blob: 66920e71f2d4a7037a185a934cebf52fed1fa474 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show TargetFlags;
import 'package:vm/modular/target/vm.dart' show VmTarget;
import 'macro_target.dart';
MacroConfiguration computeMacroConfiguration({Uri? targetSdkSummary}) {
// Force the SDK summary to "vm_platform_strong.dill".
// TODO(54404): make this sufficiently correct for all use cases.
return new MacroConfiguration(
target: new VmTarget(
new TargetFlags(soundNullSafety: true, supportMirrors: false)),
sdkSummary: _findSdkSummary(targetSdkSummary: targetSdkSummary));
Uri _findSdkSummary({Uri? targetSdkSummary}) {
if (targetSdkSummary?.path == 'virtual_platform_kernel.dill') {
return targetSdkSummary!;
// This makes it work in the incremental test suite.
if (targetSdkSummary?.path == '/vm_platform_strong.dill') {
return targetSdkSummary!;
// If the currently-running tool is in a Dart SDK folder, use the platform
// dill from there. Failing that, try searching from the target dill.
List<Directory> searchDirectories = [
new File(Platform.resolvedExecutable).parent,
if (targetSdkSummary != null && targetSdkSummary.isScheme("file"))
new File.fromUri(targetSdkSummary).parent,
for (Directory searchDirectory in searchDirectories) {
Directory? sdkDirectory = _findSdkDirectoryAbove(searchDirectory);
if (sdkDirectory != null) {
File? maybeResult = _findPlatformDillUnder(sdkDirectory);
if (maybeResult != null) return maybeResult.uri;
// Maybe there's no Dart SDK folder at all, but some build system has put the
// dill we need next to the target dill.
if (targetSdkSummary != null) {
File maybeResult =
new File.fromUri(targetSdkSummary.resolve('./vm_platform_strong.dill'));
if (maybeResult.existsSync()) return maybeResult.uri;
throw new StateError('Unable to find platform dill to build macros.');
// Looks for a directory `dart-sdk` in or above [directory].
Directory? _findSdkDirectoryAbove(Directory directory) {
while (directory.parent.path != directory.path) {
final Directory sdkDirectory =
new Directory.fromUri(directory.uri.resolve('./dart-sdk'));
if (sdkDirectory.existsSync()) return sdkDirectory;
directory = directory.parent;
return null;
// Returns the `vm_platform_strong.dill` file under [sdkDirectory] if it
// exists, or `null` if not.
File? _findPlatformDillUnder(Directory sdkDirectory) {
File maybeResult = new File.fromUri(
return maybeResult.existsSync() ? maybeResult : null;