blob: fb215939df96469759fc10b371c4bdead9862af6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dtd/dtd.dart';
import 'package:dtd/src/unified_analytics_service.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
late ToolingDaemonTestProcess toolingDaemonProcess;
late DartToolingDaemon client;
// Use an arbitrary [DashTool] for testing.
const tool = DashTool.devtools;
group(kUnifiedAnalyticsServiceName, () {
setUp(() async {
toolingDaemonProcess = ToolingDaemonTestProcess(unrestricted: false);
await toolingDaemonProcess.start();
client = await DartToolingDaemon.connect(toolingDaemonProcess.uri);
tearDown(() async {
test('getConsentMessage', () async {
final response = await client.analyticsGetConsentMessage(tool);
expect(response.value, isNotNull);
expect(response.value, contains('Google Analytics'));
contains('Privacy Policy ('),
test('clientShowedMessage', () async {
// Verify this can be called without error.
final response = await client.analyticsClientShowedMessage(tool);
expect(response.value, isNull);
test('shouldShowMessage', () async {
var response = await client.analyticsShouldShowConsentMessage(tool);
// Since `clientShowedMessage` has already been called on the
// FakeAnalytics instance when we create it in package:dtd_impl, this will
// return false.
expect(response.value, false);
test('telemetryEnabled & setTelemetry', () async {
await client.analyticsSetTelemetry(tool, enabled: false);
var response = await client.analyticsTelemetryEnabled(tool);
expect(response.value, false);
await client.analyticsSetTelemetry(tool, enabled: true);
response = await client.analyticsTelemetryEnabled(tool);
expect(response.value, true);
// Set telemetry back to false.
await client.analyticsSetTelemetry(tool, enabled: false);
test('send', () async {
var eventsResponse = await client.listFakeAnalyticsSentEvents(tool);
expect(eventsResponse.value, isList);
expect(eventsResponse.value, isEmpty);
final testEvent = Event.hotReloadTime(timeMs: 10);
final response = await client.analyticsSend(tool, testEvent);
expect(response.value, null);
eventsResponse = await client.listFakeAnalyticsSentEvents(tool);
expect(eventsResponse.value, isList);
expect(eventsResponse.value, isNotEmpty);
final firstEvent = Event.fromJson(eventsResponse.value!.first);
expect(firstEvent, testEvent);
extension on DartToolingDaemon {
Future<StringListResponse> listFakeAnalyticsSentEvents(DashTool tool) async {
final result = await call(
params: {'tool':},
return StringListResponse.fromDTDResponse(result);