blob: c953cdc0776e1c4a2bee5338665222f69ffbf507 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cli_config/cli_config.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'bisection_config.dart';
import 'run_process.dart';
Future<void> runMain(List<String> args) async {
if (args.contains('--help')) {
final config = BisectionConfig.fromConfig(
await Config.fromArguments(arguments: args),
await runBisection(config);
Future<void> runBisection(BisectionConfig config) async {
final name =;
final startHash = config.start;
final endHash = config.end;
final testCommands = config.testCommands;
final failurePattern = config.failurePattern;
final sdkCheckout = config.sdkPath;
final logsDir =
await Directory.fromUri(logsDir).create(recursive: true);
final logFileUri = logsDir.resolve('full.txt');
final logFile = File.fromUri(logFileUri);
if (await logFile.exists()) {
await logFile.delete();
final logger = _mainLogger('', logFileUri);'Writing detailed log to ${logFileUri.toFilePath()}.');
logger.config('Bisection configuration: $config.');
final ancestorHash =
await _ascestorCommitHash(startHash, endHash, sdkCheckout, logger);
final descendantHash = ancestorHash == startHash ? endHash : startHash;
final hashBeforeRange =
await _parentCommitHash(ancestorHash, sdkCheckout, logger);'Commit range $hashBeforeRange...$descendantHash.');
await _ensureSdkRepo(sdkCheckout, logger);'Ensuring failure reproduces on $descendantHash.');
final shouldFail = await _checkCommit(
descendantHash, testCommands, failurePattern, sdkCheckout, logger);
if (!shouldFail) {
throw Exception('$descendantHash failed to reproduce the error.');
}'Ensuring failure does not reproduce on $hashBeforeRange.');
final shouldSucceed = await _checkCommit(
hashBeforeRange, testCommands, failurePattern, sdkCheckout, logger);
if (shouldSucceed) {
throw Exception('$ancestorHash failed to reproduced the error.');
final commitHashes = await _commitHashesInRange(
ancestorHash, descendantHash, sdkCheckout, logger);
final regressionCommit = await _bisect(
commitHashes, testCommands, failurePattern, sdkCheckout, logger);'Bisected to $regressionCommit.');
Future<String> _bisect(
List<String> commitHashes,
List<String> testCommands,
Pattern failurePattern,
Uri sdkCheckout,
Logger logger,
) async {
if (commitHashes.length == 1) {
return commitHashes.single;
final numCommits = commitHashes.length;
final pivotIndex = numCommits ~/ 2;
final pivot = commitHashes[pivotIndex];
final parentHashBeforeLast =
await _parentCommitHash(commitHashes.last, sdkCheckout, logger);
'Bisecting $parentHashBeforeLast...${commitHashes.first} '
'($numCommits commits). Trying $pivot.',
final commitResult = await _checkCommit(
List<String> remainingCommits;
if (commitResult) {
// Reproduces on pivot, so it must be in the older half of commits.
remainingCommits = commitHashes.skip(pivotIndex).toList();
} else {
remainingCommits = commitHashes.take(pivotIndex).toList();
return await _bisect(
remainingCommits, testCommands, failurePattern, sdkCheckout, logger);
/// Returns true if the commit has the [failurePattern].
Future<bool> _checkCommit(String hash, List<String> testCommands,
Pattern failurePattern, Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) async {
logger.config('Testing $hash.');
await _gitCheckout(hash, sdkCheckout, logger);
await _gclientSync(sdkCheckout, logger);
final testOutput = await _runTest(testCommands, sdkCheckout, logger);
final matches = failurePattern.allMatches(testOutput).toList();
final foundFailure = matches.isNotEmpty;
if (foundFailure) {'Commit $hash, reproduces failure.');
} else {'Commit $hash, does not reproduce failure.');
return foundFailure;
Future<void> _ensureSdkRepo(Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) async {'Ensuring SDK repo in ${sdkCheckout.toFilePath()}.');
final workDir = Directory.fromUri(sdkCheckout).parent;
if (!await workDir.exists()) {
await workDir.create(recursive: true);
await runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('fetch'),
arguments: ['dart'],
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: workDir.uri,
} else {
await runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('git'),
arguments: ['stash', '--include-untracked'],
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
await runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('git'),
arguments: ['fetch'],
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
Future<void> _gitCheckout(String hash, Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) {
return runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('git'),
arguments: ['checkout', hash],
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
Future<void> _gclientSync(Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) {
return runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('gclient'),
arguments: ['sync', '-D'],
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
Future<String> _runTest(
List<String> testCommands, Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) async {
var output = '';
for (final command in testCommands) {
final commandSplit = command.split(' ');
final result = await runProcess(
executable: Uri.file(commandSplit.first),
arguments: commandSplit.sublist(1),
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
captureOutput: true,
output += result.stdout;
output += result.stderr;
return output;
/// Ordered from now to old.
/// Inclusive.
Future<List<String>> _commitHashesInRange(String ancestorHash,
String descendantHash, Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) async {
final result = await runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('git'),
arguments: [
captureOutput: true,
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
return result.stdout.trim().replaceAll('"', '').split('\n');
Future<bool> _isAncestorOf(String commitAncestor, String commitDescendant,
Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) async {
final result = await runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('git'),
arguments: [
captureOutput: true,
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
return result.exitCode == 0;
Future<String> _ascestorCommitHash(
String commit1, String commit2, Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) async {
if (await _isAncestorOf(commit1, commit2, sdkCheckout, logger)) {
return commit1;
if (await _isAncestorOf(commit2, commit1, sdkCheckout, logger)) {
return commit2;
throw Exception(
'Commits $commit1 and $commit2 are not ancestors of each other.');
Future<String> _parentCommitHash(
String commitHash, Uri sdkCheckout, Logger logger) async {
final result = await runProcess(
executable: Uri.file('git'),
arguments: [
captureOutput: true,
logger: logger,
workingDirectory: sdkCheckout,
return result.stdout.trim().replaceAll('"', '');
Logger _mainLogger(String name, Uri filePath) {
final file = File.fromUri(filePath);
return Logger('')
..level = Level.ALL
..onRecord.listen((record) {
if (record.level >= Level.INFO) {
mode: FileMode.append,