namedClassConstructors = {};
Set<String> namedFields = {};
for (MemberEnd member in classOrMixinBody.getMembers()) {
if (member.isClassConstructor()) {
ClassConstructorEnd constructor = member.getClassConstructor();
Token nameToken = constructor.beginToken;
// String name = nameToken.lexeme;
if (!.lexeme == ".") {
nameToken =!.next!;
// name += ".$nameToken";
if (!.lexeme == ".") {
throw "Unexpected";
} else if (member.isClassFields()) {
ClassFieldsEnd classFields = member.getClassFields();
Token identifierToken = classFields.getFieldIdentifiers().single.token;
String identifier = identifierToken.toString();
// If there isn't a `frozen` field in `TreeNode` we insert one.
if (entry.key == "TreeNode" && !namedFields.contains("frozen")) {
Token classBraceToken = classOrMixinBody.beginToken;
assert(classBraceToken.lexeme == "{");
replacements[classBraceToken] = new Replacement(
classBraceToken, classBraceToken, "{\n bool frozen = false;");
for (MemberEnd member in classOrMixinBody.getMembers()) {
if (member.isClassConstructor()) {
member, replacements, namedClassConstructors, namedFields);
} else if (member.isClassFields()) {
processField(member, entry, replacements);
Token? token = ast.getBegin().token;
int endOfLast = token.end;
while (token != null) {
CommentToken? comment = token.precedingComments;
while (comment != null) {
if (comment.offset > endOfLast) {
for (int i = endOfLast; i < comment.offset; i++) {
int byte = bytes[i];
endOfLast = comment.end;
comment = as CommentToken?;
if (token.isEof) break;
if (token.offset > endOfLast) {
for (int i = endOfLast; i < token.offset; i++) {
int byte = bytes[i];
Replacement? replacement = replacements[token];
if (replacement != null) {
token = replacement.endToken;
} else {
endOfLast = token.end;
token =;
void processField(
MemberEnd member,
MapEntry<String, TopLevelDeclarationEnd> entry,
Map<Token, Replacement> replacements) {
ClassFieldsEnd classFields = member.getClassFields();
if (classFields.count != 1) {
throw "Notice ${classFields.count}";
Token identifierToken = classFields.getFieldIdentifiers().single.token;
String identifier = identifierToken.toString();
if (identifier == "frozen" && entry.key == "TreeNode") return;
if (classFields.staticToken != null) {
bool isFinal = false;
if (classFields.varFinalOrConst?.toString() == "final") {
isFinal = true;
TypeHandle? type = classFields.getFirstType();
String typeString = "dynamic";
if (type != null) {
Token token = type.beginToken;
typeString = "";
while (token != identifierToken) {
typeString += " ${token.lexeme}";
token =!;
typeString = typeString.trim();
FieldInitializerEnd? initializer = classFields.getFieldInitializer();
String initializerString = "";
if (initializer != null) {
Token token = initializer.assignment;
Token endToken =!;
while (token != endToken) {
initializerString += " ${token.lexeme}";
token =!;
initializerString = initializerString.trim();
Token beginToken = classFields.beginToken;
Token endToken = classFields.endToken;
String frozenCheckCode =
"""if (frozen) throw "Trying to modify frozen node!";""";
if (identifier == "parent" && entry.key == "TreeNode") {
// We update the parent for libraries for instance all the time (e.g.
// when we link).
frozenCheckCode = "";
} else if (identifier == "transformerFlags" && entry.key == "Member") {
// The verifier changes this for all libraries
// (and then change it back again).
frozenCheckCode = "";
} else if (identifier == "initializer" && entry.key == "Field") {
// The constant evaluator does some stuff here. Only allow that
// when it's basically a no-op though!
frozenCheckCode = """
if (frozen) {
if (_initializer is ConstantExpression && newValue is ConstantExpression) {
if ((_initializer as ConstantExpression).constant == newValue.constant) {
_initializer = newValue;
throw "Trying to modify frozen node!";
if (!isFinal) {
replacements[beginToken] = new Replacement(beginToken, endToken, """
$typeString _$identifier$initializerString;
$typeString get $identifier => _$identifier;
void set $identifier($typeString newValue) {
_$identifier = newValue;
} else {
// Don't create setter for final field.
// TODO: Possibly wrap a list for instance of a non-writable one.
replacements[beginToken] = new Replacement(beginToken, endToken, """
final $typeString _$identifier$initializerString;
$typeString get $identifier => _$identifier;""");
void processConstructor(MemberEnd member, Map<Token, Replacement> replacements,
Set<String> namedClassConstructors, Set<String> namedFields) {
ClassConstructorEnd constructor = member.getClassConstructor();
FormalParametersEnd formalParameters = constructor.getFormalParameters();
List<FormalParameterEnd> parameters = formalParameters.getFormalParameters();
for (FormalParameterEnd parameter in parameters) {
Token token = parameter.getBegin().token;
if (token.lexeme != "this") {
// Here `` can just be replace with `this._foo`.
