blob: 0caf056a0ddad477945ffff543e2cc06139e1969 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class A {
double? foo1;
String? foo2;
int foo3 = 0;
void operator []=(bool key, String? value) {}
String? operator [](bool key) => "";
class B extends A {
test() {
// IfNullSuperIndexSet
super[false] ??= ""; // forEffect=true
var x = super[false] ??= ""; // forEffect=false
extension E on dynamic {
void operator []=(String key, int? value) {}
int? operator [](String key) => 0;
main() {
// NullAwareIfNullSet
A a = new A();
a?.foo1 ??= 42; // forEffect=true
var x = a?.foo1 ??= 42; // forEffect=false
// IfNullIndexSet
final Map<String, Map<String, String>> nestedMap =
<String, Map<String, String>>{};
nestedMap?['hello'] ??= <String, String>{}; // forEffect=true
var x = nestedMap?['hello'] ??= <String, String>{}; // forEffect=false
// IfNullExtensionIndexSet
E(false)['hello'] ??= 1; // forEffect=true
var x = E(false)['hello'] ??= 1; // forEffect=false
// IfNullPropertySet
A a = new A();
a.foo2 ??= ""; // forEffect=true
var x = a.foo2 ??= ""; // forEffect=false
// IfNullSet
bool? b1;
bool? b2;
b1 ??= false; // forEffect=true
var x = b2 ??= false; // forEffect=false
// NullAwareCompoundSet
A? a = new A();
a?.foo3 += 1;