blob: c1f0b734c5e5ce3cec02243b1aa2e74f2ad69486 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
void main() { foo<Object>(false, D(), D()); }
void foo<X>(bool not, X b, X c) {
if (b is! B) return;
// Promoted to X&B. Proof:
X v1 = b;
B v2 = b;
if (c is! C) return;
// Promoted to X&C
X v1 = c;
C v2 = c;
var bc = not ? b : c;
// BY THE RULES, UP(X&B, X&C) which is X.
// THE RULES are:
// UP(X1 & B1, T2) =
// * T2 if X1 <: T2
// * otherwise X1 if T2 <: X1
// * otherwise UP(B1a, T2) where B1a is the greatest closure of B1 with respect to
// X1, as defined in
// Here X1 is X, B1 is B, T2 is (X & C)
// * X <: X&C - not true,
// * X&C <: X - true!, so result is X.
// So declared and static type of bc is `X`, with no further promotion.
X v1 = bc; // bc assignable to X.
// B v2 = bc; // Error in front-end
// C v3 = bc; // Error in front-end
if (not) {
bc = 0 as X; // X assignable to bc.
throw "never got here, never go back"; // Don't flow demotion back.
}<E<X>>; // Requires (reified as type argument) static type of `v` to be exactly X.
// Diamond hierarchy
class A {}
class B implements A {}
class C implements A {}
class D implements B, C {}
// Static type-checking helper.
typedef E<T> = T Function(T);
extension St<T> on T {
void st<T2 extends E<T>>(){}
// Non-extension based static type checker.
// (In case we thought it was just extensions being wrong.)
class Rt<T> {
Rt(T t);
void rt<T2 extends E<T>>() {}