Token afterDot =!.next!;
replacements[afterDot] = new Replacement(afterDot, afterDot, "_$afterDot");
OptionalFormalParametersEnd? optionalFormalParameters =
Set<String> addInitializers = {};
if (optionalFormalParameters != null) {
List<FormalParameterEnd> parameters =
for (FormalParameterEnd parameter in parameters) {
Token token = parameter.getBegin().token;
if (token.lexeme != "this") {
// Here `` can't just be replace with `this._foo` as it is
// (possibly) named and we can't use private stuff in named.
// Instead we replace it with `dynamic foo` here and add an
// initializer `this._foo = foo`.
Token afterDot =!.next!;
replacements[token] = new Replacement(token,!, "dynamic ");
InitializersEnd? initializers = constructor.getInitializers();
// First patch up any existing initializers.
if (initializers != null) {
List<InitializerEnd> actualInitializers = initializers.getInitializers();
for (InitializerEnd initializer in actualInitializers) {
Token token = initializer.getBegin().token;
// This is only afterDot if there's a dot --- which (probably) is
// only there if there's a `this`.
Token afterDot =!.next!;
// We need to check it's not a redirecting call!
// TODO(jensj): Handle redirects like this:
// class C {
// C();
// C.redirect() : this();
// }
if (token.lexeme == "this" &&
namedClassConstructors.contains(afterDot.lexeme)) {
// Redirect!
if (token.lexeme == "this") {
// Here `` can just be replace with `this._foo`.
replacements[afterDot] =
new Replacement(afterDot, afterDot, "_$afterDot");
} else if (token.lexeme == "super") {
// Don't try to patch this one.
} else if (token.lexeme == "assert") {
List<IdentifierHandle> identifiers =
for (Token token in => e.token)) {
if (namedFields.contains(token.lexeme)) {
replacements[token] = new Replacement(token, token, "_$token");
} else {
"${token.lexeme} isn't a known field among ${namedFields}");
replacements[token] = new Replacement(token, token, "_$token");
// Then add any new ones.
if (addInitializers.isNotEmpty && initializers == null) {
// No initializers => Fake one by inserting `:` and all `_foo = foo`
// entries.
Token endToken = formalParameters.endToken;
String initializerString = => "this._$e = $e").join(",\n");
replacements[endToken] =
new Replacement(endToken, endToken, ") : $initializerString");
} else if (addInitializers.isNotEmpty) {
// Add to existing initializer list. We add them as the first one(s)
// so we don't have to insert before the potential super call.
InitializersBegin firstOne = initializers!.getBegin();
Token colon = firstOne.token;
assert(colon.lexeme == ":");
String initializerString = => "this._$e = $e").join(", ");
replacements[colon] =
new Replacement(colon, colon, ": $initializerString,");
// If there are anything in addInitializers we need to patch
// up the body too -- if we replace `{}` with `{dynamic foo}`
// and the body says `foo = 42;` before that would change the field,
// now it will change the parameter value. We must patch up all usages
// - even reads to work on things like
// class C {
// int field1;
// int field2;
// C(this.field1) : field2 = field1 + 1;
// }
if (addInitializers.isNotEmpty) {
BlockFunctionBodyEnd? blockFunctionBody =
if (blockFunctionBody != null) {
List<IdentifierHandle> identifiers =
for (IdentifierHandle identifier in identifiers) {
Token token = identifier.token;
IdentifierContext context = identifier.context;
if (namedFields.contains(token.lexeme) &&
addInitializers.contains(token.lexeme)) {
// For now naively assume that if it's a continuation it says
// `this.`
if (!context.isContinuation) {
replacements[token] = new Replacement(token, token, "_$token");
class Replacement {
final Token beginToken;
final Token endToken;
final String replacement;
Replacement(this.beginToken, this.endToken, this.replacement);
String? getExtends(TopLevelDeclarationEnd cls) {
ClassDeclarationEnd classDeclaration = cls.getClassDeclaration();
ClassExtendsHandle classExtends = classDeclaration.getClassExtends();
Token? extendsKeyword = classExtends.extendsKeyword;
if (extendsKeyword == null) {
return null;
} else {
void debugDumpNode(ParserAstNode node) {
node.children!.forEach((element) {
print("${element.what} (${element.deprecatedArguments}) "
void debugDumpNodeRecursively(ParserAstNode node, {String indent = ""}) {
print("$indent${node.what} (${node.deprecatedArguments})");
if (node.children == null) return;
node.children!.forEach((element) {
print("$indent${element.what} (${element.deprecatedArguments})");
if (element.children != null) {
element.children!.forEach((element) {
debugDumpNodeRecursively(element, indent: " $indent");